
Babysitting Super Junior

~Siwon’s POV~

A few minutes later we arrived and flashes welcomed our entrance.

"And here is your stop Super Junior!" Sang yelled as he pulled the door open next to Leeteuk.

Fans started screaming and I placed my earphones away.

"SIWON-OPPA!!!!" Most of the girls screamed.



And so on. Gotta get my happy face on.


~Sang's POV~

"Are you sure you can go park it?" Leeteuk asked me.

"Ne hyung. It's just an overly sized car." I smirked.

"Okay then. We'll meet you inside later."

"Have fun with the paparazzi!" I yelled and drove off.


After being instructed by a security officer I finally parked the limo. I got out and straightened my suit. How can these guys wear this all the time? I sighed and locked the limo.

I got in an elevator and the door was about to close when I heard someone calling for the door.

I quickly pressed Open and five guys rushed in.

"Kamsamnida." A blonde hair guy said breathlessly.

"You're welcome." I smiled. I noticed they were all wearing matching suits also.

"So are you attending tonight's Music Bank?" The blonde one asked. The red haired guy was talking to someone who looked vaguely like Sungmin.

"Ne, are you guys?"

"Bwo? You don't know who we are?" He looked shocked.

I shook my head. "Mianhe but I don't."

"Well we are B1A4. I am Baro. That's CNU, the dancer, Jinyoung, the leader, Gongchan, the maknae and Sandeul-"

"YAH!" Sandeul exclaimed. He pointed at finger at me with wide eyes. Then he pulled Gongchan next to me and started glancing at us both.

"You guys look like twins!"

"Wae?" I was confused. I glanced at Gongchan. I mean we had the same hairstyle, our face was somewhat a like and he was just a little taller than me.

The others laughed and I joined in. The elevator stopped at our floor.

"Well I'll be seeing you guys later." I waved goodbye.

"Wait! We don't even know your name." Baro said.

"I'm Sang." I yelled back and walked off to find my table.


This place was huge! When I mean huge I mean...HUGE!! There were crystal chandeliers hanging everywhere, music was playing on stage. Some people were rehearsing I guess. Everyone was dressed all fancy and the excitement was obvious even to a blind man.

"Yah! Sang!" I heard Kyuhyun yell.

I turned and saw they were sitting right next to the stage. At least I'll be able to get a good view.

"You guys never told me it'd be this huge." I was still stuck on that subject.

"Well it isn't called Music Bank for nothing." He smirked.

"That makes no sense hyung." I raised an eyebrow.

He just shrugged and walked away. Sungmin bounced up next to me.

"We match dongsaeng!" He wore the whole suit. Sungmin was wearing black dress pants, black coat, white shirt and a bright pink tie. While I wore black dress pants, a light pink shirt and a darker shade of pink for the tie. Instead of a coat I wore a black striped vest.

"Time to take our seats everyone! Music will begin soon!" Heechul announced from the stage. Everyone shuffled around to their seats. Before I sat someone tapped my shoulder.

"Annyeong. Do you know where Super Junior's manager is?"

"Ne, you're looking right at him." I grinned.

"Really? Mianhe. I didn't expect you to be so young."

"It's okay. So what did you need?"

"Oh I'm just reminding you that they'll be on first to open the show."

"Jincha? Alright I'll tell then. Kamsamnida."

When the man left I turned to the tables. "You guys are going to be performing first apparently so let’s go."


"And Ladies and Gentlemen," the mc paused for dramatic silence. "Enjoy this evening's performances!" He ran off and Super Junior's music started.

The crowd started screaming from the top balconys. Since the performers were on the bottom at those fancy tables. Which I don't get becuase we weren't going to be served anything but water.

"THere's Gongchan!" Before I turned, a pair of hands grabbed me and lifted me up. I was suddenly led backstage with a microphone in hand. What was going on?

"B1A4 will be on in one minute!" some producer yelled. BWO?! Why am I here then? I looked around and saw everyone but Gongchan getting ready.

"Baro-hyung!" I yelled for him. He turned and looked shocked.

"What are you going here Sang?"

"I don't know. I think someone mistaken me for Gongchan...," we turned and looked at Sandeul, who was laughing nervously.

"I told you they looked alike!" he tried to argue.

"Well where is Gongchan then?!" Jinyoung looked like he was gonna freak.

"Here." Gongchan said from behind us. They all cheered. I switched places with Gongchan and I thanked silently that didn't have to go on stage.

"Good luck you guys and have fun." I beamed at them.

"Kamsamnida Sang!" they yelled. I glanced and saw that Super Junior were getting off at the other side of the stage. B1A4 got ready and skipped out. 

Oops gotta get to my seat! 


So it's been a while but did yew guys miss me? ^.^ well here was the next chapter lol. and the link to the music perf>>>>>>>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Wee5iBrhok


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2040 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2040 streak #2
Chapter 16: Um, I'm slightly confused but the chapters were written nicely. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2040 streak #3
Chapter 11: Hello there :) A new reader here... I liked the story so far. I can't wait to read more. Hope you update soon...
ch3nya #4
Chapter 8: You updated! Made my day :)
ch3nya #5
Chapter 7: I love this story :P its not like the usual story with suju i like it C: can't wait for your update