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The truth of knowing

Changjo A.K.A. Choi JongHyun

                 JongHyun is a child that may seem two faced. He knows all the right answers to make people happy or to get them off his back. At school he's very up beat and out going; everybody wants to be friends with him or at least around him.  At home he's like a perfect child doing what he's told to do and doing all his homework right then and there. Around friends He's the way they need him to be; if they need someone to fight with he there, if they are upset he's there, if they want to go and party he's there. It's almost like he isn't his own person. He's what every body wants or needs him to be.


Moon JongUp

                  JongUp is a child that lacks confidence. He is easily put down and believes what he is told. He sits and watches afraid to show others what he can do. If there is ever a group project he's the one to sit and wait for someone to pick him rather then going to make a group of his own. He is afraid to get up and speak before the class even if he knows everybody there; he fears making a mistake and being made fun of. He isn't out spoken and tends to keep thing in. He puts on a fake smile to get him through the day. 


Jo KwangMin

                     KwangMin is a child that has lost hope. He was always compared to his older brother YoungMin. Slowly as time passed by he just took it. He saw no reason to try out due or even be on the same level as his brother. After a while he felt that being known as YoungMins twin wasn't to bad. It was okay that he didn't have his own identity; or at least that was what he kept telling himself. No matter what he did it never seemed to be good enough. Even if he was at the top of his class it was always "It better stay that way" but for his brother it was "You did so well" or "It's okay you did your best and that's all we wanted". 


Hwang MinHyun

                     MinHyun is a child that could care less of what others thought for as long as he was happy. He was his own person and nobody could take that from him. The only thing was he didn't care how others felt. If he had gotten them upset or hurt their feelings it didn't matter. all that matter to him was himself. He only wanted what was good for him if it wasn't then he didn't care much for it. He was a one man band. The only people he truly care for besides his family was his friends. He always smiled and impressed people though. He also ends up being the new kid.


The Angel

                       She is a fallen angel trying to get back to the heavens. The only way to do that is to grant three wishes from all the wishes she'll hear as she falls. Her fall ends in MinHyuns room.   

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