Who's our Manager Now?

Babysitting Super Junior

At the SM Dorms, the Prince Manager Jung Hoon had something important for Super Junior to hear. His assistant was accompanying him. As he walked towards Super Junior's door, he felt sad about his announcement for the boys. He drew in a breath and unlocked the door.

As soon as he walked in, he was taken aback by all the members sitting in the living room just waiting for him.

"Annyeong." They stood up and bowed slightly. Jung Hoon bowed back.

"Now. You all may be wondering about why I asked you all to be here." A few heads nodded.

"Well I have a slight kidney infection. I'm alright i assure you." He raised his hand up to stop all the gasps.

"I'll be out for a few months which means I can't be your manager for awhile."

"Who will our manager be then hyung?" Sungmin asked.

"Oh,well that'll be a surprise." Leeteuk pulled Jung Hoon aside after asking for some privacy. They walked to the kitchen.

"Is it serious hyung? Serious enough for you to leave for months?"

"Well-" Leeteuk raised an eyebrow.

Jung Hoon sighed and explained that it was a minor infection but the doctors wanted to run some tests and make sure it can't come back. The leader was skeptical but nodded.

Meanwhile, the other members were trying to guess who their manager will be for the time being.

"Hyung," Kyuhyun asked Sungmin. "Ask her who's going to be our new manager."


"Aegyo." He said like it was obvious.

"Yah!" Heechul slapped his head. "Evil maknae."

"But it could work." Yesung said. Kyuhyun stuck his tongue at Heechul but stopped when he glared at him.

"Okay. Shoo. Go do your magic." Heechul pushed Sungmin roughly causing him to fall off the couch.

Sungmin walked up to the Assistant Manager. She was pretty young and still a fangirl.

"Noona." Sungmin said. He opened his eyes wide and placed his hands under his chin. "Can you tell us who our manager will be?"

"No." She looked back at her phone.

"Please." Sungmin almost whined and pouted with his lip sticking out.

The assistant manager glanced at Sungmin but that was her biggest mistake. She gave in and squealed.

"You're just too cute!" She pinched Sungmin's cheeks hard.

"Thank you Noona." He smiled.

"So, i heard he's hiring a family member for you guys. But that's all I know."

"Are you sure?"

"Enough Sungmin." Jung Hoon walked back with a smirk.

"But-" he protested but Jung Hoon cut in.

"I thought you were better than this Sungmin? Or are you finally growing up and acting like Kyuhyun here?" Jung Hoon teased.

"Yah! He's the Evil Maknae and I'm the Aegyo King."

"And I'm the Prince Manager!" He joked back and everyone laughed. But it soon died down. Everyone still thought about his leave.

"Well, I hope everything will go well with you and your new manager. Super Junior!" Everyone placed their hand in in the middle.

"Fighting!" And of course some people went up while others went down. Everyone laughed again and hugs were sent around with some Good Lucks.

-At Jung Hoon's home-

Jung Hoon sighed for the 50th time today. He already packed all his things and was waiting for the van to pick him up. But he knew that Super Junior was in good hands...hopefully.

_Three Days Before_

Might as well call him now and ask.

"Annyeong samchon! How are you feeling today?"

"Annyeong. I'm fine but I have a favor to ask."


"Don't freak out but I have a job for you."


"Yeah and it's...tobeamanagerforSuperJunior." Hopefully he didn't understand and will just take the job.

"Wae? say that again samchon?"


"Yah! Just tell me."

"Be a temporary manager for Super Junior."

Suddenly there was silence. "Sang Hyuk?"

"You gotta be kidding me." He said in English.


"You know what happened last time when I was there."

I thought a minute."Are you talking about the time when you almost attacked your Hyung?" Apparently last time, he got into an arguement with Siwon and something must have ticked him off. Good thing Leeteuk was there to stop it.

"He will never be my Hyung." He said stubbornly.

"When will you guys make up and just be friends?"

"Ask him! You know very well I try all the time to be nice to him. But it's him and his religious beliefs that I'm living the wrong way. Which I don't get."

"C'mon. It's not that bad you know. Just give him another chance and just take the job."

There was another pause and he sighed a few seconds later. "How much do I get paid?"

"Twenty two dollars an hour."


"So...will you?"

He sighed again."Well it has been a while since I last saw Leeteuk hyung again."

"So you'll take it?"

"Ne." He laughed as I yelled out Yes!

"Alright. When do you want me to come?"

"By Friday. So you'll get to meet the boys. But just don't get into any trouble with Siwon. Got it?"

"Ne samchon. I promise."

"Good. So I'll leave the schedules with my assistant manager and she'll give it to you. She won't do much so you'll rarely see her."

"Thank you again samchon."

"Anytime. Now i have to go and settle some few things."

"Get well soon samchon. Samchon Fighting!"

"Kamsamnida." They hung up.

_Friday_ Super Junior Dorm

"Everyone! Hurry and get the place cleaned up! He's coming soon. Donghae,Eunhyuk stop wrestling and clean the table! Kyuhyun get out here!" Everyone was running about. Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Everyone act natural!" Leeteuk whispered and some walked to their rooms again while others went to the living room. He checked one last time that everything as neat and went to answer the door.

Once he opened it he was suddenly hugged really hard.

"Hyung!" Sang Hyuk yelled and looked up at him with his bright brown eyes.


Heyy guyss. I know what ur thinking. Why is this idiot making another fanfic when he didnt even do much on the last one? Well....i just wanted to try this instead so the other one will be on hold.

I hope you can help me and supprt me with comments and votes. I'll try to update every other day or at least twice a week.

Sooo comment for how it is so far?

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2029 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2029 streak #2
Chapter 16: Um, I'm slightly confused but the chapters were written nicely. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2029 streak #3
Chapter 11: Hello there :) A new reader here... I liked the story so far. I can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon...
ch3nya #4
Chapter 8: You updated! Made my day :)
ch3nya #5
Chapter 7: I love this story :P its not like the usual story with suju i like it C: can't wait for your update