(6) ♡ starry eyed

The Velveteen Deer

When I am unresponsive and seem uncomfortable talking, people simply give up and let me be. When they notice how quiet and too shy I am, they avoid me. People see that I don't initiate conversation first and they automatically assume that I want to be left alone. People give up on me too easily. Even my best friend had given up on me.

But you were the first who didn't. You were the first to have ever shown sincere interest towards me.


By the time the pair had arrived in the kitchen, it was well past one a.m. Luhan had taken his precious time to search Ahreum's house along the way, hence the reason why it had taken them so long to go downstairs. She practically gave him a mini tour of her house - a mere stranger, whom she knew nothing about and had no knowledge of how he got here.

It was nice, though. Showing someone around the house. Ahreum had never brought any friends to her house. She didn't have many to begin with and those she actually talked to without discomfort - these particular people were called 'friends', according to Ahreum - were always too busy to even bother. 

Ahreum looked over her shoulder, sneaking a glance at how awe-struck Luhan seemed to be. She giggled. But as soon as Luhan tilted his head upwards, Ahreum looked away and cleared , returning back to her task of finding a snack Luhan might enjoy.

"Is there anything in particular that you would like?" She asked finally, having no clue as to what Luhan might like. Luhan shook his head and smiled softly. "Just anything is fine. I'm not that picky when it comes to food." He chuckled. Ahreum nodded and walked towards the pantry. She pouted at the variety of food that was presented in front of her. There were chips of all kinds and flavors, cookies, poptarts, pretzels, a tempting jar of nutella resting at the top shelf, an unopened package of chocolate chip muffins, and all of that sort. In the end, Ahreum settled with a bag of Lay's Kettle Chips in original flavor as well as a pack of oreos.

"I hope you don't mind eating junk food." Ahreum spoke, rubbing the her upper arm as she made hand gestures towards the salty and surgery delights she set on the table. In response, Luhan only shrugged it off, happily ripping open the bag of chips to pop one chip into his mouth. 

Watching Luhan was amusing, to say the least. His eyes wandered off to every little thing within Ahreum's house and his eyes would automatically twinkle whenever he saw something appealing or pretty. Ahreum thought that it was cute. She would have never imagined to be so content with just watching someone. With Luhan it was just that. Watching him was just wonderful.

As soon as Luhan noticed Ahreum staring, he decided it would be best to ignore her. But as time passed, he caught himself sneaking a few glances at her as well.

Ahreum's appearance was one of the many things Luhan's mind couldn't seem to grasp onto. It was almost as though all the events that had happened while he was a plush vanished from his mind. Looking at her now, he noticed how beautiful she was. Her dark ebony hair was a perfect contrast to her dewy, pale skin and cherry bitten red lips. She looked like a doll. Her slightly pointed nose was a characteristic Luhan thought was cute. But her eyes... Her eyes told a whole story.

Her eyes held a certain degree of depth in them. They were dark and mysterious, but held a small, though noticeable (if you really gazed into them), tinge of fragility to them. Just looking into her eyes made him want to understand what was going on through her mind.

Without thinking, Luhan blurted, "Why is it so quiet in your house? I understand that it is well past midnight, but shouldn't your parents have come down by now? I was making a lot of noise." He said sheepishly, rubbing the back his neck. Luhan's ears began to heat up when he saw Ahreum's calm and demure facade quickly turn into a scowl. Immediately, he apologized for being so rude without considering her feelings.

The obvious look of guilt on Luhan's face immediately made Ahreum reel back in her scowl. She softened and shook her head. But then she began to think back to what they discussed earlier in the day. With a tilt of her head, Ahreum question, "Do you not remember anything? Anything from the events that happened earlier today? We talked about this, and I opened up to you about it."

Luhan blinked and looked absent-mindedly at the food laid out in front of him. He fiddled with his fingers and shrugged as his dug through the depths of his mind to find any hidden memories. He couldn't find any. His mind was completely blank and only blurred out images formulated inside his brain. 

"I'm sorry. I can't seem to recall any of that." He finally said.

Ahreum looked at Luhan with bewilderment. But her surprised face went away as fast as it came. Her calm and demure was slowly coming back into play. "Well, that's good. You can't remember what I've told you about myself." She answered coldly. Although she made it seem as though she did not care, deep down she was disappointed. Ever since she had built a wall around herself, she always wondered what it would be like to share her personal thoughts with others. And when she had shared bits and pieces of herself to Luhan earlier, she felt it to be special. But now it wasn't anymore because Luhan couldn't remember. 

As Luhan began to quietly munch on the oreos that were set out, Ahreum looked over at the clock. It was nearly 2:00 a.m. 

"Hey," Ahreum called. Luhan peered at Ahreum through his eyelashes and continued to munch on an oreo. "I'm going back to sleep, okay? Just... clean up when you're finished. You can sleep wherever you'd like." As she her heels to go back to her room, Ahreum felt a small tug on the back of her night gown. She turned and was faced with a small, yet broad, chest. She tilted her head to look up at Luhan. A sad look was on his face. Ahreum slightly furrowed her eyebrows. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I don't want to be alone. Please stay." He begged. His voice cracked vaguely and it sounded small and fragile, a great contrast to when he spoke to her in his velveteen deer form. 

Ahreum softened and slid her hand in his in reassurance. "Don't worry, Luhan." His name rolled off her tongue easily, like a breeze drifting through sunflowers in the spring. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."


The next morning, Ahreum woke up with her arms wrapped snuggly around a plush toy on the couch in her living room. She blinked several times to adjust to the morning sunlight and rubbed away the sleep. 

She looked down at Luhan in her arms. She smiled faintly and gently set him down on the couch. It was time to go back to school. 

After Ahreum had finished eating breakfast and getting ready for the day, she noticed that Luhan was missing from the couch. She slowly turned around to catch sight of the plush, but he was no where to be found. 

"Where are you?" she muttered under her breath, grabbing her book bag as she made her way to the front door.

Once Ahreum left, Luhan emerged from behind the counter and longingly glanced at the door. He suddenly wished that he had at least greeted her good morning.


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Chapter 6: GAH I love this! But did he really forget, or does it have to do with his form that his memories got altered? Anyway, I will patiently wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 4: I like this. Really a new kind of fic, luhan as a plush! And alive!
Woah, can't wait for the next development.
Chapter 4: your writing is so beautiful <3333
-koizoras #4
Chapter 4: now i'm seriously curious as to what happened between sehun and ahreum for them to act that way. i mean, they were best friends, right?
Chapter 3: luhan is kind of sassy xD

your story is so cute! <3
gyeogi #6
Chapter 1: omg it was beautifully-written.
great plot, too.
imveryloser #7
Chapter 1: that was beautiful ♡
Chapter 1: OMG very sweet Can't wait for next update :D <3333 xxxxx