
Babysitting Super Junior
~Sang's POV~
I groan as I rub the sleep from my eyes. I lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling, and literally forced myself to get up. I make my way towards the bathroom to brush my teeth.
After a few minutes, and feeling more refreshed, I walked out to the main dorm to the kitchen and start to make some brunch. I think a bowl of brown rice, cold cucumber soup, and grilled ribs are good. it would take a while, I didn't mind and started to look for ingredients. I didn't even finish cracking the eggs when I heard the front door open. I look up to see Sungmin walking in with his ear buds in. He was drenched in sweat.
"Oh, morning Sungmin." I smiled. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable with what appened that day. I feel so terrible for lying to him. Ugh, darn my good looks.
"Morning Sang. Watcha making?" He pulled off his ear buds and sat on a stool. I guess he didn't seem that awkward anymore.
"I think a bowl of brown rice, cold cucumber soup, and grilled ribs are good," I voiced my thoughts.
"Sounds delicious. You need help?"
"Sure, I was hoping all of you would be sleeping though."
"Nah, I had to start my morning run." I poked my head into the refrigerator and took out some cucumber.
"Oh yeah, since when did you start running anyway?"
"Eh, I had to get in shape for my next musical." He went to wash his hands while I was cleaning the cucumber. I shoved him away before finishing. It's not like I want his dirty sweat on the food.
"Actually, do take a shower first."
"But that's too much work." He pouted. I stood firm and pointed towards his room with the knife. He raised his arms in surrender and ran off.
"Aish, that kid."
Fifteen minutes later, Sungmin came out with his head slightly wet. "You take care of the cucumber soup. I already cut the cucumber."
"Yes sir." He saluted in a serious manner. I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless.
We cooked in comfortable silence. Every now and then we would "accidently" bump into each other. I glance out of the corner of my eye to see Sungmin whistling and swaying from side to side. He can be so childish sometimes; but, he has a kind heart. I didn't realize I was staring too long until he looked up. I turn my head back to the ribs.
"Cucumber soup is done!" He sang. He took out the bowls and began to pour the soup in.
I really feel terrible for treating him like this. It's too dangerous and such a weakness. I don't know how some people can live with...love. Egh. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head.
"Oppa! Oppa! Wait for me!" a girl's voice yelled in a cheery tone.
A handsome face appeared and he laughed. His laugh sounded husky but smooth in a weird way. He had perfect white teeth, a well-shaped face, and toned muscles that were visible in his every movement. He was my first love, an innocent time of my past. Until he betrayed me.
I watched from behind the tree as he shared a kiss with the girl. They looked so...happy. I knew something like this was too good to be true but I can't help the piercing pain in my chest.
I ended up running back to the one place I called home. But even there, I wasn't safe.
"Yah! Get yo lazy off of my lawn you ! I'll get you later!" he bellows.
I scramble up and run off, clutching my bag and shoes. Why is it always me?
I sat against a wall in the alley. Why does my life have to be so horrible? Am I being punished? What have I ever done?
"Hey there, are you alright?" A voice interrupted my thoughts.
I look up and see a long brown-haired girl. She had headphones around her neck and a lollipop in . Her blue eyes shone in worry. Her soft white dress flowed to the side from the wind and she looked almost like an angel. Beside her stood a tall boy with long black hair (to the shoulders) but he spiked it up in those modern day styles. He looks at me in suspicion and tries to usher the girl away. She brushed him off and walks up to me and kneels.
"Are you hurt?" She looks at my arms and sees the numerous scars and bruises.
"Come with me. I can help you." I shake my head. I won't do this again. I pull my knees up and cover myself. I bite back the tears as they threaten to fall. She surprised when she crawls over and sits next to me. She wraps her right arm around me and pulls me in.
"You don't have to live this way. No one deserves this life, especially you. Once you find something worth fighting for, you will prevail and survive. Don't lose hope little one," she says in a soothing mother-like voice.
This time, I did not stop the tears as they flow endlessly. I scream loudly as I clutch her closer to me.
"There there, unnie will always watch over you." She kisses my head.
"Sang!" Sungmin shook my shoulders just in time to see that the grilled ribs were almost burnt. I quickly pulled the skillet aside only to accidently brush my hand against the hot metal. Pain seared from my hand.
"Aish, come here." Sungmin pulled me to the sink and placed my hand under cold water. I stood there, feeling like a child all over again.
"Are you feeling better?" I looked up to see how close we were. I noticed how soft his lips looked and worry creased on his forehead. He held my hand with both of his. A few loose strands of hair covered his eyes. I gently brushed them aside to reveal his round brown eyes.
Wait, he is really close to me. I step back abruptly and held my hand to my chest. "I'm fine, thank you."
"Are you sure?"
"Uh huh." I turned around but he grabbed my shoulder.
"Then why are you crying?" My eyes widened in surprise. I was about to wipe it away but he was quicker. He brushed them away with his thumb.
"You've been more secluded more than normal."
"It's nothing. I need to-"
"I want to talk about what happened that day, Sang."
"Please, it's killing me but I can't ignore it. Every time I see you, I want you in my arms. When I hear your laugh it brightens my day. I feel like there's more than meets the eye with you. I've known you for only two years and yet, there's something mysterious about you." I realized that his lips were closing in. I pushed him off and started to take out the grilled ribs onto a plate.
"I can't Sungmin, I just can't."
"No, Sungmin." I said harshly.
Just as I was setting the table, some of the boys start walking out. They looked very happy as they took their seats.
I glanced at Sungmin as he looked downcast and simply took a seat. I hate being the guilty one but it has to be done. I'm sorry Sungmin.
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2028 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2028 streak #2
Chapter 16: Um, I'm slightly confused but the chapters were written nicely. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2028 streak #3
Chapter 11: Hello there :) A new reader here... I liked the story so far. I can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon...
ch3nya #4
Chapter 8: You updated! Made my day :)
ch3nya #5
Chapter 7: I love this story :P its not like the usual story with suju i like it C: can't wait for your update