
My Detective Babysitter


The next morning, Minsoo caught himself on his way to the hospital for the fourth time in a span of a week. The first two was for Weonkee, and the last was for Niel.

Though it was visiting hours, it still wasn’t that easy to get to Niel’s room because of his family’s high status. A few calls were made before he was allowed for a visit. When the nurse was done talking on the phone, she told Minsoo that Niel isn’t in his room as of the moment but he can go and find him at the hospital’s garden at the back of the building. He asked for the directions and went there afterwards.

He quickly recognized Niel’s mop of curly brown hair and walked towards him immediately. He was sitting on a wheelchair with a nurse behind him.

“Hi, Niel!” Minsoo greeted him with a full smile.

Though surprised to see him there, Niel returned the smile with his famous bright one. “Oh, hi Minsoo, you’re here again! Dad told me you went in last night as well. Thank you for that. And thank you for staying with my dad.”

“No need to thank me for that. How are you feeling right now? Uh, may I?” Minsoo turned to Niel’s nurse asking permission to take Niel’s chair. It also discreetly told the nurse if she can leave them alone. Minsoo smiled at her. The nurse nodded her head before saying, “I’ll just be nearby if you would need anything.” Minsoo regarded that and start to push Niel’s chair in the direction of a nearby bench, just beneath a huge tree.

Niel was silent all throughout, and Minsoo thought that maybe Niel doesn’t want to talk about his condition.

“Do you know that it was my birthday yesterday?” Minsoo started.

“It is?”Niel turned to look at him. “I didn’t know but, happy birthday. Wow! How old are you now?” Niel has his smile back with his eyes dancing in excitement.

Minsoo frown. “I’m older than you.”

“Aigoo.. grumpy about your age, are we? Why are older people always like that?”

“Say that again? Older people? Ya! I was just older than you by two, three years max! Who are you calling old, huh?”

Niel laughed. “See what I am talking about? You older people are certainly grumpy about your age!”

Minsoo laughed as well. Not about anything else, but simply because Niel is laughing.

“So, as I was telling, it was my birthday. What’s your gift for me?” They reached the bench and Minsoo placed Niel just beside it before sitting himself down.

“Gift, eh? Hmm… what do you want?” Niel looked at him, all round eyed and excited.

“Aren’t presents supposed to be a surprise? Why are you asking me?”

“But I wouldn’t know what you want. You don’t talk about these kinds of things.”

“Hmmm.. you’re right. So, what shall I ask for?” Minsoo rubbed his chin as if in deep thought. Finally he said, “Can I ask that you undergo the operation as my birthday present?” His serious when he faced Niel.

Niel was caught a little off guard by Minsoo’s suggestion. His mouth was left ajar and he couldn’t speak for a while.

“Please don’t think that I’m delving on your personal issues but, after seeing how sad and depressed your dad was last night about your condition, I just thought that I should give convincing you to undergo the operation a shot even though your father said that you wouldn’t do it.” Minsoo paused for a while to gauge Niel’s reaction. He couldn’t see anything in there. Niel is simply staring at the horizon. Minsoo heaved a sigh. He knows he doesn’t have any right to tell Niel what he wants to do. He just wished the younger boy would go for it before his condition worsen.

A moment of silence befalls them. The only sound in their ears is the calm wind and the rustling of the leaves around them as the wind passes through it.

Finally, Niel spoke. “You know, I could do that, or I can just sing you a song.” He smiled a simple one at Minsoo.

“Sing? You?” Minsoo was elated that Niel isn’t mad at him for stepping the line. But also, the discovery that Niel can sing is a delight.

“Yeah. I can sing, you know.” Niel boasts. The earlier sadness in his eyes is slowly being washed away. Minsoo know that this is Niel’s most polite way of turning down his proposition of going through the operation. Well, this isn’t what he wished to happen, but this is better than the silence that enveloped them earlier.

“Okay. What will you sing for me?” Minsoo is smiling genuinely now. At least Niel feels better enough to offer to sing, right?

“What’s your favorite song? Oh, I know, I will sing to you my favorite song instead.” Niel got excited which made Minsoo laugh a little.

“Hey, it’s my birthday, you’re supposed to sing MY favorite song and not yours.”

“But I am the one who’s gonna sing so..” he stick his tongue out at Minsoo and they started to laugh.

Niel cleared his throat before starting.

Here we go,
Come with me

Minsoo was in awe after hearing just how lovely Niel’s voice is. He smiled.

There’s a world out there
That we should see
Take my hand, close your eyes
With you right here
I’m a rocketeer
Let’s fly

Up up here we go, go
Up up here we go, go

Niel was surprised to hear Minsoo rap along with him. His face registered surprise but they went on with their little duet.

When the song ended, they couldn’t erase the smile on their faces.

“Wow, I didn’t know you can rap!”

“And I didn’t know you can sing!”

“I told you I can.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t say you were that good.” Minsoo smiled a delighted one at Niel.

“Am I?”

“Yup. And to think that we have the same favorite song.”

Niel’s eyes widen in even more excitement. “Jjang! Who would’ve thought?” They shared another soft laughter before falling silent yet again.

It was Minsoo who breaks the silence. “Niel.”


“About the operation..”

“I will do it.”

“You will?” Minsoo was totally surprised to hear this.

“Uh-huh. I think what you said is true. I’ve been worrying dad for years now. I think it’s time I relieve him off his worries.” Niel offered a small smile.

“I’m really glad to hear you say that, Niel. Imagine how happy your dad will be.”

Niel smiled. “I know. But..” He let his sentence hang and looked at Minsoo whose attention is now full on him.

“But what?” His forehead creased.

“After the operation, I’m going to need to work on strengthening my lungs. And I heard that a good rehabilitation exercise for people who has weak lungs is swimming.”


“I don’t know how to swim.”

“Aigoo.. that’s problem solved. I will tutor you.”

“You would?” That childish glee is back in Niel’s eyes again and Minsoo is so happy to see it there.

“Uh-huh! But I have to warn you. I am a very strict teacher.” Minsoo faked the expression of a strict teacher which made Niel laugh.

“So that’s a deal then?”

Minsoo smiled and nodded. “It’s a deal, Niel.”


A/N: Kyaaaaaa!!!! i'm spazzing like a mad seal in here!!!! aaaaaahhhhhh..... this chapter, plus the knowledge that they are sharing a hotel room now in Japan, and the exchanges of posting photos of each other on twitter!!! ahhahhhhhh.... my N.A.P sipper heart is dancing in glee. but my brain is being fried from so much feelseu!! someone hold me!! imma collapse. ugh!


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Chapter 5: ooohhhhhh this is getting interesting alreadyyy *_*
Chapter 46: I still re-read this amazing story, author-nim.. ;-)
Chapter 45: Wooww..this story awesome...i love it so much.....
leeshin001 #4
Chapter 45: finally...

"thank you" i said to you.
"for what?"
"of course for make such a good story."

that from you story i just change the last part. hehehe, good job author-nim. *bow*
TakeshimaTaki-desu #5
hiya there!! ^_^ that's 2-2 Momma, I'm in Love with a Criminal and Killing Island have 2 votes each so far.. hmm... honestly, i didn't imagine it would be Momma, I'm in Love with a Criminal to pique people's interest. haha!! anyways.. let us see.. :))
Taliagurl23 #6
Chapter 46: I'm interested in Momma, I'm in Love with a Criminal as well ^_^
Chapter 46: yeayyy!!! a year with CAP's stories~~~ :DD
but, oh boy seriously no NAP's story??? -flips the table- lol jk. i mean, NAP story now almost extinct :'''''( and i really like your writing. but whyy??? ;;A;; (lol ignore me)

it's hard to decide. all of them sounds interesting for me *________*
but I think you can (or you should. lol) start with 'Killing Island' muehehe

author nim fightinggg! i'll wait here for all of your stories with Niel, 'cause the baby Min neglecting him lollxD

p.s im sorry imma nagging monster, please ignore me xD

p.s.s please think again to write nap story lol xD

love yaaaa authornim -throws confetti- fighting! fighting! <3<3
kay_riya #8
Chapter 46: i can't really decide cause all of them sound so interesting for me ^^ but i think i wanna start read 'Momma, I’m In Love with a Criminal' first ^_^
emm how about shin jina.. i don't know where'd this came from. it just pop up in my mind xD
anyway fighting author-nim.. i'll support your story which ever it is ;) and sorry for my bad english :)