Bubble Bobble

The Hyung Line

Dongwoo was anxious. The other members could tell by the way he was bouncing around the dorm, fretting over his hair and his clothes. He had changed his outfit three times in the last hour and no one could get him to sit still. Hoya had attempted to get him to watch a movie but Dongwoo only watched 5 minutes of it before mumbling something about his hair and dashing into the bathroom. In fact, everyone had tried some way to get him to stop moving, to tame the dinosaur.

“I wish Gyu hyung was here.” Sungjong sobbed into L’s shoulder. “He would be able to get him to stop.”

Woohyun chuckled. “Gyu hyung is the reason that Dongwoo is going crazy Jongie.” Hoya nodded in agreement. The maknae sat up and stared at them curiously.

“What do you mean? How is this hyung’s fault?” There was a loud crashing sound from Dongwoo’s room and what sounded like a squeak.

“Sunggyu hyung is coming home early from his schedule and taking Dongwoo on a date since they haven’t been able to see each other much outside of our schedules.” Woohyun stood up smiling at Sungjong. “And we are supposed to cover for them while they are out. The manager hyungs can’t know about it.”

“GUYS GUYS!” Dongwoo burst out his room with a shout. The group turned and stared at him, missing the sound of the front door opening. “Do I look okay?” He was wearing dark jeans, a graphic tee with a black jacket. He had a red and black checkered bandana tied around his neck and his blonde hair was styled messily. He did a quick spin for the rest of the group. “Well?”

“You look amazing, Woo.” The group jerked their heads toward the door. Kim Sunggyu was standing leaning against the door, hands buried in his pockets. Dongwoo suddenly found something very interesting on the floor and the other boys snickered at him. “Are you ready to go? We only have a few minutes before manager hyung gets back.” Dongwoo violently nodded his head and rushed to put his shoes on. Sunggyu grabbed his hands and smiled back at the group. “Thanks for covering for us guys. See you later.”

The couple left the dorm and started walking toward the street. Sunggyu quickly hailed a cab and they both got in. Dongwoo missed where they were going as Sunggyu had been very quick in telling the driver. The two sat silently holding hands in the backseat. Dongwoo looked at Sunggyu and thanked whatever god there was for sending his boyfriend to him styled the way he was. His bright red hair was wavy and messy, and made Dongwoo want to run his fingers through it, and he still had his eyeliner on from his performance.

Sunggyu looked at him with a curious smirk. Dongwoo felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “Why are you being so quiet Dongwoo? Are you not happy to see me?” He smiled and Dongwoo felt light headed.

“No-no-no I am happy to see you. I just didn’t know what to say. You know I-” The cab pulled over and the driver announced that they had reached their location. Sunggyu smiled and paid the man dragging his somewhat confused dinosaur out of the cab. He could feel Dongwoo staring at him then looking back at the building in front of them. Loud music played and bright lights flashed in every direction. “An arcade, Gyu?”

Sunggyu laughed at his question. “Yeah, I figured we could do something fun today. Besides you don’t really seem to like just dinner dates. Remember?” Dongwoo giggled at the memory of their first official date. It had ended in disaster and both of them being banned from a restaurant. “So, is this okay? Or should we do something else?”

“It’s perfect. Let’s go play some games. I am totally going to kick your hamster .” Dongwoo practically dragged Sunggyu into the arcade. The older of the two quickly paid for their game cards and they proceeded to rush around the arcade playing as many games as they could. Dongwoo was true to his word and beat his hamster in every game they played. As they searched for one last game to play, Sunggyu spotted a small stand up game against the wall. No one was playing it and he decided that would be their last game of the night.

“Let’s play this one, Woo.” He dragged the dazed dinosaur over to it. The marquee above the game read ‘Bubble Bobble’ and there were two dinosaurs, one blue and one green, on it. “Look you are in the game!” He laughed at his own joke and Dongwoo puffed out his cheeks before laughing as well. They swiped their cards and began to play. The bubbly music made both them happy and kind of dance. The characters on the screen were jumping and blowing bubbles at the odd little enemies on the screen. Sunggyu and Dongwoo were having fun at first then it started to get extremely heated between the two of them.

“Don’t steal all of the points Dongwoo, I wanted that freaking piece of cake.” Sunggyu bumped his boyfriend in the hip.

“Well, don’t steal all the freaking letters for the extend bonus. I want some too.” Dongwoo bumped him back sharply. They continued to poke jabs and bump hips with each other. Dongwoo decided it was time take desperate measures. As Sunggyu was focusing on the game, he leaned over and grabbed Sunggyu’s ear lobe between his teeth and nibbled on it. Sunggyu squeaked and turned to stare at Dongwoo who was currently kicking his point wise.

“You freaking cheater. That is not fair.” Dongwoo stuck his tongue out in response and kept playing the game. Sunggyu’s character died and he was left pouting while Dongwoo kept playing. Soon after Dongwoo’s dinosaur was dead and the couple decided to leave the arcade. It was getting late and they needed to head back to the dorm. Dongwoo was dancing a little victory dance and Sunggyu could not help but smile at him. He yanked Dongwoo back against his chest and wrapped his arms around his waist.

“Did you have fun babe?” He nuzzled his face into Dongwoo’s neck. His dino chuckled lively and nodded. “I’m glad. It’s time to go home. Let me go call a cab so we can head back.”

“Can we just walk back? I want to spend more time with you.” Dongwoo twisted out of the hug and grabbed Sunggyu’s hand pulling the baffled hamster behind him.

“But it is snowing, Woo. You will get a cold. You didn’t put a coat before we left.” He really didn’t want to walk and would rather have the dino snuggled up to his side in a warm car.

“Please. Just this time. Next time we will take a cab home.” Dongwoo pleaded. Sunggyu sighed and began walking with him. The couple walked in silence as the snow fell silently around them. As the dorm came into view Dongwoo felt panic start to set in. He didn’t want the date to end. They had no idea when the next time they would be able to sneak out would be. Everything had a bittersweet feeling and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. “Gyu…” The tears started to fall as he yanked Sunggyu back and leaned against a building.

Sunggyu looked at his beautiful boyfriend and was dismayed to see tears falling down his cheeks. “Babe? Why are you crying?” He put his hands on Dongwoo’s cheeks and started to wipe the tears that were falling away. “Come on. Stop crying and tell me what’s wrong Woo.”

Dongwoo hiccuped and looked at Sunggyu’s worried face and choked back a sob. “I’m just sad because our date is ending and I don’t know when we will be able to do this again. And I-I-I missed you so much.”

Sunggyu sighed and wiped the rest of the tears away from his dinosaur’s face. “I know Dongwoo. I am sad too. But did you have fun?” Dongwoo nodded as he continued to choke back sobs. “So did I. We will definitely try to do something again soon okay?” Dongwoo nodded again. “I love you, Jang Dongwoo. Don’t you ever forget that okay?”

“I love you too, Sunggyu.” Dongwoo smiled up at his boyfriend. Sunggyu leaned down and pressed their lips together in a soft but passionate kiss. He pushed Dongwoo against the wall and the two of them stayed like that for almost one hour, kissing and sharing soft words. The snow falling silently around them.

“Let’s go home Dongwoo. We can make some tea and watch a movie before going to bed okay?” Dongwoo smiled brightly and kissed Sunggyu.

“Okay. Let’s go home, Gyu.”

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