11 - Fish Care 101

Blood Over Flesh

Chapter 11 – Fish Care 101

Enjoy ladies!


It was lunch time, and the boys went to the dining hall. Seven of them walked there, while one was being carried off. Donghae was inside the fishbowl the entire time, and Zhou Mi, Eunhyuk and Kyuyhun have no idea.

While sitting in front of the table, the three were a little confused why Henry brought a goldfish to the table. Ryeowook was tapping on the bowl.

“What’s with the fish, Henry? I thought you hate pets.” said Eunhyuk.

“I do, but this fish is actually You-Know-Who.” replied Henry.

“Not again!” groaned Zhou Mi.

“Yes again!” said the fish.

“Yeah, shut up! We have to fix this mess again.” said Kyuyhun and lunch was served.

They all started eating, except for Donghae. He was starting to feel a little hungry and all he can do is watch from the bowl. After the boys were finished eating, they all went back to their rooms, except for Henry and Donghae.


Henry walked around the guest house and was a little shy. He took a deep breath and approached one of the servants.

“Excuse me, but do you have any fish food for my gold fish?” asked Henry. He was little embarrassed to ask such question. The servant turned around and looked at Henry and Donghae.

“Oh my, that’s a really adorable goldfish! Come with me.” said the servant. She led the two to a room called the “Fish Care Room”.

The room was as big as a warehouse and there were a bunch of stuff you need to take care of aquatic animals. The sisters must have a collection of ocean animals in the house.

“Here we are; the goldfish section.” said the servant. They were between two huge shelves that feel like it will fall down.

“Do you want to keep her in a big tank or do you want to carry her everywhere you go?” asked the lady. Donghae was a little offended.

“Neh, I’ll just carry it around.” said Henry and the lady handed him a fish bowl that was about the same size as the one Donghae was in.

He placed down the fishbowl on the small table nearby. Henry picked up the bowl and it was strangely lighter. The woman filled the fishbowl with blue rocks and placed a small plant inside. She also placed a diver and a small castle inside the bowl. Donghae was just watching from the bowl and was careful not to push the bowl off the table.

They filled the fishbowl with water and before Henry could go get Donghae, the woman stopped him. She said that the bowl was dangerous because it has tap water in it. She took out a wand and waved it. Lights shone around and lighting hit the bowl. It began bubbling and Donghae was suddenly floating in mid-air. She placed him inside the fishbowl, and he felt really comfortable inside.

The woman handed Henry two containers of fish food. Henry thanked her for her help and they all went outside. Even if the bowl was filled with water, it was really light.


Henry went to the beach and bought Donghae there. He brought him to his hyungs, and Ryeowook began tapping the bowl.

“Ack! Stop doing that! It’s disturbing, Ryeowook!” said Donghae.

“Sorry hyung.” apologized Ryeowook. Henry opened the can of fish food and Sungmin snatched it from his hands.

“Hey!” said Henry.

“I want to feed him! I never had a fish before.” said Sungmin and sprinkled some fish food into the bowl.

“Oh good, I’m hungry!” said Donghae and nibbled on the fish food above the water.

“Mmm…It’s a little tangy, but it sure is chewy!” said Donghae as if he was really a fish.

“This guy is really attached to his character.” said Siwon.

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Jewel15 #1
Please don't push yourself too hard, you'll be better in no time~!

I hope you'll be fine, take care
Emerald #2
**** OMG R U OKAY?!?!?! <br />
please don't push urself, and take ur time, get alot of rest, don't worry about us readers we can wait
Samona #3
OMG I'm glad you're okay.<br />
Make sure to get a lot of rest and don't push your self too much.
Samona #4
Chapter 16 - XD Kyuhyun fainted.<br />
Aw, a week of hell. At least they're learning control.
Samona #5
Chapter 15 - Silence broke for a few minutes. XD<br />
They were all a little disappointed and terrified to battle 8 girls. They’re girls for crying out loud!<br />
-They should judge the girls so quickly. <br />
<br />
Chapter 16 - XD at Mimi chewing on the pillow and Kyuhyun fainting. XD<br />
<br />
**Hope you feel better soon.**
Samona #6
Chapter 14 - “Focus, and try to hurt that dummy over there.” she said and pointed to something.<br />
“But I can’t hurt Donghae! He’s my friend.” said Siwon and Hye Young giggled.<br />
XD<br />
Aww, Sungmin worrying about the bunny.<br />
<br />
@anothergirl98 I hope you feel better soon. ^_^
Haha Sungmin is so cute when worry about the bunny! :3 Ooh and an idea for future refrence remember when I said i know karate/martial arts, sungmin does too! how cool would it be if to future see-ers faught, we would always know what each other was going to do! haha just an idea <3
Samona #8
Chapter 11 - XD at Fish!Donghae<br />
Chapter 12 - XD Ryeowook keeps tapping on the glass. XD<br />
XD Why do everyone keep snatching things away from Henry? XD
I've read the two new chapters on Winglin! When are you going to post them on here?
Chapter 9 OMG Dinghae is stuck as a fish!! o.o Oh noooo! I love all of our jobs though hehe and you have a amazing scenery and furniture pictures btw :3