Do I Know You?

Dream High Season 3


“Kim Hyuna. You need to go to school.” Hyuna’s mother yanked the blanket off of her, finally getting sick of her daughter’s procrastination on school, missing a day a week wasn’t going to do.

“You need to get it together and stop being lazy or you will be kicked out. Remember how hard you tried to get in?” Her mom tried to tell her while sitting her up at the same time.

“Mom, I don’t have my homework done. Can I just stay home today and do it, I’m failing anyways.” Hyuna begged sleepily, trying to lie back down but her mom kept her from doing so. Hyuna honestly didn’t care about the school work anymore than the man in the moon did.

“You may not. Your uniform’s on the back of the couch, now go.” Her mother said as her patience dissipated.

“No really. I don’t want to go. So I’m not going.” Hyuna argued back, refusing to get up by holding onto the dark brown wooden head board.

“Hyuna. I will call your father.” Her mother spat through gritted teeth, tired of her daughter’s childish stubbornness.

“Oooh. What is he going to do?” Hyuna scoffed, ripping from her mother’s grip to lie back down, pulling the big pink comforter over her head. Hyuna’s mother scoffed back at her and went to dial up a very special man to Hyuna, no matter how much she might deny it.

“Hyuna’s refusing to go to school again… Yeah… She is?” Hyuna’s mother’s voice was heard from the living room. Hyuna kept quiet so she could hear at least one side of the conversation. “Yeah I won’t… I’m sure it will. Bye.” The voice in the living room finally hung up with her ex-husband, the bye not having any emotion behind it.

“Hyuna! Get dressed for school now! Your sister’s going to be auditioning there today. Also if you go I’ll buy you more pepero…” Hyuna’s mom shouted from the living room as she broke down to a bribe. This finally got Hyuna’s attention.

Hyuna had always known that she had a sister who lived with her father, but she hadn’t seen any recent pictures of her, just baby pictures. Right after Hyuna’s sister was born, their parents got a divorce. When that happened, Hyuna was barely a year old. Hyuna’s mom took Hyuna, and her father took her sister.

Hyuna quickly got out of her bed, pretending like the sister idea wasn’t the reason why she got up.

“I guess I could go today…” Hyuna sighed and pulled her uniform over her undershirt and pair of shorts and ran a hand through her hair, popping a piece of gum in instead of brushing her teeth.

She hurriedly slid her shoes on and grabbed her backpack.

“Well, if you’re going to yell at me to get ready, you might as well be ready to go when I am.” Hyuna spoke to her mother, giving her a playful grin.

Her mom grinned and grabbed her car keys and opened the front door for Hyuna. Hyuna stepped out first and her mom followed suit.

The two got into the car and took off for Kirin Arts School where Hyuna attended.

The auditions where going that day, and of course, bad student Hyuna had no idea until her mom had informed her a few minutes earlier.

As they got closer to the school they could see the teenagers gathering outside after or before they had auditioned for the ten open spots.

“Here we are.” Hyuna’s mom stopped the car at the cross walk and let Hyuna out. She hesitantly crossed the road to the school. She noticed some where crying because they hadn’t made it and some didn’t look phased at all.

Hyuna took the side entrance right next to the audition room, taking in the familiar smell of the school that she had tried so hard to get into, but yet she slacked off.

“I made it!” A happy male voice cried out.

There where so many people around Hyuna, she couldn’t tell who it was coming from.

An excited light browned hair male jumped right back into a petite but foreign looking young girl who also was cheering because she had made it.

The two came crashing into Hyuna, who was only about two feet away.

Speechless and mad, Hyuna lied beneath the young boy who just hovered over her, staring down at her, his mouth agape and his eyes wide as moons.

“U-u-u-uh. I’m so sorry!” He yelled out in English, scrambling to get off of the girl. The one who he had almost plowed over was being helped up by a boy and a girl, whom Hyuna had never seen before, presumably they where auditioning.

In fury, Hyuna blindly darted to stand up, knocking right into another person. The both fell to the ground, writhing in the pain in their heads.

“Watch where you’re going!” Hyuna shouted, holding the top of her head, a scowl on her face.

“I was just trying to help!” The other girl defended herself. Hyuna whipped her head around to look at her, staring her straight in the eyes.

When their eyes met, Hyuna’s blood went cold for a split second. She knew she had seen that face some where before. The girl was in a uniform already, Hyuna had figured she had auditioned that day and made it. With one glance Hyuna read her name tag said ‘Kwon Sohyun’.  She made a note that was her father’s last name.

Hyuna scoffed a second time that day and stood up, dusting off her own uniform, not giving ‘Kwon Sohyun’ a second look. She started to walk over to a table with a student she had seen around before named Jia. Her long black hair cascaded down her back and her bangs perfectly framed her face, her eyes lined darkly with eyeliner.

“How many people have made it so far? Do you know?” Hyuna asked, setting her backpack down next to her.

“What? Ten?” Jia spoke in Chinese, barely being able to understand Korean.

Hyuna stared at the girl, her day not going as planned.

“This all for pepero, and to maybe know my sister?” Hyuna mumbled to herself, crossing her arms over her chest, not giving the girl a second look.

“She said ten.” A voice spoke from behind Hyuna. The owner of the voice sat down next to Hyuna. It was Sohyun.

“Hyuna asked if you knew how many people made it so far.” Sohyun asked Jia back in Chinese.

“Oh yeah, all ten have been chosen. They’re having uniform fittings right now.” Jia chirped in Chinese. Sohyun immediately translated to Korean for Hyuna.

“And I would know, I was one of them.” Sohyun boasted, her smile reaching from ear to ear.

“Yah. Who do you think you are?” Hyuna narrowed her eyes at Sohyun before standing up at the table, taking her backpack and leaving. The other two girls watched her leave before turning to each other and began to chatter in Chinese.

“This … Nothing’s going right. Thanks mom.” Hyuna whined out loud, walking up to her locker. “Maybe I should have made at least a few friends…” Hyuna added to her mini conversation with herself, watching a pretty attractive guy walk by, who already attended there. What was his name? Kikwang…? Kisung…?

“Listen, she’s talking to herself.” The boy who’s name tag read Kikwang, snickered to his friend, who Hyuna knew as Minho. “She’s probably gone insane, that’s why she hasn’t been at school.” Minho added, just lighting up Hyuna’s already lit fire.

“Who are you calling crazy?” Hyuna shouted, letting her backpack fall off of her shoulder and into her hand.

Minho and Kikwang cringed and turned to face Hyuna. “You.” Minho boldly said, his face emotionless.

“Mind your own business, if I was talking to you, I would have said so.” Hyuna stood her own ground and took a step towards the two boys. Kikwang stayed silent and watched the two yell it out.

“Since when where you the boss of every thing?” Minho yelled back, his eyebrows rising.

“I think I have the right to keep people out of my conversations!”

“With yourself?” Minho laughed, slapping his friend’s arm out of laughter.

Hyuna went to raise her fist but a busty brunette teacher came and stood between the two.

“Teacher Choi!” Hyuna cried out, running to her favorite teacher’s side, latching to her arm.

“Hyuna, Minho just likes trouble.” Teacher Choi, or rather she liked her students to call her, Gina, told Hyuna in English. Hyuna was able to understand it because of the English classes.

Minho rolled his eyes and walked back off, dragging Kikwang with him.

Hyuna stormed off in the separate direction to her first class of the day, which happened to be English. She knew Minho and Kikwang where also in that class, but tried to keep her calm as she sat in her desk.

The other students slowly started to fill in, with addition to five of the new students.

Sohyun, the boy from earlier, and the girl from earlier where in there, along with a nerdy girl, and a dark headed boy; all awkwardly sat in the front row.

As Minho and Kikwang came in Hyuna placed her chin in the palm of her hand and avoided eye contact, a great way to come back from a five day absence.

Gina cleared at the front of the class room, silencing the students.

“I know I only teach you English, but I still can teach you about the show case!” Gina said happily, in Korean, a change from the usual English that was spoken in the class.

“Since we added ten new students today, next we have a show case. It’s not hard to qualify for the show case. I’ll get onto that later, but today we have a past Kirin student to talk to you, and to encourage you!” Gina said excitedly as she motioned to the door, where none other than the Song Samdong was standing.

Most of the girls subconsciously squealed and hit their friends on the shoulders in excitement of the idol in their presence. He chuckled and gave them a small wave.

“He’s so cute.” Hyuna leaned back in her seat and pressed her hand to her chest.

The light headed boy from earlier looked at Hyuna, whom he had admired since he had fallen on her, and then at Samdong, his eyes green from jealousy.

“Kikwang and Samdong look alike~!” Two of the new female students giggled and compared the two, trying not to gather too much attention to them as they did so.

“But we also have the ever so famous Pilsook!” Gina eye smiled as she motioned as Pilsook stepped out behind from Samdong. Had she been there the whole time?

The nerdy girl who was comparing Kikwang and Samdong looked at Pilsook and her face went pale before passing out, falling out of her chair, hitting the ground with a thud.

The excitement of the two idols in front of them blinded every one from the student’s sudden faint.

Pilsook and Samdong carried on about the show case, grins on their faces as they watched the excited students.

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omg i always wanted this i love it please write more i like dream high 1 the most
Chapter 2: awweee, ilhoon sooo cuuttee <3
Chapter 4: i feel so sad for hyuna!!! T_T
Chapter 4: ne i think hyuna is a better dancer than sohyun but sohyung singest better than hyuna whos gonna love hyuna lol update
Chapter 3: Great chapter though I think hyuna is a better dancer but update soon author-nim
Chapter 3: i want hyuna to be more than sohyung hyuna rap better than her lol nice story i want romance hyuna figthing
Wwaa new reader here! Love this and hope kikwang and hyuna talk to each other!
Chapter 1: keep update~~
Monsterii #9
Chapter 1: Great first chapter! I really enjoyed it >w< It was engaging and everything ~ I'll definitely be looking forward for more.