It's Your Fault!

Babysitting Super Junior

A/N Hey guyyss.. So I decided to write in POV’s since I can’t write in narrative so please excuse the different type of writing in the Prologue and Chapter One
~Sang Hyuk’s POV~
Sang Hyuk walked towards the bed and set his suitcases behind it.
Wow. Time flies when you’re not looking…at least I think that’s what the saying is. Leeteuk hyung looks more mature…but maybe he isn’t really. I laughed to myself. I remember when Leeteuk hyung was goofing around and fell off the chair. Oh hyung. Then there’s Sungmin hyung. Eh, he’s exactly the same. All cute and cuddly and doesn’t act his age.
I lay down on Kangin’s bed and sighed. Can’t believe that I’m going to be living with Super Junior for a few months. Glad they don’t know or anything or there’d be a huge scandal and all. This will be pretty interesting at least.
Siwon’s face kept coming back to me. The looks on his face; anger, betrayed and pissed.
“Siwon hyung. Why can’t let go of the past and just move forward. Like I did? It’s been 6 years.” A tear rolled down my cheek. I covered me eyes with the back of my arm.
Slowly I fell asleep and soon enough someone shook me.
“Sang. Sang. Sang. Sang,” someone whispered.
“Erm. Five more minutes samchon.”
I heard laughter. “Ne, it’s Donghae. Wake up dongsaeng. Time for dinner.” I opened one eye and saw Donghae right in front of me.
“Yah!” I screamed and fell off the bed on the other side.
Donghae was cracking up. “Yah! Don’t laugh at me oppa.”
“Oppa?” Donghae raised an eyebrow.
“Ne, I meant hyung.” I picked up the pillow and started hitting him over and over.
“Stop! Someone help me! Crazy manager on the loose!” he yelled. I started laughing when he tried to hide under Leeteuk’s bed. Sighing, I turned and went back to my bed.
“Are you done?” Donghae asked.
“Ye hyung.” He stuck his tongue at me and Sang rolled my eyes.
“What time is it?” He checked his phone, 9:13. Wow, 15 minutes went by faster than I thought. It felt like forever!
“Sang, were you crying?”
“N-ne hyung.” I rubbed my eyes pretending it was from sleep.
“Well dinner’s ready if you’re hungry.” Donghae walked to the door.
“Okay hyung, you guys can start eating while I take a shower real quick.”
“’Kay, but just don’t fall back asleep.” Donghae smirked as he ran out right before I threw a pillow at him.
~Siwon’s POV~
“Kamsamnida oppa.” The interviewer said for the hundredth time. She smiled with her big, white teeth.
I just pulled onto the road when my phone rang. Ryeowook must want me to buy something for him.
“”Hyung! Can you go buy some milk? We’re running low and our schedules start tomorrow!”
“Why are you yelling?”
“Sungmin and Sang are wrestling over the remote-“
“Okay got it. I’ll be home soon.”
“Kamsamnida hyung!” Aish... these kids really.
I pulled into the nearest supermarket. But then I forgot to put on sunglasses or some hoodie to hide my face. So naturally I was being followed with cameras and being asked for autographs. What should have been a five minute errand turned into half an hour.
~SM Dorms~
Just as I walked into the hallway a remote went sailing through the air, nearly hitting my head.
"Yah! What are you guys, two year olds?"
"Mianhe hyung." Sungmin apologized.
"Mm." I went to the kitchen and placed the two cartons of milk in.
"Kamsamnida hyung." Ryeowook said as I passed him
I walked to my room and quickly changed into shorts and a wife beater. Sighing, I laid down on my bed. Shindong hyung was on his laptop.
"Are you alright Siwon?" He asked.
"Ye hyung. Just thinking about some things."
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Well," I sat up. "Sang Hyuk and I were best friends years ago when we were younger. But...something happened and I just can't forgive him."
"Well..." Shindong scrunched his nose in thought. "I think that no matter how painful the past was, you need to overcome you're differences and move on."
"Mm...maybe you're right hyung. But I’m afraid of what might happen. Like we might argue again. He might even try to hit me like last time."
"Last I remember you were the one that started it. And don't give me that look." He glared back at me
"You know full well that you are older and should be a role model for your dongsaeng." Shindong stood up. "You and he will have some time to talk and maybe you guys could make up." He shrugged.
Aish...he isn't is he?
Moments later Sang Hyuk was standing in our room.
"Shindong hyung told me to come here. Why?"
I took a deep breath. "I just want to talk out about us."
He scoffed. "Then talk."
"I think it's best if we start to talk things out without yelling at each other."
"Just what I was thinking."
I clenched my teeth but looked at him. "Why? Why did you leave back then?"
"It wasn't like I had a choice you know."
"We all have a choice. Especially back then."
He muttered something.
"Wae? What are you muttering about? Why can't you just talk to me?"
"Because every time I say something, you'd contradict me. You always think you're all knowing and that your religious beliefs can save me. Think again hyung." He tried to leave but I held on tight.
"Maybe because I know how you should live and how you shouldn't be running away. You can't escape you're past! No one can and you need to start learning that!"
"Shut up." He clenched his teeth. He started to leave. But I grabbed his arm.
"You need to start taking responsibility for your actions! Why couldn't you have stayed and helped her? She needed you the most that day and you left!"
"Shut up! You think you know everything don't you? You think you're all that and the whole world revolves around you? Think again Siwon! Open your eyes and try to think outside the situation! I didn't have a choice so I ran away. Yes it's not a good one but at least I'm still holding on." He fired back.
"We all have a choice and you chose yours.”
“This isn’t one of your dramas Siwon! This is reality. And why can’t you move on? Why are you holding onto the past?”
“Because of you Yeon died!” I exploded.
Suddenly silence filled the room. A wave of sadness hit me as I remembered that painful day.
“Yes. That’s what everyone says isn’t it? I’m a killer. A murderer. An outcast. But that’s what they said.” Sang Hyuk looked at me. “What do you think hyung? Do you think I was capable of killing my one and only friend?” Just hold in the tears, I repeated in my head.
“I can’t escape the past, but I can move on like anyone else. I’m still human. Not a serial killer like they said.” Sang stood at the door with his hand on the knob.
“They’ll find out Hyo. And when they do you have some explaining to do. You can’t hide anything in this house, especially around ten guys.”
“We’ll see when it might happen.” He walked out and closed the door softly.
Sighing i rubbed my eyes.'re making a big mistake.

_Next Day_
~Sang's POV~
I lightly pressed the snooze button before Leeteuk hyung woke up. I glanced at his bed but he was still asleep.
Groaning, i got up slowly and managed to take a shower. As quietly as I could, i walked out of the room and went to the kitchen.
I had about 40 minutes before the guys woke up.
While I was setting up the table i heard footsteps.
"Morning Sang." Ryeowook yawned as he walked in.
"Morning hyung."
"Here, go check on the eggs. I'll set the table." He took the plates and forks and I ran to to the oven. Luckily they weren't burnt much.
It was almost 8 and everyone slowly walked out.
We said our good mornings but Siwon and I glared at each other.
"So I hope you guys will enjoy the food." Everyone thanked me and i smiled. "So today...wait where's Kyuhyun?" Everyone murmured they didn't know.
"He was up all night playing some stupid game." Heechul said.
"Be right back."
"It's no use! No use trying to get him."
"Mm. There's always a first."
I knocked first but when he didn't answer I peeked in.
He grunted in response. "How long have you been playing?"
"Uhh..nine hours?"
"Hyung. I think that too much of that makes you..." He didn't even look at me or seem to be paying attention.
"Five seconds and I turn all the power off." He didn't glance at me." Five. Four. Three." My hand slowly reached his computer.
"Yah! Wait. I'm done!" His eyes widened in shock. I laughed and pat his back.
"Hurry and clean up. Breakfast is ready and I need to tell you guys the schedule for the day."
"Ye dongsaeng." I stuck my tongue at him.

"So, Sungmin and Ryeowook has the Radio Star broadcast in half an hour so you guys should get ready." They nodded and got up.
"Leeteuk,Siwon,Heechul and Shindong you guys have a photo shoot for the goodbye stage of Mr.Simple."
"Oh and Kyuhyun,Ryeowook,Yesung,Donghae,Eunhyuk and Sungmin; you guys have a recording for Sorry,Sorry Answer, Storm and What If at 10. You hear that guys?!" I yelled.
"Lesse...i guess that's it. You guys don't have anything else afterwards so yeah. Umm... Are you okay Kyuhyun?" Kyuhyun was stabbing his eggs.
"Ye hyung."
"Okay! Well everyone should go get ready. Hyung, come on."
Heechul helped me kind of carry him back to the bedroom.
"I think he needs to stay home." Kyuhyun must be lacking sleep because of all the game playing. He look pretty worn out I took out my phone. I looked through all the contacts and found the Recording Studio's number.
"Go get ready hyung." Heechul nodded.
"Yoboseyo. This is Super Junior's temporary manager. Kyuhyun can't come today since he seems to have a headache. Is it okay if he can come....Wednesday?"
"Ye. It's alright. Tell him to get better soon because that's the latest we can have him."
"Kamsamnida." We hung up.
"Sang. I have a headache." Kyuhyun muttered.
"I wonder why hyung." He smirked.
"I'll be right back." I walked to the bathroom and searched for some medicine.
"Here." Leeteuk hyung reached above when he saw me struggling to reach it.
"Shortie." He smiled and ruffled my hair.
"Kamsamnida hyung!" I ran to get some water and quietly went to Kyuhyun.
"Here hyung. Have some medicine for your head. You need to rest today. No games or anything."
"Kamsamnida." He lay back down. I placed the blanket over him and closed the curtains slightly.
"We're leaving Sang! We'll be backs soon." Leeteuk said.
"Okay hyung. Have fun and try not to over work yourselves."
They smiled and left.
Sighing i plumped myself on the couch. So tiring to babysit these guys. And it's still morning.

So how was you guys :3 comment and likes
It may be confusing at first with Siwon and Sang so don't worri. It'll all be explained much later.

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2030 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2030 streak #2
Chapter 16: Um, I'm slightly confused but the chapters were written nicely. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2030 streak #3
Chapter 11: Hello there :) A new reader here... I liked the story so far. I can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon...
ch3nya #4
Chapter 8: You updated! Made my day :)
ch3nya #5
Chapter 7: I love this story :P its not like the usual story with suju i like it C: can't wait for your update