Chapter 9

My Stupid step-brothers but I loved them

The next morning I woke up at 9 in the morning, it seems like I woke up at the good side of the bed today. I was smiling and humming while doing my morning routines. I don’t even know why?


You went to take a bath after that you went to your walk-in closet. ''what to wear?'' you asked yourself. You just shrugged and pick out the clothes that are near you w/c is short shorts and a black tee w/ butterfly design on it.


Then you went down. You saw a maid and ask her, ''where’s umma and appa?''. ''ah young mistress, good morning. They just went out, just about 10 minutes before you went down'' she answered. ''Ah thank you'' you said to her. You went to the kitchen and get something to eat. After eating the sandwich that you made you went back to your room to answer the homework that you haven’t finished. It took you 10 hrs to answer the entire 100 question that Mr. Berner gave your class as homework. ''I SWEAR IF I SAW MR. BERNER TOMORROW. I’LL KILL HIM.'' You shouted. You glance at the clock and realized it was already 6 in the afternoon. *woah! 10 hrs.?! no wonder my back hurts like hell and I’m so hungry. I wonder if umma and appa come back already?*


You went down the stairs while stretching. *Ah Damn my back really hurts.* Then you stop suddenly and saw 5 pairs of eyes staring at you. *HUH?! There back?! Since when?!*. You recall what your umma said to you last night. *AH?! Yeah I totally freaking forgot. Heemin you’re sometimes becoming a pabo. I thought your smart?!*. They just stare at you and you stare back at them. After a minute you got irritated it’s like they become statue. ''What?!'' you hissed at them.  Seems like they got back on the earth from wherever they came from. *Aish~ they are not just jerks. They are weirdoes too.* ''ah who are you?'' Taemin ask you. You rolled your eyes and about to answer when your umma went out from the dining table and saw you at the stairs. ''Ah Heemin-ah, good thing you went down because I will just ask one of the boys to get you down it seems like I didn’t have too.'' Your umma said. ''Just sit there first with your brothers and talk, I’ll call you when the food are ready and served.'' I was waiting for the boys to answer umma but when I look at them they are just looking at us so I answer umma instead ''Ok''


When umma went back to the dining table I walk to the vacant sofa which is beside Taemin. When I sit I realized that they are just looking at me ''What?!'' I ask irritated. ''What happened to you? Is that really you Heemin?'' Onew asked you. ''what happened? Let’s see some jerks told me that my fashion sense is a trash, something like that so I went for a little shopping galore. Another jerk said that I was ugly and fat so, I went for lasik surgery to get rid of my eyeglasses and go to gym. and no I’m not Heemin'' I said the last sentence with a duh tone. *didn’t umma just call me Heemin?* I look at their reactions and I think they were taken a back with the way I answer them. Key the diva said ''Yah! Is that how you answer to your oppas?!'' he asked me. I look at him looks like he’s really taken aback by the way I call them jerks. ''ah 1st of all. who is my oppas?'' I asked confused. Taemin answered me ''Us. Where older than you so you sould call us oppas.'' I just stared at them with wide eyes. *unbelievable aren’t they the one who said don’t call them oppas?* ''ah ok? I’m confused aren’t you the ones who told me to not call you oppas?'' I asked. No answer. *Oh they forgot ha.* I wait after about 2 minutes no answer. They are just looking down *this talk will get to nothing* I stand up I’m about to go up when someone said ''what happened to you Heemin? You’re not the same Heemin that we saw last 6 months'' Minho said to me. I was really pissed now *do they think after what they said to me before they went to Japan, what I experience in their school, I’ll still be the old nerd Heemin?! And to think that I’m not really that nerd it’s just a freaking disguise because of guys like them!! JERKS!!!!*

 ''DO YOU THINK AFTER WHAT YOU SAID TO ME THAT NIGHT I WOULD BE THE HEEMIN THAT YOU KNOW? YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED TO ME IN YOUR FREAKING SCHOOL BECAUSE OF THE RICH, STUCK UP JERKS KIDS LIKE YOU! TELL ME IF I SHOULD BE THAT HEEMIN BACK THEN? THE ING NERD THAT CAN’T EVEN STAND TO HERSELF WHEN SHE IS BULLIED? IT’S ALL THE 5 OF YOU STUPID JERKS FAULTS! BLAME YOURSELVES WHY I BECOME LIKE THIS'' I said to them with tears sliding in my cheeks, I broke down and sit in the stairs. ''Heemin.'' They said in low voice. They were about to come near me when umma and appa come out from the kitchen when they heard my shouts. Seeing me in the stairs sitting and crying umma started walking and coming near me, I stand up get the key to my car that is at the table near the door where we put all the keys of the cars and ran to the door. They were frozen in their places in what I did, I was by the door ready to turn the knob when I turned back looking at umma and appa ''I’m really sorry umma and appa. I just need to calm myself. I’m sleeping in Unnie’s house tonight. Have a happy dinner. Ok?'' You said to them, turn the knob and open the door. ''Heemin-ah'' your mom said. That’s the last thing you heard before you close the door. You quickly run to your car and start it and drove away still tears in your eyes.

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@not_me kk~ umm.. i think they are really good for that role so yeah.. kk~~ XXD.. thanks for subscribing.. :-*<br />
@MarshMallow11 thanks so much kk~ :-*
awww... fx are athe antgonists?!?!?! keke