5 - OK, you can stay here

Blood Over Flesh

Chapter 5 - OK, You can stay here

Enjoy ladies!


“Sis, what do we do about those--” Maysee was asking, when Hye Young quickly covered .

“Pardon us for a few minutes.” said Hye Young with a fake smile and dragged her sisters to the back of the house. The boys just stared at them running and began to feel a bit awkward.

“Ewww, you drooled on my hand!” said Hye Young and wiped her hand on her apron.

“Back to the point. What’s this about?” said Hana.

“Isn’t it obvious? How are we supposed to protect those boys from the Volturi and at the same time, from Haru and Yeun-ja?” said Momo.

“We are not idiots, you know.” said Haru from the roof. She looked down at her sisters, and so did Yeun-ja.

Haru jumped off the rooftop and Yeun-ja followed after her sister. They stood in front of their sisters and Haru crossed her arms.

“It’s OK. We won’t eat them, sis.” said Yeun-ja.

“You won’t?” asked Kyung Mi in disbelief.

“I find that hard to believe!” said Rihyo.

“Look. I –I mean we- We’ve known Volturi longer than any of you.” began Haru.

“If it means killing, then yes.” she heard a low voice mumble. It was probably Rihyo or Kyung Mi. Yeun-ja rolled her eyes and Haru just ignored that voice.

“And we know that Volturi has a member everywhere in the entire universe. It’s not safe to set them out.” said Haru.

“We figured that out already. But you two have to promise that you won’t eat them, OK?” said Hye Young.

“Yes, sis.” said the rest of the siblings.

“One question. What timeline are they from?” asked Yeun-ja.

“2011.” replied Maysee.

“That seems a bit…” said Haru.

“Impossible?” finished Rihyo and she nodded.

“We don’t know either.” said Maysee.

With one sigh, the sisters walked back to the front of the house. Haru and Yeun-ja were about to go to the rooftop, but Momo and Kyung Mi managed to force them to meet the boys.


“Sorry to keep you waiting. We were just talking about, um…” said Momo.

“About what room you guys will stay in.” said Yeun-ja in a straight way. Her sisters’ eyes widened, except for Haru.

“Yeah. We want you guys to stay in our mansion so you’ll be protected from Volturi.” said Haru and looked at the boys.

“Oh, is that OK with you?” said Zhou Mi.

“S-sure! Why not?” said Hye Young and faked a smile.

“In that case, let me show you to your rooms.” said Maysee.

“Yeun-ja and Haru, are you crazy!?” thought the sisters.


Kyung Mi followed Maysee to the guest house, which was right next the main building. Maysee was quite happy that there were people in their house, besides her sisters. Kyung Mi, who was busy reading a romance novel while walking, was in deep thought.

“What if two of the boys are Haru and Yeun-ja’s soul mate? I wonder how the two will react?” thought Kyung Mi.

“Or what if they were actually vampires? I wonder what kind of house this place will be?” Kyung Mi was lost in her own questions.

“Here we are.” sang Maysee and stopped walking. They entered a hall that seems like a luxury hotel from London.


Maysee nudged her sister, and Kyung Mi snapped back to reality. She took out a key ring that has more than 30 keys attached to it. Some were gold, silver and copper.

“Now which one was it…” said Kyung Mi and searched through the keys. The boys were confused. The doors had no labels on them, and all the doorknobs looked alike. How on earth was she able to find the right key?

That’s when Hana entered the hallway by surprise. She grabbed the third copper key and inserted it inside the key slot. Strangely, she didn’t turn they key. The door opened itself after she inserted the key.

Nevertheless, the door opened and they saw a beautiful room. It was only for two people. The door had a scenic view of the ocean.

“Hey, give me the key!” said Maysee and jumped as she tried reaching for the key. Hana held it up high her head and tossed it to Kyung Mi.

“Shrimp!” said Kyung Mi and stuck her tongue out. Maysee folded her arms and acted like a little kid.

They didn’t realize the boys were staring at them the entire time. Hana stopped playing and cleared . The sisters faced them seriously, but with a warm expression.

“Are you guys hungry?” asked Hana.

“Y-you’re n-n-not g-g-on-nna have us f-f-for lunch r-r-r-r-right?” tered Eunhyuk in fear. The girls chuckled.

“No. We hardly eat human blood and flesh. Anyway, we’ll call the servants to cook up a feast for you guys.” said Maysee.

“You have servants?” asked Henry in disbelief. It seemed impossible because the sisters were fixing lunch for themselves.

“Hey, it’s the least our mom could give us.” said Hana.

“Now c’mon. I’m pretty sure lunch is served for you guys.” said Kyung Mi and the boys shyly walked out the room.

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Jewel15 #1
Please don't push yourself too hard, you'll be better in no time~!

I hope you'll be fine, take care
Emerald #2
**** OMG R U OKAY?!?!?! <br />
please don't push urself, and take ur time, get alot of rest, don't worry about us readers we can wait
Samona #3
OMG I'm glad you're okay.<br />
Make sure to get a lot of rest and don't push your self too much.
Samona #4
Chapter 16 - XD Kyuhyun fainted.<br />
Aw, a week of hell. At least they're learning control.
Samona #5
Chapter 15 - Silence broke for a few minutes. XD<br />
They were all a little disappointed and terrified to battle 8 girls. They’re girls for crying out loud!<br />
-They should judge the girls so quickly. <br />
<br />
Chapter 16 - XD at Mimi chewing on the pillow and Kyuhyun fainting. XD<br />
<br />
**Hope you feel better soon.**
Samona #6
Chapter 14 - “Focus, and try to hurt that dummy over there.” she said and pointed to something.<br />
“But I can’t hurt Donghae! He’s my friend.” said Siwon and Hye Young giggled.<br />
XD<br />
Aww, Sungmin worrying about the bunny.<br />
<br />
@anothergirl98 I hope you feel better soon. ^_^
Haha Sungmin is so cute when worry about the bunny! :3 Ooh and an idea for future refrence remember when I said i know karate/martial arts, sungmin does too! how cool would it be if to future see-ers faught, we would always know what each other was going to do! haha just an idea <3
Samona #8
Chapter 11 - XD at Fish!Donghae<br />
Chapter 12 - XD Ryeowook keeps tapping on the glass. XD<br />
XD Why do everyone keep snatching things away from Henry? XD
I've read the two new chapters on Winglin! When are you going to post them on here?
Chapter 9 OMG Dinghae is stuck as a fish!! o.o Oh noooo! I love all of our jobs though hehe and you have a amazing scenery and furniture pictures btw :3