Chapter 1

Love never dies (abandoned)

The next morning Chanmin and his wife Seohyun woke up almost at the same time. "Good morning" - The lovely wife greeted his husband. Changmin just gave her a smile with his eyes closed and pulled her in his arms as a reply. 

"Are you hungry?"


"Wow! You've become a bigger food monster than I am."

"Impossible. I eat for two person. But youuu... You can eat ten ppl's food all by yourself. Don't even dare to compare me with you."

Changmin opened his eyes laughing. He kissed her forehead.

"I'll go and make some breakfast for you. Okay? You wait here."

The wife nodded and the husband leaned to kiss his wife when he heard a large sound coming from the kitchen.

"Oh God Jaejoong!" - was the last thing he said before running out of the room with the speed of light abandoning the girl who he was about to kiss. It's not like the girl minded though. She knew how much his husband and brother loved each other. Sometimes she felt that they are the married couple in the house. But she had no complains against them. Because she knew those two men would do anything for her happiness. Anything... No matter how much it will hurt them. 


"Jae... What happened? Are you okay?" - Changmin rushed to Jaejoong who was picking up some pieces of broken glass from the floor.

"I am fine. I just dropped a glass while pouring the milk in it." 

"Why are you so clumsy? Let me do that. You'll cut your fingers." - Changmin started to the pieces away from Jae's hand.

"No Minnie.. Don't. I am done. I just have to throw them in the garbage."

But the younger boy didn't listen to him and tried to snatch the pieces from his friend's hand cutting his hand in the process. It was a very small cut but as soon as Jaejoong saw blood coming out of his friend's finger he put the glass pieces on the counter and started to panic.


"I am fine Jae. You're overreacting."


"Yeah... Just a drop of blood. It's not like I am bleeding to death."

"SHUT UP. JUST SHUT THE HELL UP." - The older man scolded him and started the injured finger.

Changmin just rolled his eyes and let his firend do what he wanted. He knew the other won't calm down until he let him have his way. But he soon noticed red marks on the other's hand which looked like burnt marks. He then realized why the glass broke. It pissed him off that Jaejoong was cleaning the broken glass first instead of treating his hand which was more important. He held Jae's hand firmly using his other hand and dragged him to one of the kitchen cabinet where the first aid kit was. He took it out and started applying ointment on his older friend's hand. The older man only heased in pain when the cool ointment came in touch his skin. Changmin paused for a while and then started applying it more carefully.

"Kim Jaejoong.. Take care of yourself. For God Sake. Don't you dare fuss about other ppl's injury when you can't take care of your own."

Jaejppng kept silent. When the other was done applying the ointment he took the hand and put a bandage on the finger that he earlier. After doing it he kissed the finger softly. 


They both turned around when they heard the sound of camera. 

"Smile please..." - Seohyun said as she adjusted her lense to take another picture. She loved taking random pictures. Being a professional cameraman she loved capturing precious moments like this of his husband and brother. 

The other two weren't unfamiliar with the situation either. They knew how she enjoyed photography. They didn't mind for once being his personal model. They would always come up woth new poses to make her happy and they did the same thing today. They kept posing for the camera in front of them. After a few shots Changmin pulled the shorter man in his arm in a way so that he could place his chin on his head when the other just leaned his head on the younger's broad chest. Just when Seohyun was about to take the pic his husband decided to kiss the top his bbrother's head. Her camera captured that perfect moment.

"This is the best picture I have ever taken in my life." - Seohyun said when she checked the picture she just took. 

"Really? Show me." - Jaejoong said as he approached his sister. "I agree. I am so proud of you Seo." - He said as he kissed his sister's cheek.

"I better go and prepare breakfast. You must be hungry." - with that he was going back to the stove when the other man caught his hand and dragged him to the dining table and made him sit there.

"You are not going anywhere. You've burnt your hand. Sit here and rest. I'll make today's breakfast. Seo please give your brother company." - The taller man announced and went to the stove to heat the milk again. He then took out eggs,cheese and chillies from the refrigerator. He was about to cut chillies when Jaejoong stopped him.

"You have cut your hand too. Let me do this."

"Didn't I tell you to sit there? Why are you here?"

"Minnie please. Let me help you." - he tried to take the knife but Changmin held his hand up in the air so that Jae can't reach the sharp thing. The shorter man kept jumping to get a hold of the knife but the taller one held it higher.

Seohyun saw them fighting cutely from the inig table and giggled. She took her camera and started checking the pics again. Whne she reached the last pic she zoomed it and focused on their face. She could tell how much they both loved each other. Changmin holding the other's face so lovingly while kissing his hair gently as if the short man was the most precious thing in his life and his brother Jaejoong's eyes were closed in content to be in the arm of the person he loved, yet a sad smile on his face. She couldn't help but feel guilty... For coming between these two. For taking the love of his brother's life away from him. Only if he knew all these before her marriage. She would have never let it happen. But unfortunately she realized his brother's true feelings only after the marriage and she couldn't stop cursing herself fo being so stupid. She knew her husband loved him too. More than he loved her but he hadn't realized it yet. She whispered a sorry to them which went unheard by the two men who were too busy to make breakfast for her.


A/N " Sorry for taking forever to update. I am too busy with life and also facing writer's block problem. I cant think of anything... I have tried so many times to write the new chappter of arranged marriage vs love marriage but keep deleting it as I dnt like it. But this chapter was planned a long time ago. So I thought i should update this fic instead. something is better than nothing right? I AM SORRY TO THE SUBS OF THAT FIC. I'll try my best to update it asap. 



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Chapter 2: Hwaiting tani! Unnir supports u~~!!
kewanalynne #2
Chapter 2: looking forward to the new/revised fic author-nim! Fighting! ^_^
Chapter 2: I'm gonna support matter what
ParadigmNoxzema #4
Chapter 1: Another interesting story:)
phinea2009 #5
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter.
Chapter 1: <3 i love it please update soon
Chapter 1: aigooo.another jaemin made by you...i gonna love it....i will distrub you everyday so you'll update it asap bwahahahaha
Chapter 1: Bad fortune for three of them ;____;
I think something bad will happen to Seohyun later? :'(
Chapter 1: I felt sorry for seohyun tho. It mustve hurt her alot. ;____;

I can sense... Something... Gonna happen... To her?
Chups05841 #10
Chapter 1: OMO! you updated! :D
<3 thank youuuu ^^
JaeMin is so lovely... it's so obvious that they love each other dearly. they are so caring and thoughtful. please promise me that you'll make a happy jaemin ending *.*