Pepero Day.

Pepero Day.

Soo Yun

"YAH!" I exclaimed tackling him to the ground. "DAEHYUN-SHI! YOU ATE ALL OF MY PEPEROS! I HAD MADE THEM SPECIAL TOO! I WAS GOING TO SHARE THEM WITH THE WHOLE CLASS AND NOW I CAN'T!" Gripping his collar I smack him against the floor.

"OUCH! Soo Yun!" He cries. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eat all of them-"

"I WAS GONNA HAVE MORE FRIENDS!" I cry, shakeing him up some more.

It's funny how even though daehyun is stronger than me, he still get's beat up by me.

"I couldn't help it!!!" 

"YOU COULD'VE!" I screamed not listening.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?!" Umma walks in. "Soo yun! Let Daehyun go, this isn't the way to treat your friend."

I get up, "He's not my friend!"

He sits up with a frown on his face. "B-but..."

"FRIENDS don't eat eachother's stuffs!" I shout stomping a foot.

"SOO YUN!" My mother scolds.

"It's alright." Daehyun bows. "She's right, friends don't eat eachothers stuffs. I'm sorry."

And with that he walked away, and I couldn't find him all day untill his mother came to get him. He's always been good at hide and seek because he gets REALLY quite....too quite.


She must be really mad at me, she seemed really angry! She sure tackled me hard enough....

I bet she'll forgive me though, hopefully...she is my best friend...

"HYUNG! Why is it so dark in here?"

I turn around to see my friend Youngjae in my room, turning on the lights.

I just turn back around and continue staring at the wall.

"Ugh! Don't tell me your in one of your "Silent moods."

I just shrug.

"UGHHH!" he groans. "What's up this time..."

I shake my head.

"It's probably that GIRL." He says. "I don't know why you like her anyway, she has COOTIES!"

I tackle Youngjae and pin him on the floor.


"OK! OK!" He pleads and I get off of him, helping him up and we both sit on my bed.

"So,...what'd you do this time..." Younjae finally breaks the silence.

"I ate all of her Peperos...."

Youngjae facepalmed himself.

"Why would you do that!? Pepero day is TOMORROW now she's gonna be the only girl without peperos to give to the class!!!"


He shruggs his shoulder.

"What am I gonna dooo...." I moan miserably.

"Well, I suppose you could do one of three things."

I turn to listen to his suggestions. Youngjae has always been the brainy one...even though he is younger than me...only by a year.

"You could beg for forgiveness and do whatever she wants for a whole week!"

I shutter at the thought, she'd make me play princess with her! NO WAY!

"You could buy her some peperos..." 

I shake my head "She made them all special."

"Then you have to make her some."

I tilt my head. "But I don't know how to make any."

Youngjae sighs "Tough luck, that's YOUR problem." He says before leaving my room.

"YAH! You're no help!"

Once the teacher finishes explaing.....whatever she's explaiging, and everyone trades peperos, I go up to the front of the class and stand on the table.


The class looks up at me.

Soo Yun

What is he doing?!? He hates talking to people, but now he's talking to the whole classroom!?! Is he NUTS?!?

"He talks?!" A girl whispers to another at the table.

"I thought he was too stupid to talk..." The other replies.

"HEY!" I snap to the girls "That's my friend! And he's trying to speak!"

"Yesterday! I ate ALL of Soo Yun's Pepero sticks! So she has none to share! She made them all special! So...I tried to make her some more but they turnt out all....weird. So don't blame her or make fun of her weird looking sticks because It's my fault!....Erm...Thank you!"

My cheeks burn as the whole class has their attention on me and Daehyun sits next to me.

"I hope you forgive me, I'll do whatever you want for a whole week."

My face lights up.


He nods. "Promise."

I smile "OK! I forgive you."

Through the corner of my eye I can see my lady teacher and the assisantant teacher faning themselfs and sawing "aw" and looking in our di. It's weird. It's something my older sister does when she watches a drama or something....

I shrug it off and reach into my backpack. "I got something for you."

"REALLY?" He gasps suprised.

I nod. "Here." I hand him a container.

"PEPEROS!" He gasps. They were even prettier than the first batch.

"Wow...all of these....for me?"

I nod smiling. "Yeah! I asked my mom to make TWO batches because I thought you would eat a whole batch."


Giggling I cover my mouth.


I frown. "Sorry." I grab his finger and kiss it. "Better?"

He just glares at me for a secound.

I sigh, and lean in and kiss his cheek, "How about now."

For a secound he doesn't budge, then glances at me and smiles a little.

"Ookay...." He bites a pepero stick. "But does this mean I still have to do what you want for a week?"


"BUT WHY!?!"

"YOU PROMISED!" I laugh.

"That's not fair! I burnt my finger!"

"I kissed it better!"


"I gave you TWO kisses! You should be happy with that.

He glares at me and rubs his cheek were I kissed him.

"THERE! I wiped it off! So HA!"

"HEY! NO FAIR!" I lean in and grab his face kissing him harder on the cheek.

"MWAH! Now you REALLY have to do what I say!" I glaot.

"Ew...cooties." the table next to us exclaim.

"HEY!" Daehyun stands up enraged. "SHE DOES NOT HAVE COOTIES! SO STOP SAYING THAT!"

"Hey, calm down." I stand up and grab his hand. "What people think doesn't matter, at least thats what my Umma says."


"Alright class! SETTLE DOWN!" The teacher says. "It's time to go outside for rescess."

The class leaves, rushing outside, all except me, daehyun, and the teacher.

"Don't you two wanna go outside for rescese?" She asks.

"No," I pat Daehyuns back "He'll probably murder everyone." looking at the teacher seriously.

"Is that a fact?"

"Yeah," I sigh "He has anger management issues." I continue soothing his back.

"Might I ask why he is angry?" The teacher questions, sending glances with the assistant teacher.

"Because, people are picking on me that I have COOTIES. He doesn't like people picking with me."

"Aww." The assistant teacher says.

I raise and eyebrow.

"Well, you guys will have to go outside so I can watch the class."

"Alrigghhht." I sigh. "But then you'd have to stop a fight today...."

"Daehyun." The teacher says.

He looks up.

"Do you want to see Soo yun sad?"

Daehyun shakes his head frantically.


"Then, you should go outside and not listen to any of the mean kids calling her names instead of fighting them so you won't get in trouble and leave Soo yun all sad by herself."

He nods. "Alright."

"Yay!" I give him a quick hug and grab his hand. "Thank you Teacher!" I bow.

She grins at us both and I rush outside. 

Just me and Daehyun, on pepero day.

This is the best pepero day EVER!

Shortest onehost I ever done....BUT I hoped you still liked it!!!! Please comment, I  love your critisizim, I'm trying to get better as an author! ^.^





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Chapter 2: AAAAAHHHHHH!!! this is so adorable XD hehe I didnt know this was the first part to the other story so I read the other one first. oh well...
SaranghaeKpop5ever #2
Chapter 1: ADKJGHFKLASGFASKLGKSFHGKLJ ASHFKJSDHKFJH THATS SOOOOO CUTEEEEE can you do a sequel when theyre all grown up? :D
That assistant teacher must love her job now hehe
KaedaBuwan #4
Chapter 1: hfvWEJ KNFWu hujn feWHJ FWHNAKUHJBbfwhjwbfwueh.
hithere-- #5
Chapter 1: Wah~! Its so fluffaaaaaaay and cuteeeeeee~!!!!
Can't. Stop. Grinning XDD
Great job! ^u^ b