
My light when everything seems so dark

“Hey…” taeyeon voiced


The individual looked up…










Sunny looked up as she heard someone, she looked up and saw a lady holding a keychain.


“I think this is yours…” the lady extended the keychain to her “Sunny…”


Sunny eyed the keychain and saw her engraved name on it; she took it and politely bowed at the lady “Thank you…”


“Welcome…” the lady retorted with a smile…


“Going up?” sunny asked with a smile




The lady stepped in the elevator and pushed the floor she’ll be. But before the elevator closed sunny suddenly pushed the open button and stepped out. She realized that she left her bag at the seohyun and yoona’s room.


“Ooopz! I forgot something… hehehe… thanks for returning my keychain… Nytie Morning!”


“Oh… welcome… Nytie morning too…”


With that… sunny walked back to the room to get her bag.










The girl in the elevator looked up at taeyeon and said “Yes?”


Taeyeon awkwardly smiled when she realized that the girl was a stranger.


“I’m sorry… I thought you were someone I know…”


“Ah… okay… it’s fine…”


“Sorry…” taeyeon said and entered the elevator


She hangs her head low and simply stared at floor quietly. Heaving a deep sigh, she looked up… Her eyes came wide as she saw her, whom she’s longing for; she stayed still for a while, brain not working. When elevator closed, she hurriedly pushed the open button couple of times but it’s too late. She pushed the next the floor button as the last recourse. She impatiently tapped her foot waiting for the elevator to open up. She didn’t care if she looks like crazy, or stupid, or whatever… She just wanted to see her. She’s 100 percent sure this time that it was her. She’s not dreaming or hallucinating at all… She’s really is it!


The elevator opened up, taeyeon swiftly stepped out and ran to the stairs. It’s better to use the stairs rather than the elevator. The door came banging as she opened it roughly. She was gasping for air as she looked from left to right… right to left… searching for her. She ran to seohyun and yoona’s room hoping to see her but failed. She jiggled the knob but it was locked. She wanted to knock hard but she thought that it’s not a better idea to disturb the sleeping girls.


With heavy heart, she took one heavy turn; and heavy steps away from the room.


“Why is this happening? Fate been teasing me…” taeyeon thought as she walked towards nowhere…


Then she heard a beeping sound from the elevator. She looked straight and saw her walking in the elevator.


“Yaaaaah! Stop!!!! Wait!!!!!!!!!!!”


 She was running again… sprinting towards there but then again failed to catch up.


“Didn’t she hear me? I was shouting STOP AND WAIT… ey… did I really shout? I didn’t hear my voice… Aish! I did shout in my mind! Crap! I think I’m going crazy! Stupid Taeyeon!”


I smacked the wall out of frustration where the elevator buttons were located. Then my eyes caught something… The indicator above the buttons shows the she was just a floor from her.


“Oh Kim Taeyeon! You’re not really that stupid…” she mentally praised herself and directly sprinted towards where she is using the stairs.


The door again was roughly open and banged on the wall. Taeyeon looked from left to right… right to left panting from running…


“Huh? Deja vu? This happened already… anyways, where did she go now? right or left? Left or right? hmmmm…. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!”


Then she heard a phone beeping…


“Okay to the right…”













Sunny was walking to her room with nothing but the key to her room and the keychain whom the lady given back to her. She forgot that she locked the seohyun and yoona’s room, she don’t want to disturb the girls’ sleep, so she didn’t bother to knock and get her bag.


“I hope there’s some meds in my room…” she thought after heaving a sigh


She was almost at her doorstep when her phone beeps… It’s a notification saying that it’s already 3 in the morning and she should be in dream land by now.


“Yeah right… I should be sleeping at the moment… she sighed again and entered her room…









Taeyeon saw her from afar entered a room, as much as she wanted to scream her out loud calling her name, crap! She couldn’t… other guests might complaint about her ruckus or worst might get mad and shout at her…


She ran towards the room, now she’s in confusion between the two rooms.


“515 or 516? Hmmm… where? Here or there?” she was mentally choosing while scratching her head


“Okay… I’ll go with here… to my right it is then…”


She started knocking softly… then loudly… “soonkyu! It’s me… open the door…”








“Hey! It’s me… I won the endurance game! Face me now! soonkyu!”


She kept on knocking and talking and talking and calling sunny…


“Yaaaah! Lee Soonkyu!”







Meanwhile, sunny finished taking extra meds for her migraine and was ready to close her eyes when she heard someone…


“Who could have been crazy talking that loudly at this hour? Aish!” she mumbled as she pulled up her blanket and hugged her pillow…


The noise continues, knockings and from talking to yelling… Sunny groaned in annoyance, she forced herself out from the bed and unto the door. She was not in the mood to talk right now because of her migraine, but this crazy individual was really something.


“Whoever you are, make sure you have a good reason behind these noise…” sunny mumbled


She opened the door, face the crazy person…








“Lee Soonkyu!” taeyeon yelled


Taeyeon turned to her left and saw a pillow flying towards her. It was too late to avoid and so the pillow landed straight to her face that make her step back.


“Yah! Are you crazy?”


She heard a familiar voice…


“Don’t you know what time is it?”


She heard it again… she put down the pillow…


“So…on…kyu?” she stuttered


“You crazy girl… who are you knocking at there? Soonkyu? Soonkyu who?”


“You! Lee Soonkyu!”


“This is my room… 515 not 516…”


“I thought this is your room!”


“Well… you’re wrong… now go back to your room and sleep…” sunny said and was about to enter her room when taeyeon rushed inside


“Yah! Kim Taeyeon!” sunny yelled


“Quiet! Don’t shout at this hour soonkyu…” taeyeon said lying down on sunny’s bed with a smile


“Tsk! That dork!” sunny mumbled as she closed the door









 “What do you think you’re doing?” asked sunny with arms crossed standing on the side of the bed


“Going to sleep…” taeyeon retorted lazily


“Don’t you have your own bed in your room Kim Taeyeon?”


“I do… but I want to sleep here…”


“Well, I don’t want to… now shoo… go back to your room… I need to rest…”






















“Kim Taeyeon!”






“hmmm… me sleepy… tired… don’t have energy… back to my room…”


“Aish! Fine!” sunny said as she pulled the pillow from taeyeon’s and marched to the couch.


“Yaaaaah! Aish! this bunny… yah! Where are you going?”
















Sunny slumped to the couch and closed her eyes…




Taeyeon sat up from bed and annoyingly said “Yah! I’m talking to you soonkyu… yaaaaaaah!” a little louder this time


Still no response coming from sunny…. She crawled at the bottom of the bed where the couch was. She nudged the sleeping bunny and calling her out continuously.


“Soonkyu… Soonkyu… Soonkyu…. Soonkyu…. Soonkyu………………………….. S-O-O-N-K-Y-U…..”






Sunny was trying to sleep, she was really trying but a dork kept on pissing her off… she wanted to sleep already… she needed to rest… her migraine wasn’t helping either, thus she was not in the mood to argue. However, Kim Taeyeon wouldn’t budge… she’s really testing sunny’s patience.










“Leeeeee Sooonkyuuuuuuuuuuuu……”






Sunny couldn’t take it anymore; she frustratingly turned to taeyeon…  “Arrrrrgggggghhhhhh!!!! What? What? What? What Kim Taeyeon? Can’t you see that I’m trying to sleep here? You already have the bed all by yourself… what else do you want?!”


Taeyeon whose been stunned by the outburst of the bunny kept mum for a moment.


“What?! If you don’t have anything else to say… please let me sleep now… okay?”


With that, sunny turned around and closed her eyes, while taeyeon was left blankly staring at her.






After moments of silence, taeyeon’s voice was heard…


“I’ve won the game… the game that you wanted to play… I’ve survived… survived four days of no talks, no skype, not even messages… I only got to hear your voice when the girls call you and put it in loudspeakers… they received messages from you while I got none… they got to laugh with you while I just smile at the side. I wanted to laugh too but how? How can I? I couldn’t even give my cent of joke. I think I’m going crazy for those four days… I miss you badly… but I’ve surpassed it… I’ve survived… After four days, we meet again… I’m looking forward to this day you know… but I didn’t imagine that we will be having this kind of reunion. Saw you sleeping with jessica hugging you so tight… then a while ago I am chasing over you, even banging and calling you out at a wrong room... Now, you were so cold towards me.”


Taeyoeon lie down, with one arm on her forehead and eyes closed…






Silence… there was only silence and breathing after taeyeon voiced out her sentiments.


Meanwhile, sunny heard everything, with taeyeon’s almost whisper talking… she heard it all crystal clear. She remained sleeping, or rather pretended sleeping… didn’t have a comeback for taeyeon, she’s really not using her brain; she didn’t want to think… it will just make her suffer at the moment because of migraine. Thus, she remained quiet.






Then sobbing was heard… sunny looked up and peeked at taeyeon who was now lying in bed with blankets covering her whole body.


“*sigh* Now what?” sunny mumbled and stood up…


She slipped herself unto the covers, wrapped her arms around taeyeon  who was back was facing her and pulled her closer.


“Hey… don’t cry…” sunny softly said…


However, taeyeon cried louder this time….


“Ooopz! Why the opposite response? Hmmm… I should’ve said… ‘hey… just cry…’ maybe you’ll stop crying….”


Sunny tried to joke which is a success as taeyeon faced her blurted something…


“You made me cry!*sobs*you bad soonkyu!*sobs*”


“Me? Myself and I made you cry?”


“Yes you… you… you…”


“Oh… sorry… I shouldn’t be hugging you right now eh? Okay… now sleep well…” sunny said and was about unwrapped her arms around taeyeon but the latter prevented her in doing so.


“No! why are you making me cry again?”




“I’ll cry if you won’t sleep with me… I’ll cry if you won’t hug me… I’ll….”


“I’ll sleep with you… I’ll hug you… so don’t cry okay taeyeonnie?” sunny stated with a peck


“I’ll cry if you won’t kiss me again…” taeyeon said pouting




“I swear I’m going to cry…”


“Go ahead… cry… while I’m going to sleep… start now…”




“Hahahaha… silly…”


“Are you in red alert soonkyu-ah?”




“Bloody days…”


“Ahhh… nope!”


“Then, what with the mood swings?”


“Not feeling well… that’s why I badly need to sleep…”


“Are you sick?”


“It’s just Migraine… no need to worry… ooopz! I’ve already drink some meds… all I need now is some sleep… shall we?”


“Hmmm…. Okay…..” retorted taeyeon as she hugged sunny tighter and dig her face unto unto’s neck… “uhmmm… I miss you soonkyu-ah…”


“Miss you too… miss you too…”














5 seconds lapse…








“Soonkyu-ah… I’ve won…”


“Hmmm… that’s why I’m here…”


“I won’t play that stupid game again…”


“You would…”


“I won’t! ever again!”


“Hmmm… you can never say that…”


“Aish! soonkyu-ah….”


“Let’s sleep…”


“Okay…” taeyeon shortly replied and gave sunny a full kiss which the latter returned.


The two were kissing tenderly and slowly… Taeyeon’s hands went up to sunny’s neck pulling her for a deeper kiss. Minutes passed and they both needed air, sunny broke the kiss while taeyeon whine from the halt. She chased after sunny’s lips once again and kissed her passionately. She pushed her lightly, making sure not to break the kiss and position herself on top of her.


Sunny moaned under the kiss when she felt taeyeon’s weight on her. Her hands have mind of its own as it automatically wrapped around the taeyeon’s body, pulling her closer.


Taeyeon’s been going into frenzy, sunny’s responding to all her advances with the same intensity as she has. Her hands started to roam around sunny’s body eliciting a y moan from the latter which made her even more aggressive. She started to make use of her tongue, she wanted to taste it already… she’s been eager to taste it… she tried to gain entry but like always, she’s been rejected. But she’s not retreating this time; she’s going for the gold… She tried again… for the second time around, disallowed…  Her fighting spirit was still in max… she’ll go for her contingency plan. Her hands were massaging the soft body beneath her, caressing it with caution, as if it was a glass afraid to be broken. Sunny moaned in pleasure and so was she as sunny returned the favor with much intensity. Sunny slipped her hands underneath taeyeon’s shirt feeling the hot body emitting from her touches.


Taeyeon couldn’t help it… she broke the kiss breathless… from pleasure because of sunny’s touches. She’s having the most sensuous time of her life… but amidst all the pleasure she’s been feeling at the moment… her goal still exists and will not be dismissed until she’ll finally get it. She trails hot kisses from sunny’s neck back to her luscious lips. For the third time around, she insisted on gaining access. She started kissing slowly… tenderly… passionately… which gradually got deeper… and aggressively…


The two were having a lip lock battle… the other one accessing… while the other one denying… they were having this push and pull kissing battle… waiting to whoever raises the white the flag. It goes on and on and on… Sunny pushed taeyeon lightly for some needed air, but before she could fill her lungs out, taeyeon crashed her lips unto hers again, caught her off guard thus the eager intruder gain access and happily hit the jackpot. Taeyeon moaned loud in pleasure as she hit her goal.


Digging her tongue deeper, teasing the other, playing with it… tasting it… dancing tangos with it… She’s in cloud nine… heaven… They kissed like there’s no tomorrow… going deeper and deeper and deeper…




“Tae…..yeon… uhmmm….”





“uhmm… uhmm… Soonkyu….”









Stooop! Cut it out pipz! This is the end of this scene… ehem… you like it? You like it? You like it right? Geeeez! You really like it? Aigoo… :P hehehe…


So here’s an update after that short one… Weeeew! ^___^

Special thanks to the 45th upvoter… been stagnant to 44 upvotes and boom! One upvote added… hehehe… whoever you are, you pushed me to finish this chappie… thank you!!!!!


Didn’t proofread, I just write… too lazy to check on grammatical errors… so please bear with it…

I’ll correct those errors when this story ends.


Boring? If so, I apologize… I’ll do better next time…  Confused? Feel free to ask… *bows90degrees*





BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU ^___^ *bows90degrees*


And to these pipz who never fails to make me smile and inspired…


Phibster12, gwen_stefani, Koihaku, DanDyuGangsters, eka318, SayTsuki, SakulBurns, Sunshiner239, puffycosmo, and elinlinzz






--- > ENJOY \m\{0_~}/m/


PS: To the 45th upvoter, jeththine thank you........ ^____^


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Snsdsunny12 #1
Chapter 65: Please update soon...
Chapter 65: still waiting for an update 2018 :(
newsonebe #3
I like your story, please update soon !! (:
Chapter 65: please update soon ¡¡¡ THANK YOU SOOO MUCH <3
justnobody #5
Chapter 65: this is good story. hope u will update soon
Svnny2 #6
update please
DanDyuDream #7
Chapter 65: where r u author??? I miss u, I want an update.. I miss my dandyu.
Chapter 8: please update soon
Sunshinerex #9
Chapter 48: Well I dont care if you drop this fanfic, but it was one of the best I´ve read. Thank you so much for this touching story. :)
soshi9ash #10
Pleasee update