3 - This is Taiwan

Blood Over Flesh

Chapter 3 - This is Taiwan

Enjoy ladies!


In the mansion, the sisters were doing their duties to the house. The sun was shining brightly, and luckily, they were inside their own world so the sunlight there doesn’t sting too much. Everyone was pretty much doing there typical stuff.

Momo and Rihyo were setting up the picnic table by the pool. Kyung Mi was cooking with Hana and Hye Young. Haru was sitting on the rooftop’s edge while listening to her favorite music. Maysee was sweeping up the fallen leaves.

“What are you doing?” said Kyung Mi to Hana. She was laughing a little when she asked this question.

“What do you mean, ‘what are you doing?’?” replied Hana.

“She’s right. Why are you roasting the blood sausage?” said Hye Young and Rihyo overheard this. She laughed and Kyung Mi followed.

“But Maysee said I should!” she reasoned.

“You’re so gullible!” said Maysee from a distance. Hana puffed her cheeks and continued helping with lunch.

“Haru, where’s Yeun-ja?” asked Hye Young and looked up the roof. She saw Haru’s legs dangling from above.

“I don’t care.” she replied.

“Aish~ do those two ever stop sulking? We’ve been alive--” Momo was saying until Hye Young interrupted her.

“Correction, sis. Its dead.” said Hye Young, causing her sisters to laugh.

“Fine, dead! We’ve been dead for over 3,000 years now, and yet those two can’t get over the fact that they’re vampires!” Momo complained.

“Some people are more emotional than others I guess.” said Rihyo.

“Maybe they’ll change once they find their soul mates!” said Maysee and placed the pitcher of blood on the table.

“How can they? We have no souls, remember?” said Hana as she placed each sausage onto the plate.

“Maybe we do, sis! Wanna bet?” said Maysee.

“NO! NO! NO!” panicked Hye Young and Momo at the same time. This caused Hana, Kyung Mi and Rihyo to burst into laughter.

“No one will place another bet again! My eyes and teeth still hurt from your last bet.” said Hye Young and her fangs.

“My back still hurts and none of you volunteered to give me a massage!” said Momo. Their last bet, well let’s just say they made those two wrestle each other.

“5 dollars?” said Rihyo.

“What!? You’re joining too?” said Hye Young and dropped one steak of rabbit meat steak.

“Couldn’t hurt. Plus you haven’t given me my allowance yet!” said Rihyo and Hye Young rolled her eyes.

“10 dollars for me!” said Hana.

“Same here!” said Maysee and the sisters did their handshake.

“Haru, get down here.” ordered Rihyo.

“No.” Haru replied in a straight way.

They continued with their chores as they listened to Avril Lavigne’s “What the Hell”. Some of them were singing and humming while working. Just then, Hana gasped as she began seeing a vision in her mind.


“Renesmee, give it up!” she saw Jason with the other members of Volturi. They were about to attack Yeun-ja, and she got curious with the guys near her.


Hana snapped back to reality and looked at Maysee, who was beside her.

“Guys, Yeun-ja’s in trouble. She’s somewhere in the forest.” said Hana when Kyung Mi gasped.

“Where is she?” said Hye Young.

“Kyung Mi?” said Momo and looked at Kyung Mi.

“Hold on, I can hear her voice.” said Kyung Mi and Momo lowered the volume of the stereo. Kyung Mi used her overdeveloped senses to hear Yeun-ja’s voice.

“She’s in the forest near the cliff side. It’s that way!” said Kyung Mi and pointed to the east.

“Let’s go!” said Rihyo and they all ran as quickly as they can to the forest. But before they left, they called Haru.

“Let’s go, Haru.” repeated Hana.

“Ugh, fine.” she said and jumped off the roof. Don’t worry, Kyung Mi caught her.


Meanwhile, the members of SJM and Renesmee are trying to find a way to shake off the Volturi. She knelt down and grabbed a knife from her boot. The members of the Volturi laughed when they saw her holding a small knife.

“Do you think you can defeat us with a knife?” said Jane.

As they laughed their butts off, two angry werewolves and four fierce vampires jumped out of nowhere. Yeun-ja sighed in defeat and her sisters looked at their sister with an I-can’t-believe-you-ran-into-trouble look.

“You better leave my sister alone, Jane.” said Hye Young.

They turned around and were terrorized by the sight of the six sisters at one place. The members of Volturi faced Yeun-ja again and they all sighed in defeat.

“You may have won this time, Renesmee. But next time around, don’t expect to live.” said Aaron and they all left.

Hye Young and Kyung Mi quickly ran to comfort their little sister. They hugged her tightly and broke the hug after a few seconds. The werewolves turned into human, and this surprised the boys.

“Where have you been? Lunch is served!” said Rihyo with her arms crossed.

“It was nothing.” said Yeun-ja and quickly left the forest. The girls fixed their attention on the boys, who tried to run away.

“Where are you all going?” said Maysee and they stopped. SJM faced the girls and just kept their mouth shut.

“So, who might you be?” said Kyung Mi.

“Huh? You don’t know us?” said Siwon and the sisters shook their head “no”.

“Well, I’m Choi Siwon.”

“I’m Kim Ryeowook.”

“I’m Cho Kyuyhun.”

“Call me Zhou Mi.”

“My name’s Lee Donghae.”

“I’m Henry Lau.”

“I’m Lee Eunhyuk.”

“I’m Lee Sungmin. Nice to meet you all!”

“Well, I’m .”

“I’m Aura.”

“My name’s Rain.”

“I’m Rose.”

“I’m Irene.”

“My name’s Purple Desire.”

Haru didn’t speak and just dragged Yeun-ja home with her. They didn’t notice that the two left, so they just continued with their conversation.

“So, where are you from?” asked Rihyo.

“Uhh…Taiwan?” said Zhou Mi.

“This is Taiwan.” said Hana and crossed her arms.

“WHAT!?” all of the guys said in unison.

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Jewel15 #1
Please don't push yourself too hard, you'll be better in no time~!

I hope you'll be fine, take care
Emerald #2
**** OMG R U OKAY?!?!?! <br />
please don't push urself, and take ur time, get alot of rest, don't worry about us readers we can wait
Samona #3
OMG I'm glad you're okay.<br />
Make sure to get a lot of rest and don't push your self too much.
Samona #4
Chapter 16 - XD Kyuhyun fainted.<br />
Aw, a week of hell. At least they're learning control.
Samona #5
Chapter 15 - Silence broke for a few minutes. XD<br />
They were all a little disappointed and terrified to battle 8 girls. They’re girls for crying out loud!<br />
-They should judge the girls so quickly. <br />
<br />
Chapter 16 - XD at Mimi chewing on the pillow and Kyuhyun fainting. XD<br />
<br />
**Hope you feel better soon.**
Samona #6
Chapter 14 - “Focus, and try to hurt that dummy over there.” she said and pointed to something.<br />
“But I can’t hurt Donghae! He’s my friend.” said Siwon and Hye Young giggled.<br />
XD<br />
Aww, Sungmin worrying about the bunny.<br />
<br />
@anothergirl98 I hope you feel better soon. ^_^
Haha Sungmin is so cute when worry about the bunny! :3 Ooh and an idea for future refrence remember when I said i know karate/martial arts, sungmin does too! how cool would it be if to future see-ers faught, we would always know what each other was going to do! haha just an idea <3
Samona #8
Chapter 11 - XD at Fish!Donghae<br />
Chapter 12 - XD Ryeowook keeps tapping on the glass. XD<br />
XD Why do everyone keep snatching things away from Henry? XD
I've read the two new chapters on Winglin! When are you going to post them on here?
Chapter 9 OMG Dinghae is stuck as a fish!! o.o Oh noooo! I love all of our jobs though hehe and you have a amazing scenery and furniture pictures btw :3