/throws flower petals/ ouo | under-co ;(


  1. Subscribe  
  2. Check the masterlist to see which idol is available. Still can't decide? Wishlist can help ;)
  3. Comment on the commentbox below; with the password too. 
  4. ... Or you can mention us @flowerpetalsrp
  5. password is flowerforyou.
  6. Wait for the confirmation and please make the account within 2 days. 
  7. Username format is @fp_(idol's name)
  8. Bio format is: verified roleplay at @flowerpetalsrp; [idol's name] | #_liner | whatever you want. Well, actually you can write anything you want as long as you include @flowerpetalsrp
  9. Your account is done? Yay. Now login and mention the base account on twitter. ouo
  10. Follow the admins, aight? @fp_yura and @fp_seungyub
  11. Enjoy!!!11 \o/



Be friendly
No bashing or fighing with the family member or rps outside the fam.
and yuri are NOT allowed. Straight onlyyy. D;
and in dm. Kiddos everywhere guys.
Dating is allowed after 3 days of joining. This is an open agency so you can dating with rps out there.
Tell the admins if you are in relationship or married. We'll write your name and your couple's name on the couple list ouo
Pregnant isn't allowed ok. B| Too much drama orz
English and Korean only.
Limit your ooc. And please keep them in brackets.
Semi-hiatus / hiatus / deact; please tell the admins first for the further steps.
7 days in inactivity; you'll get a warning message. Still not coming in 2 days? You'll be kicked out. ;(
Have fun. ; u ; 

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