Jealously and rivalry

Mr Perfect meets F(x)

~Amber's POV~ I never seen a history tutor that good looking in my life. I wanted Jaejin to stay for as long as he could, wanted to spend time with him alone and wanted to be his. All my dreams of being with him crashed when he said that Sulli was his ideal type. Anger boiled within me and I struggled to hold it in. Almost every boy in our school loved Sulli. It was always pretty Sulli, perfect Sulli, cute Sulli blah blah blah. I never got any attention. Maybe it was my looks or my attitude but at least I still had a loving boyfriend. Ex boyfriend actually. Key was the love of my life till Krystal just had to barge in and steal his attention with her pretty face and aegyo. I forgave Krystal even when she started dating Key as I knew Krystal since childhood and we had been there for each other ever since. However I really felt a strong pull towards Jaejin. Was this how it feels when you have love at first sight? I sat moodily at the back and watched as "perfect Sulli" chose a dare. How I wished Victoria unnie would dare Sulli to do something stupid and make a fool of herself infront of Jaejin. That will prove that she was not perfect. Of course Victoria unnie tried to be all nice and asked Sulli to kiss Jaejin. I stared at my unnie in shock and wanted to protest but I got a warning look from Luna and shut up immediately. I watched in horror as Sulli and Jaejin shared a sweet kiss. All this seemed to affect Sulli a lot and she rushed ino the room. I saw her ears turning red. I waited for Jaejin to spin the bottle half hoping it oils land on me and that somebody would dare me to kiss Jaejin or something.  But noooo. Jaejin just had to leave at this moment. I watched him go sadly. As soon as I heard the door close we huddled together. "So... What do you think about Jaejin oppa?" Krystal asked. "Super hot god." Luna said. I nodded my head in agreement. "I wonder what could have happened if Jaejin liked me..." Victoria unnie said, staring dreamily into thin air. "Too bad he just had to fall for Sulli..." I said, sulking on the couch. "I always adored Sulli but I'm tired of her getting all the attention from cute boys." Luna stated, lowering her voice to prevent Sulli from hearing. We nodded our head in agreement. Somehow we made a plan to fight for Jaejin's love at to keep him away from Sulli as much as possible. I know you guys must be thinking that we are super selfish and evil but all is fair in love and war~ we just needed to use our brains a bit. 

The next day

~ Luna's POV~ I walked along the hallway, head buried in my literature book. I had a test today and I completely forgot all about it. I didn't know where I was going and the next thing I knew I knocked into something hard and landed on the floor with a loud thud. I rubbed my head and blushed with embarrssment. A hand came into view and I took it gratefully. "Luna unnie, are you ok?" A familiar soft voice asked. I looked up to see Jaejin smiling at my warmly and blushed even deeper. I nodded as I watched him pick up my book. "Here you go unnie. I'll see you later for history tuition ok?" He said winking at me before walking off. I felt light headed with happiness and just nodded at his back. I heard a bell ring in the distance and I snapped back from my thoughts. ! Literature was first period. I ran towards the classroom and managed to sit down before the teacher came in. After 1 and a half hours of examination I walked out of the classroom gratefully and stretched. I miraculously knew almost every answer and was confident on at least scoring an A. The rest if the day passed quite quickly and it was soon time for the bell to ring. I made a mental note in my mind to rush to the dorm to get ready first. I wanted to look awesome for Jaejin. As I pushed the door of our dorm open I saw that Sulli was already there. She had on a cute dress that barely reached her knees and she out in slight makeup. Over all she looked super pretty. I was not happy and tried to doll myself up within the remaining time I had left. Victoria and Amber unnie had to come home later since they had remedial lessons. I was starting to wonder where Krystal had went when suddenly the door flung open to reveal a dazzling krystal. I think she over did it with a crop top that exposed her stomach and a pair of metallic shorts. She odviously went to the salon to style her hair. I sighed to myself as I turned to check my reflection in the mirror. I put on a little eyeliner and pronounced myself hot enough. 

~ Krystal's POV~ I couldn't wait for Jaejin oppa to come. As I was walking back from the mall a lot of guys stopped to ogle at me. I was certain he wouldn't be able to resist me. To my horror I saw that Luna and Sulli had also taken the effort and time to doll themselves up. They sure did look super gorgeous. I looked at the clock. Jaejin oppa should be here by now so what's taking him so long? "Luna unnie! Do you know why Jaejin oppa is late?" I asked. Luna unnie just shocked her head, re adjusting her already perfect hair. "He had remedial that's why he is going o come an hour late." Sulli answered. I was shocked that she knew and demanded to know how she found out. She later infested that she had exchanged numbers with him. Jealously boiled within me. I had no time to yell at her as the door opened to reveal Victoria and Amber unnie. They seemed to have changed earlier as both of them had make up on and were wearing very attractive clothes. We got out all our books and tidied the room to the best of our abilities with trying to avoid perspiring. At exactly one hour later Jaejin oppa knocked on the door. I let him in and gasped soundlessly.  Jaejin oppa looked so freaking hot!!! He had on a pair of super tight ripped skinnies and a button up shirt with 3 buttons ed. He seemed to have run here as he panted attractively bent over with his head down. I tooked this opportunity to peak at his slightly tan skin and defined abs. Over all he was an angel sent down from heaven. Sulli brought him a glass of water and he gulped it down quickly. He seemed to recover as he straightened up and thanked Sulli, flashing her a bright smile. That was so not fair! Sulli always seemed to find the perfect opportunity to get his attention. I could have done that too! "Are you girls going out later? You all look seriously hot. Escepially you krystal." Jaejin oppa said as he sat down on the floor looking up at me mischievously. I heard Sulli give an indignant "hmph!" But I was too happy to care. Luna immediately moved to sit on Jaejin oppa's right. Sulli sat on his left and I sat across him. 

~Sulli's POV~ to be honest I wasn't very happy when Jaejin oppa said Krystal unnie looked the best out of all of us. I thought I was his ideal type and was determined to keep it that way. I saw that his back was drenched with sweat and used that to make my move on him. "Jaejin oppa, don't you feel hot? Do you want to take off your shirt and wash up a bit?" I asked innocently, looking at him with doe eyes. He thought about it for a second before nodding. I stood up eagerly and held out a hand to help him up. I couldn't take his weight and I lost my balance. I felt myself falling but his strong arms caught me. Was this how all the fairy tale princesses felt in their Prince Charming's arms? I wondered. The world seemed to freeze as I looked into his brown eyes. He smiled before letting me go. I regained my composure and took his hand leading him to the bathroom. I opened the door for him and turned around about to leave when I saw that Jaejin oppa already had his shirt off. I squeaked in surprise and covered my eyes. "Yah oppa! I'm still here you know!" I yelled. I heard a soft chuckle as my hands were torn away from my eyes. "It doesn't matter does it? If it seriously affects you I'll put my shirt back on. It's not like you never saw a guy's bare chest before." Jaejin oppa teased. Truthfully I wanted him without his shirt on. It was so y. "Yahhhh. I was just shocked. Do what you want to do. I don't care!" I said rushing out of the room. Jaejin oppa returned a few minutes later without his shirt on. "Sorry, I hope you all don't mind. I'll put my shirt back on when it dries." Jaejin oppa said eyes with a glint of mischief. "NO NO! We totally don't mind!" Victoria unnie said. Jaejin oppa began to tutor us. I had to admit this was so fun! Not the studying part of course. The part where Jaejin oppa would lean over to me and ask if I was able to understand. I could smell his cologne. Unfortunately it was time for Jaejin oppa to leave. We gathered at the door to say our goodbyes. I saw too sad to realise that he still didn't have his shirt on.

later that day

~Jaejin's POV~ I returned to my dorm and flopped contentedly onto my bed. I really enjoyed spending my afternoon with my friends. They all looked so gorgeous. No doubt Krystal drew my attention immediately with her long skinny legs but Sulli killed it with her cute dress. Everything about Sulli seemed perfect. Teasing her just now was so fun. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her flustered hand went down to my shirt when I realised that it wasn't there. ! I had left it at their bathroom. I picked up my phone and called Sulli without a second thought. "Ring ring.... Hello? Jaejin oppa? You left your shirt here want me to bring it over for you?" Sulli asked over the line. I grinned happily and said yes. 2 minutes later Sulli came knocking at my door. U leaped off my bed to open it. Sulli stood there with her hair held back with a sweet hair band. She held out my shirt to me. At that moment I made up my mind and asked "want to come in for a while?" She nodded eagerly and I stood aside to let her in. She carefully placed my shirt on the table and sat on the couch making herself perfectly at home. She smiled at me and I laughed before closing the door and moving over to sit next to her. " Sooo.. Do you have plans or the evening?" I asked her. She shook her head and stared at me expectantly. "Good. Wanna hang out and watch a movie together here?" I asked. "Hahaha yea!" She said. I told her to choose whatever movie she wanted. She ended up picking a horror movie. I raised my eyebrow at her as I went to put the cd on. I had to admit the movie was pretty scary Sulli clung onto me throughout the entire movie. 

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eyqasong #1
Chapter 3: sulli and jaejin ...yeahhh..eventhough i love victoria..but sulli is more suitable with jaejin.. why dont you introduce changmin as jaejin 's brother..ahaha
Chapter 4: Honestly I want jaejin to be paired with Amber cause I saw a few video of them interacting.
Chapter 2: I Vic I not gonna be with jaejin then can u pls pair her up with suju kyuhyun or dbsk Changmin??
Chapter 1: aw I thought he liked vic even though shes a noona lol
what?he like sulli?why not amber?:(
sleepylips #6
james_maknae18 #7
There are a few male OCs fanfic so I wish from the bottom of my update soon!!!