
Going into a monster house with Eunhyuk


A bunch of people you hang out with gathered up friends and decided to go together to Everland for Halloween, when it would have

special attractions with monsters and ghosts houses and if you went wearing a costume it was half off.

You were really excited to go. A friend lent a last minute genie costume. You got there at night, the park was all dark and spooky with

pumpkins, covered in cobwebs and fake blood, and purple lanterns hanging from the trees.

Some people in your group had really cool costumes: there was Superman, Chucky, Steve Jobs, Charles Chaplin, Marilyn Monroe

and… what the hell?

There was a boy dressed in white clothes with feathers, before you could help yourself, you said:

-Are you… a chicken?

He looked offended.

-Why does everybody keep saying that?? Im an angel! Have you ever seen such a good looking chicken?

- Ah, no, sorry…

- Honestly, you put so much effort into your costume and people keep making fun of you…

- Alright, im sorry! Didnt mean to of…

- Well, you did offend me and im only forgiving you if you come with me into the Zombie House.

- I… what?

He pointed. There was a creepy ”old” house a few meters away, one of the halloween attractions.

- Everybody is teaming up to go in there because its supposed to be really scary and i dont wanna go alone. If you go with me ill

forgive you for calling me a chicken.

You looked at him, then at the creepy house, then back to him.

- Ok, ill go.

- Then lets go! - he grabbed your hand and pulled you along to get in line. - Im Eunhyuk, by the way.

You told him your name. Eunhyuk kept holding your hand as it got to your turn, but each step closer to the door made him hold it even

stronger, until he was almost crushing it.

- Are you that scared? - you laughed.

You went in. It was pitch black inside, you could only see him because of his light clothes.

- No… - his voice trembled a little. - WHAAAAACK! - he jumped and grabbed you and ended up crushing you against a wall. - Was that

you? Please tell me it was you!

- What was me? - your voice was muffled because your face was pressed against his chest.

- Who grabbed my… AH! - he jumped again and crushed you even more. You managed to get your hand out and felt the space

around you until you grabbed something.

- Eunhyuk is this your hand?

- N-no.

What you were holding grabbed you back. You both screamed and ran away, until you got to a lighter room. You looked at each other

trying to catch your breath.

- You ARE a chicken. - you tell him, laughing.

- Well, EXCUSE ME. Something didnt just grab your in a dark, scary house. - he replied, rubbing his buttcheek.

You laughed even more.

-Its not funny! It scratched me, too! I thought it was you!

You blushed, thank god it was dark enough.

- Of course it wasnt me! Why would i…

Suddenly, there was a loud noise on your left. Eunhyuk jumped and grabbed your hand again.

- Heyheyhey, what was that??

Another noise, and a girl in tattered white clothes crawled from under a table and tried to grab your ankles. You ran again.

When you finally stopped you took a look at his expression and started laughing again. He glared at you.

-Then you go in front if you are so brave! - he went behind you and put both hands on your shoulders.

- What a gentleman…

You two went around a corner and a bunch of pretty realistic skeletons fell from the ceiling. Eunhyuk jumped again and pulled you

closer against him. When he saw you smiling, he said, angry.

- Fine! Ill show you im a man. If i get you safely out, do i get a reward?

- Deal. - you say, not even bothering to remind him this wasnt real.

- Deal! - he said, leading you forward.

You continued on. Eunhyuk trembled, and whimpered and jumped but he didnt let go of you. It was funny how he acted like he was

actually protecting you from something.

Finally, you saw light and got out of the house. You could feel him breathing heavly against your back.

- We did it!

- Yeah we did. - you smile at him. - Im sorry i called you a chicken.

- No no no, none of that. - he crossed his arms. - I want my reward.

- Alright, what do you want?

- Candy kiss! - he took your hand and led you to a stand selling halloween candy. He got a red gummy string and put it between his

lips. He handed you the other end and hummed, probably telling you to do the same. Your face turned the color of the candy, but you

put it in your mouth.

Eunhyuk didnt give you time to chew. He finished it in three big bites and was already giving you a candy-flavored kiss with sticky lips.

When he pulled back, his lips were cherry red and he was smiling.

- If we go again, do i get another kiss?

You didnt answer. You just threw your arms around his neck and kissed him again.

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