Four Days - IIIA

My light when everything seems so dark

Taeyeon stirred in the middle of the night as her gallbladder signaled her brain that it was already full and needed to be seep out. She tried to ignore it and went back to sleep but after a few seconds, her gallbladder started to complain again. She couldn’t hold it back, and so, she gave in.


With arms and legs widely spread to her bed while sleeping, she groaned in pain as she tried to move, stiffness strikes. Even her neck didn’t get away with it. She stopped moving, trying to sense her body, after a moment of assessment and sensing her body, she slowly moved her arms, then her legs, and lastly her neck.  She grumbled each time she shifts.


After a slow paced agonizing repositioning of her body, at long last she did it. She cursed under her breath as she massaged her neck and stretched her body. She turned to her side and saw tiffany sleeping on her own bed, she sighed in relief. Then she slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom.













Meanwhile, sunny was also in the bathroom, crouching towards the toilet, she’s been throwing up for couple of minutes already. Mrs. Lee was by her side, patting her back worriedly.





Mrs. Lee woke up from the breaking of glass, she sat up straight and went directly to sunny’s room. As she entered the dim lighted room, pieces of glass were scattered on the floor. Her eyes automatically searched for her daughter, on bed were only her pillows, messy comforter and plushies, she noticed the bathroom door slightly open. She worriedly walked in and there she saw her soonkyu. She was holding the toilet tank for support while crouching; she’s been throwing everything her stomach had.


She was rooted to her spot as her brain was trying to comprehend what was happening. She was shocked, worried, nervous, scared, mixed emotions were running to her head as she saw her daughter’s condition.


Then sunny lifted her head, wiping with a towel she grabbed from the rack. She turned and saw her mother at the door. She was surprised to see her at the doorstep, with mixed emotions visible on her face. She gave a small smile and said, “Hi Umma… Good mornight?”


Mrs. Lee came back to reality when she heard her daughter’s voice; she stepped closer and caressed her back, as the girl started to throw up again.


-End of Flashback


Mrs. Lee looked straight to her daughter’s eyes after who knows how long they’ve been like that and asked, “What wrong? Didn’t you take your meds?”


“My stomach just wanted to release everything I had for the day… It says that the food I ate doesn’t fitted to be inside, that’s why I’m throwing up… hehehe”


“Yah! Stop joking around, look at you… you looked like------”


“I know umma… don’t … please don’t say it…”




“I know I looked like a goddess…” sunny said as she dizzily straighten her back and wiped


Mrs. Lee rolled her eyes, “You look like a ghost in your oh so pale skin…” Mrs. Lee said as she cupped sunny’s cheeks.


“A goddess ghost? Hmmm… not bad…”






Mrs. Lee simply shook her head from her daughter’s naughtiness, “Feeling better now? or should we go to the hospital?”


“Better… No need to go to hospital umma…”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes umma…”


“Okay, let’s get you back to bed…” Mrs. Lee said as she supported sunny


Sunny took one step but stop as she felt her head spinning, she holds her head and massaged her temples.




“I’m fine umma, I think my brain wanted to play spin the wheel, because it makes me feel dizzy…”


“Stop joking around…”


“Don’t worry too much umma… Meds and sleep will make me feel better…”


“Tomorrow, will go to Dr. Linton for checkup…”




“No buts Ms. Lee… that’s final…”














Sunny lay down back to bed after drinking her med for migraine and went back to sleep with her umma on her side caressing her hair.










Jessica woke up suddenly feeling not okay at all, her heart was beating double time, and she felt something she couldn’t explain. She grabbed her phone and called krystal, whom the latter picked up immediately.








“Are you okay? Where are you? Are mom and dad doing fine?” jessica bombarded krystal with questions


“Hey… Hey… hey… one by one please….”


“Okay…” jessica retorted as she breathe in and out


“First, I’m doing fine and so are mom and dad. I’m home, in my room. If you’re going to ask why I’m still up this late, well I’m watching a movie with amber. However my movie buddy here, passed out before the movie ends. It’s my turn to ask now, what’s with the sudden call unnie? Is there something wrong?”



“I’m glad you’re all good…” jessica answered before she lie down back to her bed




“I’m didn’t feel good, out of nowhere I feel nervous, I don’t why… I think there’s something bad happened…”


“Unnie… relax… you just had a nightmare… or might be stressed that’s why you’re feeling like that…”


“Yeah… maybe…”


“Drink some water…”


“I will… take care…”


“Same goes to you unnie… love you…”


“Love you too krys… bye…”






Jessica ended the call, took an 8oz. bottled water and gulped it in one go.


“Wow! Am I that thirsty? Krys might be right, I’m just stressed that’s why I’m feeling like this…” she thought as stared at the empty bottle…









Taeyeon stepped out of the bathroom after doing her business. She slumped back to her bed and sleep. She shifted from left to right… right to left… hugging her pillow with her arms and other pillow on her legs. Took her bunny stuff toy and buried her face on it. She was breathing normally; her eyes already close, but her mind couldn’t keep working. She tried to lock her mind from anything, she wanted to sleep and take some rest. She rolled from here to there… she reposition herself, with her feet on the headboard and her head on the other side and back, but to no avail, she couldn’t sleep.


She gave up; eyes wide open, arms and legs were flapping, throwing the comforter, the pillows, out of her bed. She cursed silently and stared at the ceiling blankly.


“Crap! What’s wrong with me? I need to sleep! We still have practice! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!” she mumbled as she covered her face with pillow.


She sat up, leaned at the headboard, and enviously looked at tiffany whose sleeping peacefully. She took her phone and started to play games. An hour passed, she was still playing, and it’s already getting boring, and worst she’s not getting sleepy at all.


She quit playing; instead she took her ipod and started listening to her playlists, she lie down, humming on the tune of the different songs of various artists.







Thirty minutes passed and she was still listening and humming to the tune of the songs, eyes closed and trying to clear her mind, hoping that she might fell asleep.









Another 30 minutes lapsed… her eyes were still wide open…









 Quarter to three… she’s starting to doze off…






No matter what happens

 Even when the sky is falling down

 I’ll promise you

 That I’ll never let you go





Images of sunny popped out from her closed eyes as she heard the first stanza of the song…





She was reminiscing the happy moments they shared…





Instead of humming, she sang along to the song softly, as she didn’t want to disturb someone’s sleep.





And you, during those hard times and until the end

You held both of my hands and stayed with me…




I might be a shabby person who has never done anything for you

But for today, I am singing this song just for you

Tonight, within those two eyes, and your smile,

 I can see all the pain you’re trying to hide from me…




You and I together, it just feels alright…

I will never leave you…

And no matter what anybody says

I’ll be there to protect you…






I close my eyes lightly whenever those lonely nights come to me

I no longer fear when your breath holds me

No one in the world can replace you

You are the only one and I’ll be there for you baby…






Just you and I forever and ever…

You and I together, don’t ever let go of my hands






The song ended as taeyeon finally drifted off to sleep…


“You and I forever soonkyu-ah…” she mumbled





I didn’t proofread, I just write… too lazy to check on grammatical errors… so please bear with it…

I’ll correct those errors when this story ends.


Are you waiting for an update? Here it goes… I hope it doesn’t bore you…  If so, I apologize… I’ll do better next time… *bows90degrees*




BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU ^___^ *bows90degrees*


And to these pipz who made me happy and inspired by their comments.


gwen_stefani, Koihaku, blank999, DanDyuGangsters, AnDroGeNie, TaengKyu, SayTsuki,

DKamii, HYOYEONzxc, elinlinzz, Sunshiner239, Phibster12, SakulBurns, and eka318





--- > ENJOY \m\{0_~}/m/


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Snsdsunny12 #1
Chapter 65: Please update soon...
Chapter 65: still waiting for an update 2018 :(
newsonebe #3
I like your story, please update soon !! (:
Chapter 65: please update soon ¡¡¡ THANK YOU SOOO MUCH <3
justnobody #5
Chapter 65: this is good story. hope u will update soon
Svnny2 #6
update please
DanDyuDream #7
Chapter 65: where r u author??? I miss u, I want an update.. I miss my dandyu.
Chapter 8: please update soon
Sunshinerex #9
Chapter 48: Well I dont care if you drop this fanfic, but it was one of the best I´ve read. Thank you so much for this touching story. :)
soshi9ash #10
Pleasee update