Making up with a romantic gesture

We got married: international


Before I had the chance too, a pair of arms were wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.

“ Where are you going, YoonHee?” A deep, bass like voice asked.

“ Now you want to talk to me? You were surrounded by pretty girls, who really seem to like you.” I said, not even turning around to face him. Yunho snuggled closer to YoonHee, placing his nose in her neck.  YoonHee still was not looking at Yunho, her arms were crossed over her chest.

" Please don't be mad at me, I can't help it if I'm famous. I promise not to leave you alone again. Pretty please my Honey Funny Bunny." At this YoonHee turned around within Yunho' s arms.

" What did you just call me?" She asked. Yunho smirked and pulled her closer to him.

" My Honey Funny Bunny."

" Its cute, but we should probably head to our last class." YoonHee unwound Yunho' s arms from around her and started to walk away from him. Yunho had no choice but to follow her. The rest of the day  went by pretty quickly and Changmin met up with them at the flag pole in front of the school.

" Omma, Appa how was class?" YoonHee said nothing and just sat in the back seat of the car Changmin was sitting in. Changmin looked at Yunho in confusion, and asked:

" What happened to YoonHee-Omma?"

" I'll tell you ." Yunho Sat in the driver's seat and started the car. He drove to a big house, it wasn't a mansion, it was just big.

" Where are we?" She asked Changmin. He handed her a card. She read the message inside of the card and walked into the house. Yunho stopped Changmin from following her and pulled him back towards the car.

" What happened to YoonHee after I left?"

" I sort of got surrounded by girls and she got pushed away. She got really mad at that. I tried to apologize, but I think I made it worse."

" What did you say?"

" I asked her not be mad at me." Yunho said stopping himself.

" And, what else?"

" I called her my Honey Funny Bunny." Changmin's eyes widened at this statement.

" You what?" Yunho had to cover Changmin's mouths to shut him up.

" No wonder she's mad at you. Who in the entire world comes up with a cheesy nickname like Honey Funny Bunny?" Changmin was giggling behind his hand. Yunho was blushing as he tried to explain why he gave her that name.

" I thought she would like it, since she was dressed as a bunny today. Now I have to do something to stop her from being mad. What do you suggest?"

" The best I could think of right now is to either write a song about her or change the nickname."

" Changmin your a genius!" Yunho said, pulling Changmin into a head lock and fiddling his hair. He let go of him and ran into the house. Changmin was left standing outside. He was confused, but went into the house anyways. He spotted Yunho in the living room, surrounded by a bunch of papers. He was furiously scribbling things onto the paper in front of him. He walked into the kitchen to find YoonHee cooking something. He walked into the room slowly, not wanting to upset her even more.

"Omma, what are you cooking?" He asked.

" Ramen." Was her response. She's turned to face Changmin and smiled. She didn't look so mad, she looked quite happy.

" Could you pass me some apples, I feel like eating some fruit." Changmin handed her two apples and the knife. That was when he had to step back, away from her. She swung her arm high and swung it down, nearly splitting the cutting board in half. Changmin let out a squeak of fear and he started to sweat watching her cut the apples. Pieces of skin were flying off the meat of the apples, leaving some of it to look like bunny ears. YoonHee finished with the apples and set the plate on the counter. She started to eat them and stir the noodles.

" Changmin, do you want some apples?" YoonHee asked, half turning to find he was gone. She shrugged her shoulders and went back to cooking.

Meanwhile, Changmin had ran into the living room. He nearly crushed Yunho when he sat on him. Yunho woofed and his papers flew into the air.

" Changmin, what is your problem?" He asked, trying to put the papers back in order. Changmin was trying to hide inside the couch.

" You are officially in big trouble with YoonHee. She nearly broke the cutting board, while slicing apples. If I were you I wouldn't go into the kitchen or eat anything she brings you right now." Changmin said. Yunho gave him a confused glare and slowly walked toward the kitchen. He hid himself behind the threshold and peeked inside. He saw YoonHee placing three bowls of ramen on the table. She turned and spotted him by the door, he froze as she got closer. She stopped in front of him and put on a sweet smile.

" Dinner is ready, could you call Changmin to come too? Please Yunnie bear?" YoonHee asked. Yunho was too shocked to do anything but nod. He made his way back to the living room and picked up Changmin. He threw him over his shoulder, despite his protests. He placed him in his chair and sat across of YoonHee.

" let's eat." YoonHee said and she picked up her chopsticks. She began to eat, while the duo stared at her.

" Aren't you going to eat?" YoonHee asked with a glare. Both boys hastily started to slurp the noodles from the bowl. YoonHee smiled and continued to eat. She was the first to finish and went to shower.

" No peeking." She said getting a towel from the hall closet. She went to the bathroom. Changmin and Yunho were still sitting at the table looking at the half eaten ramen bowls in front of them.

" I have to  fix my papers and finish writing." Yunho said.

" What are you writing anyway?" Changmin asked.

" A secret." Yunho said. He winked at Changmin and went back into the living room. Changmin was left with kitchen duty.

"Honey honey honey - your so sweet

Funny funny funny - your so fresh

Bunny bunny bunny oh baby

I want to be in your arms and dream for always"  Yunho was singing out loud to the lyrics he had written on the appear in front of him. This was his way of apologizing to YoonHee. He just had to figure out how to do it without her knowing anything about it. That was when his phone buzzed. He looked at it and saw there was a text message from his manager.

" You have to come up with a new solo song for you concert. Make it have a y concept and you will have to have a girl dance it with you. Call me when you are done writing and composing it, then we can decide who is going to dance it with you." Yunho read aloud. He smirked to himself.


Sorry for not updating for so long. We were on school break and I needed to sleep. This chapter is kinda short ( I think). Please anticipate the next chapter.

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Chapter 3: I love this <3 Even though it was short, I enjoyed it :)
I can't wait for your update!!
It sounds really interesting :D
Fighting Yeobo! :3