Taoris * I wan't you and you need me* * I lost my mind.♥♦~



There love was alway's one. There devotion to one enouther was none to anyone else. The fear they had forgotton. Now they can be as one, love as one, and live as one. ~Forever♥



With the second kiss, everything blurred and yet became crystal clear. All of  Tao's senses in this world, and the other senses from diffrent plants, spoke the bold, simple truth to him. He had found something he wasn't even awared he had ever lost. Moreover, he lost the fear he should have never found.


Opening his entire being to Tao, Kris gave. He had never shared himself fully with anyone. At least not like this. All of the questions he had, and answers he had thourght he knew, the didn't really matter anymore. Nothing mattered. Except Tao. Without hesitation, he made Tao the center of his universe. It no longer mattered if Tao was ready to love him back. That would happen in good time and Kria had no wish to rush him into it. Nevertheless, he could not hold back the love he possessed for the younger man any more. Fully releasing it, was the only way he could make Tao understand that it was real. A gamble, yes, but one that he was more than willing to take.


Because of hte pay off if he won, was greater than all the other aspects of his life combined.


There was no denying it, Tao felt it. Every kiss, every touch; the scent, the taste, the sounds; all of them confirmed what the younger man already knew in the depths of his soul. He was one with Kris. He always had been. It had just taken time to rediscover it. That didn't mean he wasn't still cautious. This didn't cause him to immediately feel the need to vocally express it. he wasn't ready to give voice to this. He needed the time Kris was willing to give.


Yet, he also  knew he didn't have to be afraid now. 


They made love to eachother, right there, for the rest of the night. Kris giving and Tao receiving. There was no shame or far. This wasn't about fun. This was a pure, honest gift from one to another.  Neither of them had ever known love or life like this.  Kris embraced Tao with his love and Tao let him.


The sun began to rise. Casting light on the two men wrapped in each other's arms and soulds. The light caught in Kris eyes and Tao's burned the gorgeous sight into his mind forever. He smiled as the sunlight bathed his face and Kris branded his memory with the image of his lover's happiness. They both knew they had a long way to go. Soon, they would have to start there day too. Yet at this moment, everything was right in the world. It was enough.


Kris had somehow surpasses human limitations and made his love very real to Tao.


Tao had triumphed over insurmountable odds to rise up and accept Kris's wondrous gift.


The love you tood on the new meaning to Tao. It no longer felt to morbid. Because Kris had proven beyond any doubt, without uttering a sigle sound, that with him, it was more than words.


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Oh wow! Will there be an update? o__o