A 'Friendly' Date

Chances are Thin When Falling for the Biggest Jerk

Taadaa I finally have a poster to this story! Thank you to soshifan96 for making such an amazing poster! :D


Yume POV

Kikwang and I walk side by side as he pointed out the views and places of the town.  The places seem to be crowded with many people. Kikwang stayed close to me with his arms around my shoulders. It made it seem he wasn’t trying to be awkward.

He led me through the crowd and brought me to an ice cream parlor. “Aigoo look who just arrived, Chaemi!” An elderly woman says from behind the counter. Another woman that looked middle age came out from behind her and smiles. “Kikwang-ah! How you been? You haven’t come with your friends in a while. I thought you forgot about this place.”

She came out to the front and hugged Kikwang who hugged her back, gently. “That’ll be mean of me if I forgot about my favorite place and favorite unnies.” He chuckles.

Chaemi pulls away and places her hand on his cheeks. “You’re still the kind-hearted boy, Kikwang.”

“Chaemi! Lose the boy! Kikwang-ah is a man now.” The elderly woman came from behind the counter to join Kikwang and Chaemi. She then notice I was watching them and also trying to make myself smaller since I didn’t who they were.

She gave me a smile. A smile that she would give to her daughter. “Well, so who is this beautiful young lady? Is she your girlfriend, Kikwang-ah?”

I stood up and bow. “I’m Yang Yume, nice to meet you.”

Chaemi peer over at me with an awe expression. “You pick very wisely, Kikwang. She’s a beauty.”

I open my mouth to speak but Kikwang beat me to it. “We’re not together.” Kikwang smiles over at me and winks. “We’re just friends, on a date.”

*Just friends…on a date.* I repeated in my mind but somehow I felt upset hearing that from him. I smile back at him with a nod. *Why did I do that…I don’t agree for some reason.*

Chaemi elbow his waist. “Liar! We see the chemistry you two have going on! Right umma?”

She shook her head with a smile. “Enough Chaemi leave them alone.” She pushes her daughter back to the counter. “Call us when you’re ready!”

“Kikwang slid in the booth. I felt his leg touch mine and instantly felt my cheeks grew warm. Kikwang didn’t notice. He sat there comfortably, flipping the pages of the menu.

“Hmmm…unnie! Anything special?” Kikwang hollers, still scanning the pages of the menu.

“Try our strawberry chocosundae!”

Kikwang looks up at me. “Sounds good?”

Strawberry my favorite. I nodded. “Delicious.” I clap my hands, grinning.

Kikwang chuckles with a bright smile. “Alright unnie we’ll have one of that!”

“It  will be done in a few minutes. Why don’t you love birds chat while waiting.” She winks at us from the counter but to be scolded by her mother.

“Sorry, Chaemi unnie can be-“

“It’s alright. I feel comfortable here actually.” I said. “It seems you’re really close to this place.”

Kikwang relax on the seat and softly smiles. “Yes, very close. My parents would always bring me here every chance they come back from overseas.”

“Your parents?”

“My parents own a company overseas. I decided to stay here because I can’t seem to leave home therefore once and awhile when they have free time they come and visit me….I really miss them a lot.” Kikwang says thoughtfully. “It’s been a year since I last saw them.”

I felt a slight pain in my heart of hearing how distance he is with his family because I felt the same when I was overseas. “I’m sure they’ll visit you soon for sure!” I added. “Besides don’t forget you have the family here.”

“Family? I’m the only member left here.” Kikwang tilted his head in confusion.

“Me and the guys of course!” I laugh. “Don’t tell me you don’t feel that bond between us!”

*With them but probably not with you….* Kikwang shook his thoughts away and broke out into a small smile. “Right. Family.”

“Your dishes are here~” Chaemi place the desert on the table. “It’s on the house. Enjoy~” She winks, walking away.

I picked up my spoon and eyed this beautiful desert. I heard chuckling and glance up at Kikwang who was watching me in amusement.

“Sorry I couldn’t help it.” He picked up his spoon and scoop in but then stopped. “You go first.”

“Huh me? Why?”

“It’s your first time here so why not let you have the first bite.” He winks.

I bit my lip as I scoop up a good amount of the sundae then stuff in it my mouth.  My eyes grew wide. “Taste delicious!” I said as I went for more.

“Whoa wait save some for me.” He joked.

In a matter of minutes we finished the sundae together. Kikwang was wiping his mouth but was missing this one spot that made me laugh.

“Is something funny?” Kikwang broke into a smile.

I lean over the table with a napkin in my hand. I wipe the edge of his plump lips and pulled away quickly. “Missed a spot.” I sheepishly grin.

Kikwang gulped. “Thanks.” He scurried out of the booth and awkwardly glances around. “Should we go?”

I got up and went over to the counter. We bowed. “Thank you for the delicious desert!” We chorused.

Chaemi and her mother gave us smile. “You’re welcome sweeties. Come back anytime and make sure bring the guys along. We miss them too!”

“We will.” Kikwang flash them a smile and led me out of the shop.

“Oh Kikwang-ah!”

Kikwang turn around. “Yes?”

Chaemi winks, playfully. “Take care of your girlfriend~”

Kikwang cheeks rose into a pink color. He cover his face and just push us out of the door.

“Are you alright?” I asked, peering over his shoulder to see his face. Somewhat it’s funny he gets shy. Though I never knew he had this side of his.

He waves his hand. “I’m alright…just Chaemi unnie can make me feel…different than I’m usually am.”

I can see that.

“So we’re heading home?” I asked as we walked.

Kikwang shove his hands in his pockets and stare up at the sky. “I guess if you want. We still have the whole day to ourselves.”

“I’m pretty tired.”

“Really? We didn’t make any much movement today and you’re tired.” Kikwang says with a hit of amusement.

I cross my arms and raised a brow at him. “So! I have a weak stamina!”

“No wonder you’re related to Yoseob.” He chuckles then unexpectedly stoop in front of me.

“Hop on.”

I backed away. “No that’s too much. I’ll make you feel tired.”

He was still glued to the ground. “I’m waiting~”

I can’t piggyback him! I decided to jog pass by him and he rose up quickly calling after me. “Hey! Where are you going?”

I look back and smile brightly. “Race you back. Loser will get locked out of the house and sleep with the rats!”

Kikwang instantly sprinted after me. “Not fair!”

Kikwang was pretty fast but that didn’t slow me down. Throughout the short race we laughed and somehow try to prevent each other from winning.

Let’s just say we were both winners.


I hope I'm not making this go downhill! I'm trying to make roots for Kikwang and Yume ;D


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still here guys just need time to sort my thoughts about the story!


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Chapter 31: please update i love it
kpophoe #2
Chapter 31: Omg your story is wonderful. I love it so much I can't wait for more chapters
Chapter 31: AHHHH!love it so much. It's such a cute story. I love Hyunseung's character the most. He makes me smile.
weownourmouth #4
Chapter 30: Update! I love this! :D
luvramen530 #5
I'M a new reader too, so please don't delete it!!
i love this fanfic!!! </3
Chapter 29: NONONONONONONO dont delete
lol new reader here!
hey do you still need a poster? i can make you one :)
SHINeeluvsME #7
Chapter 29: *love it!! I would be very upset if you did delete it
SHINeeluvsME #8
Chapter 29: Don't delete!!!!!!! I still read this and l
MissKiki #9
Chapter 29: Dont delete >:D im still gonna read~ PLZ UPDTE FORRRR MEEE~<3 thanks ^^ xD
I hate sohee!taeyang annd her need more time together!