Chapter 30

Every Second To Loving You (H)


"Chaerin.. I dont know what should I say regarding of this but I'm not good enough as ur Dad right?" Mr.Lee said with his disappointed tones. They sitting on the bench while facing a broad field. A field that brought a million memories for Chaerin.
"How can a daughter keeping her own illness from her Dad. What if u die and I dont even know the caused of ur death? U want me to blame myself for my entire life, Faith Lee? Are u trying to do the same as Dara too? Keep it forever even u both are dying and yet u acting like u are fine? I'm so stupid to didnt realized that my both Princess is dying. I should commit suicide first than facing this later."
Mr.Lee getting up. No words can describe how sad he is. Dear Lord, please dont be so cruel to me. U have take my wife please dont take my only daughter.
Chaerin grab his wrist. "I'm sorry Dad. I didnt mean to hide this from u.. I just dont want u to worry and sad about me."
Mr.Lee look at his daughter while took off his glasses. "Why? Am I dont have that right to worry about my own daughter?"
Chaerin shooking her head. "No Dad. It just...."
Mr.Lee cut her. "If u love me as ur Dad, undergo the surgery as soon as possible. If u dont think about ur Dad, then just leave it like this. Let us dying together."
"I will Dad but not now. I cant leave Dara like that alone. After everything is done I will do the surgery. I promise."
Mr.Lee sigh. His brain is tangled. He leave Chaerin without answering her. This is how sad and disappointed he is. He locking himself inside his room while staring at his wedding photo. How he miss his wife at this moment.
Chaerin slammed herself on the bench while staring at the field. All the memories with her Mom lingering on her mind. Mom,if u love me tell Him to make everything going smooth for me. Make Dara healthy and happy. Dont u pity on Dad? He's stress, I can tell it through his face but he cant say it out loud.
"What are u thinking?" Mr.Park voice making her starled. Chaerin look at him and faking a smile.
"Nothing Dad." Chaerin lying but Mr.Park caught her. He chuckled but it sound bitter. "U remind me of Dara. U both is not that good in lying." He take a sit next to Chaerin.
"I heard ur conversation with Mom. I'm sorry if u hurt with her words. She still shocked. Give her some time and I promise she will accept u someday." He patted Chaerin shoulder.
"I understand that Dad. Which Mom willing to accept their daughter is in love with the same gender as her. If my Mom is still here,she would probably do the same." Chaerin sigh.
"About Dara.. I get it why she's often having a fever since she's still a kid. Do u want me to talk to her about this Chae? U looks stress,there must be something else burdening u." Mr.Park look at her with his sympathy gaze.
"Nevermind Dad. I'll talk about it to her by myself."
"Talk about what?" Dara appeared behind them. "Ah Dad. Mom looking for u." Mr.Park just nod and walk away without any words. Dara focus to her lover and a sweet smile foaming on her lips. She sat on Chaerin laps and brushing her lover blonde hair.
"U looks gloomy. What's the matter?"
Chaerin take a deep breath and hugging Dara waist. "Let's get married." Dara chuckled by her sudden words.
"We were together for a week ago I guess and now u asking for my hands? Are u sure u wont regret it my President?"
"I would regret it more if I didn't do it now. People always say,now or never. My heart know u well. Its been loving u for 2 years. Isn't it enough?"
Dara was silent. Chaerin is really determined on her words and it's scared her. Accepting Chaerin heart is already making her regret. She just don't want to add another false hope to Chaerin.
"Why are u silent Dara? Did u think by accepting my proposal will make u regret it?"
Dara looking deeply into Chaerin eyes. "What if I say yes, I do regret it if I accepting ur proposal. Even accepting ur heart already make me feel this regretness." Dara could see a hurt inside Chaerin eyes after she finishing her words. Chaerin look away.
"U didn't love me don't u? U just pity me for always chasing u and begging ur love like a beggar."
Dara cupped Chaerin chin making their eyes meet again. "Look baby.. this is not what I mean. I do love u,it just for some reasons, I'm regretting it."
Chaerin know the meaning behind those words. Dara regret it because she is dying from her illness. "I don't accept any excuses from u that making u say NO to me. No matter what it is let's through it together."
Dara lost her words. She forgot that Chaerin is a demanding person. "Okay. Give me time to think about this." Chaerin finally smiling. At least there's something that give her hope, Dara will accept her proposal.
"Okay. Take as long as u want. I'll be here,waiting for ur answer,right beside u." Dara giggled.
"Are u feeling better?" Chaerin place her palm on Dara forehead. "Yups. I feel better now."
"Alright then,first thing we have to do before married. Let's go on date. Come.. I wanna show u something." Dara got excited hearing Chaerin words. She getting up from Chaerin laps and Chaerin lead her to the backyard and stop at the old porch.
"What is this?" She look at Chaerin.
"Porch. I hope it still use the same password." She press the password at the security and the door is open. "Oh yeah..still my birthday." She clap her hand making Dara laugh. They step inside the door. Once Chaerin turn on the light Dara can't contained her shocking looks. There's about 6 high speed and powerful motorbike inside the porch. 2 of them is a black and green scrambler. 2 BMW with black and white color. 1 Ducatti bike and the one that really attract Dara attention is a dark red Lamborghini.
"Is this all urs?" Dara looking at Chaerin. Once Chaerin nodded her head, Dara jaw dropped. "U riding this big bike?" Chaerin nodded again.
"This is my old hobby when I'm still living here. When I'm still in love with Tiffany. One of her friend told me, Tiffany love someone who can ride her with a big bike everywhere so thats why I learn how to riding a motorcycle and even got a license at my 19 years old age." Chaerin open up the old story. Dara seems interested,she really want to know about Chaerin past life.
"Then,why did u stop? I mean since I never seen u driving a bike unless ur sport car and the Mercedes."
"Well,one day we arguing to each other,the day she won one of the crown as Miss America. Her words sounds like she dumb me. I got mad and walk away. I ride my scrambler and riding it along the hills then I'm involve in accident,I got a serious injuries. Mom told me to stop riding bike. That's why I'm stop and that was the last advice from Mom."
Dara look away when she see a sadness in Chaerin eyes. "Can we roaming around with this bike?" Dara changed the topic.
"Sure lovely. Which one do u want to ride?"
"That one." Dara point to the dark red Lamborghini. Chaerin chcukled. "Great choice my baby. She is my dearest darling."
"I go get some changes first." Dara walk away but Chaerin grab her wrist making her stop.
"Nah.. u are still pretty no matter what u wear. U are pretty 365 days a year."
Dara smiling while forwning. "I guess I'm gonna miss our fight.." She walked to the Lamborghini bike.
"Why was that?"
"A cold and demanding u was disappear and a new u..I mean a sweet side of u showed up and it's a bit awkward." Dara honest words making Chaerin chuckled. She walked to her bike and checking her bike condition.
"If those fight could make u loving me even more. I would do it 24 hours non stop." 
Dara giggled. Chaerin take a full face helmet and shove it to Dara but then she change her mind. She put on the helmet on Dara head and peck on Dara lips before tighten the helmet.
"I love u.." She said, Dara just answering her with a smile. Disappointed, Chaerin walked to the safe box,press a few numbers on it and took out the keys. Then she jump to the bike start the engine. She help Dara to get on the bike. Dara hug her from  behind to support her body.
"What with that long face?" She place her chin on Chaerin shoulder.
"Nothing. Are u ready?" Chaerin ask with her cold voice.
"We're not going anywhere with that face of urs." Dara pouted. She knows that Chaerin maybe mad or sulking because she's just smiling when the blonde telling her that she love her.
"Okay deal. Just get off the bike." Chaerin wanted to jump out from the bike  but Dara hold her shoulder. She took off her helmet then took off Chaerin helmet. She cupped Chaerin chin forcing her lover to look at her. Then she press her lips against hers.
"U know why I'm just smiling when u said to me that u love me? Because this smile is only exist when u love me."
"Emmm.okay..." Chaerin just nodded her head and put back the helmet on her head. She twist the gas to heaten up the engine.
"Chae,are u going to sulking the whole day?" Chaerin didn't answer. She purposely twist the gas to the max and the bike roar loudly. 
"I'm not gonna ride with u if u being moody. U might kill both of us." Chaerin didn't react. Dara can't see her face because of the full face helmet. Yeah,Chaerin smiling face between those helmet.
"Chae.. I love u too.." Dara finally give up. Chaerin still frozen on her ready position.
"Lee Chaerin,are u listening?"
"I said I love u too!!" Dara shouting loudly making Chaerin smiling even wider.
"Ah yeah.. I heard it now. U know..I can't hear clearly because of this full face helmet." Chaerin giving her a droky excuses. Dara mumbled behind her but she ignoring her instead she twist the gas and their bike speeding leaving the luxury residence. Chaerin drove the bike to the rural areas. Actually it's mostly like a private place. Those place was so wide and a few of horses munching a grass on the wide field.
"Chaerin where are we?" Dara ask as they stop at the VVIP parking. Her eyes scanning around and she only saw a pictures of horses and even the statues. There's a big signboard in front of her. CL POLO CLUB. Her jaw dropped immediately.
"Polo Club?" She look at Chaerin.
"Come.. I wanna meet u with someone. I miss her a lot." Chaerin extend her hand waiting for Dara hand to fill her grip but Dara back off.
"My Sweetheart.. She is here..." Chaerin's answer making Dara frowning for a while.
"Why don't u just go in by urself and I'm waiting here or maybe I should just leave?" Dara suggest her irritate voice is obviosly showing that she is jealous.
Chaerin grab her wrist and drag her inside the club. "But I want u to meet her.." At the stables they bumped with a mid age Korean guy. He looks so cool and smart with her white Polo shirt. He must be the owner of this place. Dara thought.
"Oh Ms Lee! It's been so long!" He greet us excitedly and bowing to Chaerin. Oh..this is can the owner bowing to us plus he is the eldest. Dara thought again.
"Hello Mr Gu. Yeah. It's been so long. I'm sorry, I didn't visit for too long." Their conversation making Dara confused.
"7 years is really long Ms.Lee. I was so surprise to see u here."
"Ah Mr Gu. This is Sandara Park... my sweetheart. U know I've been back to Korea." Chaerin introducing Dara to him as she just remember Dara presence beside her.
"Hello Ms Park. Nice to mee u. No wonder Ms Lee is stick at Korea. She has found someone that making her stick." His words making Chaerin chuckled and Dara flushed. Her cheeks obviously red even though her face is pale.
"Are u here for ur second sweetheart Ms Lee?" Mr Gu switch his gaze to Chaerin and Chaerin nodded with her wide smile that making Dara annoying.
"Yes. Where is she?"
"She's at a special place."
"What did u mean?" Chaerin frowning.
"She's pregnant. I just found out yesterday so I had to move her to the special place. Come.. I show u the way." Chaerin drag Dara again with her excited face. They following Mr Gu behind. Once they at the place that Mr Gu talked about Dara widen her eyes while looking at Chaerin.
"This is ur Sweetheart?" She ask and pointing to the white horse inside the stables.
"Yeps.  Mom named her Sweetheart and that tough guy beside her is my hearthrob. Star King." Chaerin pointing at the black big horse beside Sweetheart. Mr.Gu unlock the cage.
"Ms.Lee I just leave the two of u here. If u wanna ride Star King just inform me." He said and Chaerin nodded. "Thanks Mr.Gu." He smile and walked away. Chaerin step inside the cage and caressing Sweetheart head lightly. Sweetheart seems know her owner,she snuggled her nose to Chaerin hand. Chaerin hug her head.
"Oh.. U miss me? I miss u too Sweetheart. I'm so happy to hear that u were pregnant.." She patted her body softly and then look at Star King.
"U finally made it uh.. I though u were a good guy that won't touch a girl." Seems understand what is Chaerin talked about Star King scoffed roughly as he is mad making Dara laugh.
"Okay. I'm sorry. I'm just joking.." Chaerin apologized and trying to touch him. Star King scoffed again and move his face away from Chaerin.
"Chae, be careful.." Dara warn her. She's just afraid if Star King might kick her. It seems like Star King is not in a good mood to have a visitor. This big animal is actually scary but lovely.
"Ah... I get it... U are sulking. I'm sorry because I didn't visit u for too long. U know King, I'm really busy besides there's a lot of memories with Mom when I see u and Sweetheart. This place was build with her love. I should regain myself first before I can come here and now I'm strong enough that's why I'm here." She smiling to Star King. The scenario making Dara touched. Through her voice Dara know that Chaerin really miss her Mom.
Star King staring at Chaerin while blinking his eyes than he shift his stare to Dara. Chaerin look at the same direction too. "Sorry King. She is my sweetheart. If u have ur sweetheart I have mine too. Her name is Dara. She's beautiful isn't it?"
Star King scoff even louder and Dara chuckled. Chaerin look at Star King with her unsatisfied gaze. "She's not? U should check ur eyes King. She's just pale because she's just recover from her fever. U be good to ur Sweetheart too.. Understand?" Magically, Star King nodding his head and Dara laugh again.
"Baby come.. touch them.." Chaerin signal Dara to come to her. Dara shooking her head. "No no. Nevermind. I just stand here." She still afraid toward the horses. It's been so long that she didn't touching the horse.
"Come on.. Don't be afraid. They are good." Chaerin plead her. Hesitately Dara entering the cage. Her heart beating fast when Sweetheart drew her head towards Dara and smelling her. She then bleat when she smell the unfamiliar odor making Dara jump to Chaerin. Chaerin chuckled.
"Be good Sweetheart. Don't harm her. I know u are jealous but she is my sweetheart." Chaerin said with her joking tones. Sweetheart ducking her head and lay herself on the straw.
"Chae,they can understand u?" Dara finally asking her the question that keeps lingering on her mind when she saw Chaerin keeps talking to the 2 big animals.
"Yes they are. Can't u see Star King nodding his head just now?" Dara could only nod.
"Come.. Touch him.. I guess he like u. He keep staring at u.." Chaerin grab Dara hand and touching Star King with Dara hand,once Dara touch his fur Dara jerk her hand away.
"Chae..." Dara panic. A scare is writen all over her face when Star King keeps staring at her.
"Its fine. That's okay. Star King wont harm u. Just touch him slowly okay. Slowly..don't make him shock." Chaerin convince her. She grab Dara hands and slowly she make Dara touching his head. Star King just frozen and silent.
"Now I let go of my hand okay. Continue to pat him slowly and softly." Chaerin take her hand away from Dara slowly.
"Chae..." Dara voice cracked. This is not her first time to touching horses but her scare towards those animal is still there. She still remember how hard she's crying when the staff at the Horses Club at Seoul teaching her about horse when she's still working as a waitress before.
"Just pat him slowly. Didn't u said u know how to touch them before?"
"But it was a long time ago!" She accidentally shout and thats make Star King shocked and he scoff and moving agressively. Sweetheart stand up immediately. Dara finally burst into tears.
"Star King be good!" Chaerin command to Star King thats make him silent immediately. "Sit!" She command to Sweetheart. Sweetheart laying back on the hay. Dara just frozen on her spot,shaking and trembling.
"Come..." She reach Dara out from the cage and hugging her immediately. "I'm sorry. He's just shocked because u shouting next to him." She can feel Dara heart beat.
"Let's go to the cafeteria. Maybe hot coffee will make u calm." Chaerin lead her to the cafeteria.
"Why did u brought me here? To this club?" Dara mad.
"I though u not scare and plus don't u said before u wanna pet horses. That's why I brought u here. I want u to get close with Star King and Sweetheart before I hand them to u." She said make an order. The cafeteria staff bowing at her once they saw her. Thats make Dara wondering. Dara sitting at the empty table. Chaerin come to her with a 2 cups of hot coffee.
"Back to the topic,what did u mean by hand them to me?" Dara take sip.
"Oh.. u can't understand my simple words baby?" Their conversation was interrupt when a white man stop at their table.
"Ms.Lee.. It's nice to meet u again. How u doin?" They both shaking their hands.
"I'm good. Dara.. He is the Manager here. Mr. Stark and Mr.Stark this is Sandara Park." Mr.Stark smiling at her. "Nice to meet u." He turn his gaze to Chaerin back. "Someone special?" Chaerin chuckled. "Sort of.."
"By the way,what are u doing here? Come.. I'll prepare the VIP room for u.."
Chaerin refused. "No no. It's okay. I'm good here."
Mr. Stark nodded politely. "If that the case, I shall make a move now. I have something to do, if u need anything Mr.Gu is here."
"Okay. This something that I was so curious about. Who are u to this place?" Dara asked once Mr.Stark leaving.
Chaerin didn't answer immediately. She sipped her coffee and put her elbows on the table while narrowing her eyes. Staring deep into Dara face.
"Ur face when u are cuteee...." Chaerin giggled and pinch Dara nose playfully.
"Chaerin answer me...." Dara pouting. Chaerin ignoring her instead she stood up. "Lets go. We need to find Mr Gu." Then she walked away and Dara chasing her from behind.
"Don't u pay?"
"Nah.. no need.."
"Chaerin answer my question.." Dara grab her wrist.
"Okay okay my love.. Listen carefully and I only say this once. CL Polo Club is mine. Mom build this place for me. After the accident with my srambler Mom asking me to stop riding it and she replaced the scrambler with Star King. Sweetheart is her's. She love horses. Just like what u said to me before. Those animal is lovely. That's why this place is exist..because of me and her loves towards animal. But after she's gone I didn't visit this place since then. There's a lot of memory with her. We riding Star King and Sweetheart together...."
Her word stuck when suddenly Dara kiss her lips. "U're talking too much. Okay,let's be friend with Star King." Chaerin smiling and heading towards Mr.Gu office. She asking some help from Mr.Gu to teaching Dara.
"Love him.." Chaerin said once they at the arena. Mr.Gu drag Star King near to Dara.
"What?" Dara frowning.
"Touch him slowly only then he can feel that u love him after u think that he is comfortabloe with ur touch,hug him.." Mr.Gu explained. Chaerin nodded. But Dara still hesitate to touch Star King.
"Relax baby... Just imagine that u touching a new born baby.." Chaerin still convencing her. Dara nodded but she still frozen. Chaerin sigh. She approaching Dara and grab her hand.
"Do u trust me?" 
"I guess no. Not now." Dara answer innocently making Mr.Gu laughing.
"Then how? He's not gonna harm u.. After u comfortable with him I promise I'll bring u riding Star King to the beach." She sounds frustrated a bit.
"Really??" Dara got excited suddenly.
"Yeps but u have to done before the sunset goes down so that we can watching the sunset together." 
"Okay." Dara agreed. Hesitately and slowly she touching Star King head. Star King didn't react means he is comfortable with her touch.
"Pat him slowly.." Mr.Gu said. Dara obeyed. After a few minutes her hands getting comfortable at Star King head. Dara smiling brightly and when she look away Chaerin is disappear. Surprisingly, Star King snuggled his head to Dara face making Dara chuckling.
"He want u to hug him.." Mr.Gu said. Dara still hesitate but she trying to hug him. Star King waving his tail when Dara hug him.
"Seems like u two get along well uh?" Chaerin suddenly appear while ridding a black and white horse. Dara got impressed watching her lover sitting above the horse.
"Woah...u so cool.." Dara blurted out. Chaerin grinning and jump from the horse. "He is..ummh... Star King rival I guess. His name is Marco Polo. The best horse Polo at this club. He has a crush over Sweetheart."
Chaerin words making Dara chuckled. She look at Star King and kiss him before release her hug. "Can we ride now?" Dara said impatiently.
"Are u sure about this?" Chaerin doubting.
"Yes. U are right. I guess Star King like me. How bout Sweetheart?"
"We cant ride her. She's pregnant." She said and hand Marco Polo rope to Mr.Gu. She put the riding stables on Star King back and mount Star King.
"Come... Step on the  stirrup with ur left foot." She extend her right hand while her left hand holding the reins. Dara follow the instruction. "Careful baby.." Chaerin remind her. "Okay now jump but slowly.." Dara did with Mr.Gu help. He push Dara up and Dara sitting comfortablely on the saddle in front of Chaerin. Chaerin hold the mane with her both hands. 
"Hold the reins with me." Chaerin said and Dara obey. "Ready?" Dara nodded excitedly. "Woa.." Chaerin said and Star King halt.
"Chae...." Dara said,scare. "Calm down. It just a beginning." Then Chaerin squeeze Star King body with a calves and Star King start moving. After a while of walking, Chaerin command again.
"Star King trot..." She said while kicking Star King body and Star King start running but still slow. She ride Star King towards the beach area.
"What else do u keep from me? U know how to riding a bike and a horse. What else do u know?" Dara ask while roaming her eyes around the beach.
"Oh thing. I know how to riding human too. But just wait until u agree to marry me." Chaerin joke.
"Yah!! ert!" 
"Syyhh..! Remember.. don't yelling. Star King might shock." Dara cover quickly.
"Dont let go of ur hands. U might fall..." Chaerin remind her again. Dara hold the reins back.
"Star King canter!" Chaerin command again and the horse running fast.  Chaerin carefully handling Star King reins while Dara enjoy the moment.
"Do enjoy ur ride Ms?" Chaerin teasing her from behind and plain a kiss on Dara neck.
"Yes. I never though this would happen to me." Dara said, impressed.
"What? Riding a horse with ur lover along the beach?"
"No. Riding a big,handsome and smart horse like Star King." Dara answer and only received a 'ohhh' answer from Chaerin.
"But...with u here,riding with me this moment become more precious to me." Chaerin finally smiling. "I love much.." Dara smiling too. Second confession from Chaerin today.
Star King stop walking after trot. Chaerin jump from the horse and helping Dara to get off. She then tide Star King reins on the tree and they sat on sand,looking far into the sea watching the sunset. They are silent for a few minutes.
"Dara..." Chaerin break the silentnees between them. Dara look at Chaerin with her bright smile.
"Undergo the treatment please..." Chaerin went straight to the point. Dara shocked but manage to hide her expression.
"Dont deny it. Dont keep it. Stop it all. I know everything Dara. Just please do the treatment." A crystal foam on Chaerin eyes.
"What did u know?"
"Everything. The day I beat Jimmy half alive after that I met with Dr Yoon. She told me everything about u having a SLE and u refuse to do any treatment and u even skip the medication."
Dara sigh. "U know what Chaerin this is the reason why I never intend to accept u in my life. I cant give u hope and then leaving u forever. That will hurt u more."
"What's hurting me more is u refuse to do the treatment. U will never leaving me and the world if u do the treatment. So please Dara do it for me if u really love me and if u doesnt want to hurt me."
Dara silent. Her words stuck on . She just staring deep into the sea. The sunset scenes in front her no longer amazed her.
"Let's do the treatment together. U do the surgical and me do my treatment." Dara finally make up her mind. Chaerin pulled Dara to her embrance.
"Yeah..let's do it together." Chaerin said and kiss Dara head.
"Did the offer still open?" Dara look up at Chaerin and kiss Chaerin jaw. "What?" Chaerin look down at her.
"The married offer." Her answer making Chaerin chuckling. "It will never be close if it was u.."
"Lets do it before our treatment." Chaerin peck on Dara lips. Dara words making her heart blossoms.
"Next month?"
"No. U have to get the treatment as soon as possible." Chaerin disagree.
"Then how? I just want to make it before our treatment."
"How bout tomorrow?" Chaerin suggest and Dara jump from her embrance and look at Chaerin.
"What? No no. That too soon and besides I don't want to get married here. I wanna do it at our own country. Korea."
"Tomorrow.." Chaerin said firmly and pouting. Dara pinch her cheeks.
"Woah..u really can't hold it back uh? But...Still no. We have to do a better preparation. How bout 2 weeks later?" Dara giving her lover a sweet smile.
"And one more thing, I don't wanna do the treatment here. I want to be treat under Dr Yoon."
"Because I think I start to love her.." Dara answer making Chaerin stood up from her seat.
"What?!" Chaerin almost yell. Dara chuckled and pull Chaerin back to seat. "U misunderstood Ms President. I mean I love her as I love Bommie but I love Bommie more and u just a bit more than Bommie.." Dara suddenly pushed Chaerin to lying on the send then she jump above her and laying her body on top of Chaerin.
"Let's get married tomorrow.." Chaerin still insist making Dara chuckled. "What so funny? I've been waiting for 2 years.." Chaerin state.
"Just wait until we reach Korea okay? I love u so much that I can't imagine what my face would look like if we married tomorrow." Dara joke. Then she turn serious. "Actually I want to know more about u.. I guess u still hiding something from me.."
"Then,know me more after we got married.."
"Good idea.." Dara answer and giving a kisses all over Chaerin face. "Baby.. I feel like I want to swimming.." Dara said and getting up. Chaerin sat back on the sand.
"Yahh...." Chaerin couldnt say more as Dara running towards the water and get wet. "Catch me if u can.." Dara shouted. Chaerin getting up and running towards the water too.
"Geezzz... I thought it will be hard to convencing u to get the treatment." Chaerin said while laying on the sand waiting for the wave to hitting them both.
"U should be thankful to ur crazy idea wanted to marry me tomorrow." Dara giggled when the small wave hitting her face.
"So u agree with that?"
"Agree what? Marrying u tomorrow? Still no my love. We need time to prepare." Dara chuckled when Chaerin hissed.
"Let's go home.. I dont want u to get sick again."
"5 minutes please..." Dara said and laying her head on Chaerin chest and another big wave hitting them again making them both laugh.
After 1 month.. I gave u a bored chapter.. LOL.....
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CieLxxionly #1
Update please?
ahille #2
Chapter 31: 2020.....
ahille #3
Chapter 31: 2019 and I still hope for update... I should stop...
k_tl22 #4
Chapter 31: please update this story too :'(
Chapter 31: Aww.. no more?
ahille #6
Chapter 31: This is my 1000000 time to read this and i still hope for happy ending and hope you will finish this
che21lo15 #7
Chapter 31: I hope that the story would make the readers happy for waiting longer just the saying its worth waiting.
ahille #8
Chapter 31: Plss finish this story!!!
ahille #9
Chapter 31: Please update pleasee!!! Don't do this to me