Unexpected things...

That airplane ride.

Your P.O.V



It was early dawn at 3am when my family and I are in the car getting our luggages and heading inside the airport. I was still in the mood to hug my bed and feel the warmth of my blanket but here I am, wearing a hoodie and a pair of black skinny jeans.

While inside the airport waiting for our plane to board passengers heading to Boracay, a tropical island here in the Phillipines, we were making our way to the waiting area I was busy plugging in my earphones, I played EXO's machine and sat down beside my mom. There were a couple of empty seats on my left side, while I was practically shiverring and hugging myself I didn't realize that someone was already seated beside me. Not paying attention to the strangers who just sat beside me, I opened my phone revealing my lockscreen wallpaper that was a HunHan pic. Suddenly I kinda felt that someone was staring at me, or at my phone. I slowly looked at that person and froze. 


It was freaking Oh Sehun and Xi Luhan staring at my phone screen.... 


At first I was shocked but didn't ignore the fact that my lock screen wallpaper was still visible to both of them so I locked my phone and got rid of the lock screen and looked away, not giving them a second glance. The following minutes were awkward and kinda giving me the creeps 'cause they kept looking at me, even the rest of EXO were taking glances at me and murmuring something to each other. What if they get uncmfortable in the plane 'cause they know that a fan is riding with them? What if they talk to me? What would I say?

At last the plane arrived and we were ready to board the plane. All of us stood up and suddenly I felt smaller than usual. Sehun was like a tall building in front of me. As I walked towards the boarding lane I was hugging my cousin's shoulder and trying to avoid EXO. At last, we boarded the plane, my mom and I were looking for our seat number and to my surprise I was the only one who was going to sit in a different lane and I was going to sit beside Chen and Suho. I gulped and got a little nervous, I stood there for like ten seconds longer than I should.  Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, their manager uttered Korean words which I kinda understood. He said that he would like to exchange seats with me if it was okay. Since it would be rude to say no and I'm practically not in my state of mind I said yes and sat down where he was originally seated. Fortunately his seat was next to the window which was my favorite place to sit down whenever we would travel by air. I was returning to my normal self when Sehun and Luhan showed up and seated beside me. Well practically Sehun was beside me and Luhan was beside him. 

I stared at them for a few seconds until they stared back, getting really nervous I couldn't move an inch and just turned my head away from their gaze and plugged in my earphones. Starting to feel comfortable and ignoring the fact that two of my ultimate bias are seated beside me talking to each other, I feel kinda good being here. Then the atmosphere got boring, I was feeling sleepy and the song booming in my ears are not helping to make the sleepy feeling go away. I was cocking my head sideways ignoring the wide musclar shoulder beside me. Feeling my eyes close ,long finger tips touched my hair and guided my head onto a soft and muscular sholder. I shot up and looked at none other than Sehun making me lay down on his shoulder. Noticing that I was still drowsy he tried to lay my head on his shoulder again. Now I didn't resist and made my self comfortable. But it was still awkward though, after a long pause he started talking, asking me if I was their fan. I simply answered with a nod and I could see him smile when I look up. Talk about major fan service here even if this is really fan service I'm still the luckiest girl on earth. I finally closed my eyes and felt his head trn towards me. I slowly looked up and met his eyes we stared at each other for one whole minute then he chuckled. Pouting a little his smile faded away into one of his poker face and gave me a concerned look I looked down and closed my eyes again and smiled to myself. He started talking again and asked me who was my bias in EXO, I answered with a simple "you". Feeling his head nod in agreement he asked again. "why me?" was his question "because you're one of the cutest and for me the nicest in EXO even if I don't know you personally" I answered with confidence in my voice. All he did was nod and ask random questions like do I think he looks funny whenever he does his poker face and if I were given a chance to fly would I grab that chance. Of course I answered every weird question he gave me until he asked this "do you think it's possible for me to like you back?" taken aback by the question I reprocessed what he said and titled my head sideways while looking at him "no, that's completely impossible" I answered him and looked down. My heart is beating faster than usual and I couldn't breathe normal "well for me it's the most possible thing since cranberry juice" lifting my chin up and giving me a reassuring smile he replied with so much sincerity. He laid my head again on his shoulder and wrapped his arm around my back making both of us comfortable. "I think I'm starting to like you HeeSun" upon hearing him say my name I got shocked on how on earth did he know my name? "h..how did you know my name?" I asked with a little stuttering in my voice "it's written on your bag tag silly" he chuckled and pinched my nose. "don't forget me okay?" I asked him aiming for a yes "of course I won't,I'll never forget you" he answered with pure honesty in his eyes and planted a soft kiss on my nose..







I just had this dream though XD thanks for reading my cheesy one shot about Sehun. I know it's not that good and I still need improvement . -_- But I'm working on it. :D okay, I'm too talkative imma shut up now.. (-_-)v

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Chapter 1: omg how cute >3<