Special: B.A.P.- One Shot

Mix-It-Up Playlist (Music Video Review Shop)

This will be a special review and I may do some more like this in the future. Today I will be reviewing B.A.P.'s One Shot. But not just the video. I will bre reviewing the whole album.


As many people know, B.A.P. is a new rookie group tha debuted on January 26, 2012. B.A.P. (standing for Best, Absolute, Perfect) was formed under TS Entertainment home of Secret and Untouchable. B.A.P. consists of 6 members and is known for their fierce Hip-Hop vibe.

Now I know B.A.P. is really popular right now and most people who like Kpop at least have heard of the name. I personally really like B.A.P. and I know other people have different opinions on that. I also really like how B.A.P. did try other styles within the past year, and though it may have not been as strong as their original concept they still did it well. 

That being said, I decided to review this whole album for a few reasons. One being I do love B.A.P. Another, I don't want to review all of B.A.P.'s songs since I would like to talk about other groups, thus I want to give a broad overview of what B.A.P. is like. And though their original album where they debuted with 'Warrior' might be a better choice for this, I was highly impressed by everything done in this album, thus I wanted to show it off.

'One Shot' MV:










English Lyrics: (Click Here)


The Song

Since B.A.P. debuted with a power house song 'Warrior,' some of their other works weren't as powerful and in your face as 'Warrior' was. And seen before this they came out with 'Stop It' I was curious where they were going. (Don't get me wrong I loved the cute things they did but I still love 'Warrior' more). That being said I was curious where this song would go, and I was so happy it had a tougher, harderfeel to it. I personally, loved the song. I thought it had a great beat. The violins, the swells of the background music, and the siren were a great addition to the song, however, it makes it hard to drive since you think a cop is always coming after you. I did like the guns, but after having it in 'Warrior' and how much they used it in this song, it's becoming over used. Yongguk seems to really love his guns. Anyways there's not much I can complain about the song. I loved when it slowed done and Youngjae began to sing then Daehyun's voice gets really powerful is well done. As for the meaning, I think its a great and empowering song. It's really good for this day in age since most of us (including myself) will sit infront of a computer all day and think that's living. The only thing that gets me offgaurd is how much this reminds me of YOLO. I'm not some who says YOLO nor do I use it to act crazy, but YOLO and this song both are telling us we only have one life and in this case OneShot. 


The Music Video

I don't know if I should really can this a music video. This was the matrix down in 7 minutes. It was filmed well, the setting was great! They spent a lot of money on this, and though it is compared to Block B's song, there is a big difference in the style of the video. Now this has a storyline all through the music video. There are clips and cuts, it takes away from the song and plays other songs on the video. I had mixed feelings about this. Yeah, I liked hearing the other songs and they fit well with the music video but it's a music video for One Shot not every single B.A.P. song (exaggeration). 

There were also somethings that didn't completely make sense. I mean who throws a USB like that and still expect it to work. Also if Zelo didn't pick it up, Youngjae would be dead, and Zelo wasn't at the scene when they got it. Also, stealing money from the professionals was way to easy... I mean if it was that easy, wouldn't we all being doing it? Besides, the missing holes, this was a great music video, I seriously cried.

But that's another thing. What did people think of the two ends? This is hard to talk about because so many people have opinions on it. Some thing they shouldn't have done it. Some thing it's amazing, and some can't decide which they liked better, while others wished for a new happy ending all together. I mean I don't want One Shot if that's my One Shot.

Anyways for those that didn't see the end, I don't want to spoil it. The ends have to conflicting emotions that you have. And they both are really well done. But at the same time, one is illegal to do (the second one, he cheated) but the other one no ones happy. Anyways this is something people have to decide for themselves, and I can't really say much on the matter. Was it a good idea? Maybe. It did give the fans more to talk about it and it showed the memebers in a new light.

Overall, amazing music video.

Comment which ending you liked better!

The Dance

I really loved this dance. I like the jump and freeze type move in the chorus. I love the "Oh OH oh" Hand sway thing. Himchan was the god of the crotch and gosh was he prefect for it *fangirling.* Zelo did an amazing job dancing as well. I loved his moves and wished I could do that. However, again, I think the guns are becoming an overkill (haha there's a pun, you know since you kill with guns... *Ahem* anyways) I don't mind the gun motion but it's everywhere in the song and dance, and they already did that in 'Warrior.' These guys need to find new weapons to imitate. Anyone got any Ideas?

Anyways overall, I loved this dance. I love their tough style and they are really good with crotch dances, just like Teen Top. But I will say, I wished they focused more on Jongup.


The English

The English is hard to say for this song. Some parts are really good. 'Only' is said well as is 'One Shot' (the title of the song, that's always important to pronounce that right). But this opening part with Yongguk, it's almost cringe worthy. 

"One shot, Let me tell you something that you already know.

You just get the rock to me.

You know what I mean?"

'You just get the rock to me'? No Yongguk I don't know what you mean. It's just an ugly sentence that doesn't make sense. Maybe I'm not street enough to understand (I'm not street at all), so if this is the case please explain to me. 

Also, the last line of the song "You only have last chance, you know?" It's not a perfectly good english sentence, and I don't even think this is street talk just bad grammar, also, am I the only one who thinks it sounds like 'You only have Left Chance you know?" 'You know what I mean?' (<<  

The Outfits

I skipping outfits on this one. I did like the outfits, but with the extra songs, I don't want to go into extra details, cause I will spend hours on this. One thing though:

Daehyun's Backside... I don't know why, he's just really nice to look at when he's made and walks up shotting people. (He is not my bias, but damn I approve) I also thought it was funny it's jacket said rich.


The Overview

This has everything mixed into one as a music video. It has an epic storyline, awesome music, great sound effects, killer dance moves that to a normal human being seem imposible, not only that but it has a crazy plot twist. This was really well done and showed the growth of the boys. And I think everyone should see it once, maybe not like it, but still see it once, just like everyone has to hear 'Sorry, sorry' at least once in their life if they are any kind of kpop fan. 


The Verdict

Anyways, I loved this. It was professionally well done. There were a few things that I think it could have done without but overall, you can tell how hard and how many people put work into this. This isn't just about the boys, the filming crew and editing did fantastic and if anything, I think the biggest achievement award should go to all who worked on it. 


The Album: (I will simple review the songs and ignore 'One Shot' and 'Rain Sound')










Album Track List:

Punch (00:00-03:26)

One Shot (03:29-07:24)

Rain Sound (7:30-1050)

Coma (10:54-14:16)

0 (Zero) (14:24-17:49)


Song Review:

Punch: So I'm going to start with 'I'm sure most people have noticed' or at least I hope I'm not the only because now I would be crazy, the chorus of this song is relatively similiar to 'No Mercy.' Instead of 'No, No, No, No Mercy' they say 'Err, Err, Everybody Punch' It's not the same however, it is really similar. Which can both be a good and bad thing. I think in this case, it is good. B.A.P. has tried other styles and has had a multiple reaction from fans because of it. However, with this song staying closer to their original concept, it welcomes fans who aren't as open as others for B.A.P. trying other styles. 

However, because it is somewhat similar, for me, it isn't my favorite song by them. I liked how they tried new things and even when they did try new things they still had their own sound. Now, that doesn't mean this is a bad song. It was a really well done song and it almost has a 'Final Countdown' feel. It's like the song that plays when the protanganist of a movie is getting pumped up and ready for the final battle. It's powerful and has that 'I'm badass and nothing can stop me!' kind of sound. It's somewhat motivating. I also like the band type feel where they have the drums and a it just reminds me of the band playing during halftime during a big important football game. 

So overall, this song was really well done. However, it's not in my top songs by B.A.P. Would I recomend it? Probably not without recomending the whole album, but it is worth listening to.

One Shot: (Look Above)

Rain Sound: (Look at Chapter 7)

Coma: So besides 'One Shot' I have to say, this was my favorite song on the album. The opening just starts off brilliantly. It has this eerie accordin type sound, then there's this ticking noise and as it slows down, it sounds like aan old video reccorder stopping at the end of the film. And it all makes sense. It's showing how something is coming to an end, which makes sense of the context of the song. However there is one thing I'm not a fan of about this song. Jieun a member of secret has like three lines in the song and I fell it disrupts the movement of the song. And though I've read that it reminds a lot of people of Yongguk's 'I Remember' and though I was really find of that song it just seemed misplaced here. I also loved the rain and the heart beat monitor it really showed how their relationship was dying. I thought it was done very well and the instrumental was rather artistic.

Overall, I loved and would highly recommend it.

Zero: Again this was a well done song. However, there were were a few parts that reminded me of other songs. The 'I just wanna make you like this Just breaking the mold' reminds me of a song from the late 90s or 2000s I can't find it but if someone knows what I'm talking about please share it with me. My favorite part of the song was actually the 'oh eh oh oh eh oh eh oh' It's just really catchy and fun to listen to. It is a great song that shows off the vocals well. However does anyone find themselves thinking of the Disneys Hercules movie? You know the song 'Zero to Hero?' It makes me think of it and not in a bad way. 

Overall I liked this song. The English wasn't up to par as it usually is in their other songs but still great job. I would recommend this song.


 The Verdict:


I thought this album was really well done. Though I don't believe it shows off the complete original concept of B.A.P.  I think it shows something better. This album really shows their growth throughout the last year they've come so far and they keep pushing themselves. I really think this is a great album. If you like anything with a hip hop or r and b vibe please check this out its worth it.

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Chapter 9:
umm... in Yongguk's bad English..... it has a meaning here:


hello ^^ i really love this song so i want to see what people think about it. the mv is i think about them camping to forget the breakups. help me understand the mv please?

username : EmpireKids9
reviewers: both
Artist: ze:a5
Song Title: the day we broke up

Song Link: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1M1beIdYUl0&;desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1M1beIdYUl0
Hi. :D wanna be affiliates? :3