Part II

Shall we bet?


School had ended for the day and Sohyun was walking back home. She sighed as she saw a couple walking in front of her crossing the street to the other sidewalk. Sohyun gaze followed after, till she recognized a familiar face walking in front of them, it was Minho. He was looking down at his cellphone probably in the process of texting someone. Sohyun thought that maybe if she was able to catch up to him she might be able to have a casual chat with him. This was her chance until her gaze moved to a silhouette a few feet away in front of her path. It was Zelo and he was resting his back against the school's wall. 

Great! thought Sohyun as she saw him. Zelo was a year younger than her, but for the past six months he had been after her. Asking her left and right if she wanted to be his girlfriend, showering her with gifts and love notes she would find in her locker. He was the annoying type he would follow her around school. He even followed her once home. Sohyun hadn't realized this till her mom told her to take out the trash and she saw him there sitting at her doorstep like a lost puppy. Sohyun didn't get scared at the sight of him, she even though it was kind of cute to have a stalker like him but she had to stand her ground. She spoke seriously to him, she told him she wasn't interested in him and that he should just give up. Zelo was of course disappointed and he sulked for a few days but then he got over it and he went back to following Sohyun around.

Wait maybe I can use him thought Sohyun, as an idea popped into her head.

Sohyun walked over to where Zelo was standing.

"Hey, Zelo," said Sohyun as she rested her back next to Zelo, she still had a good view of Minho on the other side of the street. 

"Sohyun-noona!" Zelo gapped at her. 

"So how you been?" Sohyun smiled at him. 

"Good…Noona I've been thinking a lot about what you said to me last time…and I think you are right. I'll give you space, maybe I also need time to put my feelings into perspective and decide how I feel about you." Zelo said this with a soft expression upon his face. 

Oh no this was bad! What happened to the clingy and pushy Zelo? If he keeps this up my plan wouldn't work, Sohyun thought. She needed to do something and fast.

Sohyun grabbed one of Zelo's hand and placed it on the right side of her waist, she pulled him closer and grabbed his other hand and made it rest on the wall next to her head on her left.

"Noona, what-what are you doing?" Zelo stuttered the words out. 

"No let me go!" she yelled. She noticed that Minho turned to see what was going on, but it wasn't enough to make him want to intervene. 

"Noona???" Zelo wasn't sure what was going on, what had happened to his innocent noona?

Sohyun had to be more dramatic. "I said stop!!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

This was enough, Minho now ran full speed to them. Minho grabbed Zelo's hand that rested on Sohyun's waist and yanked it away.

"What do you think you are doing?" Minho looked fiercely at Zelo.

"I..I…" Zelo stuttered. 

"Oh thank you so much I was so scared!" Sohyun said hiding behind Minho. 

"Noona I…don't understand?" Zelo reached his hand to Sohyun for help. 

Minho pushed Zelo so that he couldn't get closer to Sohyun. Zelo tripped backwards but was able to regain his balance.

"It's better if you leave right now. Unless you want me to call the police." Minho said threateningly. 

Zelo looked in Sohyun's direction she however avoided his gaze. He didn't understand what had just happened, but he decided it was wiser to flee, so he ran in the opposite way.

Once Minho noticed the boy was out of sight he turned to Sohyun. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you anywhere?"

"No, I'm fine thank you just a little bit shaken. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up." Sohyun tried to act as helpless and distressed as possible, which wasn't so hard.  

Minho placed a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want me to take you to the police station to file a report?"

Sohyun flinched at his question, this was getting out of hand. "No, that won't be necessary. I think what you did today will be enough. I don't think he'll dare do that again."

"Are you sure? He called you noona, he seems to have known you from before." Minho looked at her suspiciously. 

Soohyun felt beads of sweat forming in her forehead. "Yeah I have seen him around, he's harmless and I don't think he'll be stupid enough to approach me again." 

"Well if you say so." Minho reluctantly agreed. 

"Thank you again for rescuing me," said Sohyun breathing easily now.

"No problem, you can always count on me. You kind of remind me of my younger sister." He said as he ruffled her hair. 


"..and that was it. He just left me there," said Sohyun as she took the last sip from her straw at her now empty frappuchino. The girls had decided to enjoy some refreshments at a coffee shop close to their school.  

Suzy's eyes where wide in amazement. "Dabaek, who would of thought you would have used that Zelo kid for your damsel in distress scenario." 

"Yeah you've grown a lot maknae" said Krystal as she leaned forward closer to the table. 

"Girls stop. I feel really bad maybe I should look for Zelo and apologize for my behavior. Who knows what he might be thinking about me right now?" Said Sohyun sinking deeper in her seat as images of the event flashed in her head. 

Jiyoung smiled kindly at her, "Sohyun don't worry about it that Zelo kid is obsessed about you, he'll eventually come around."

"You think?" Sohyun perked up at her comment. 

Suzy rolled her eyes. "Sohyun focus, you can't be thinking about that kid right now Minho is our number one priority." 

"Oh yeah, you are right Minho." Sohyun shook her head trying her best to stay on task. 

"Well I don't think Sohyun accomplished much with her little charade, unless Minho is into uous relationships." Krystal pointed out.

Suzy wrinkled her nose. "Eeew just don't go there." 

"Girls it's time to get down and dirty, let's get serious about this. Make sure you try your best strategies, use any trick you have under your sleeve, and use any occasion possible to get under Minho's skin. Somebody has to come victorious out this at any cost." Jiyoung said with determination, eyes sparkling as she looked into the distance. 

"Oh my, she's way over her head." Said Suzy as she stared at Jiyoung. 

"She's gone completely nuts." Krystal agreed. 

"No, she hasn't. I agree with you Jiyoung. We can't give up, defeat is not a word in our vocabulary. We have always been able to overcome even the most difficult of situations but this is something we have to do together. We need to help each other out in order for somebody to win," said Sohyun her chin held up high and with a gleam in her eyes.  

"Sohyun-ah!" Said Jiyoung with admiration as she looked at the maknae.

"So who's with me." Sohyun placed a hand forward. 

"You can count on me." Jiyoung smiled as she placed her hand on top of hers.

"What ever it takes to shut you girls up." Krystal said as she sluggishly placed her hand forward joining them.  

"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the bet though?" Suzy asked thoughtfully.  

"Suzy-ah!" Sohyun and Jiyoung said simultaneously. 

"Ok, ok, yes, girl power, asa!" Suzy quickly placed her hand forward.


Jiyoung nervously tapped her fingers on the table, "Girls I'm starting to worry it's already the end of the month and none of our attempts have been successful with Minho."  

"I have really bad news," Suzy moved her chair closer to the table, trying to speak over the raucous of chatting students at the school cafeteria. "The other day after school I forgot some notes that Miss. Wang told us to study, so I came back after school to get them from my locker. When I was about to leave I came across Minho, he was giving me his back so he didn't realize I was close by, he was also talking on his cellphone so he didn't pay any attention to me. I decided to eavesdrop, thinking I could get listen to any important information that could help us."

Krystal drew her brows closer in a frown. "Really Suzy you were thinking about all of us when you decided to spy on him or just yourself?"

"Krystal don't interrupt, we need to heard the rest of the story." Jiyoung said dismissively. 

"Ok sooorry!" Krystal snorted. 

Suzy narrowed her eyes as she slightly shook her head at Krystal. "Anyways I heard him tell, who ever that other person was, 'that you are important to me' and 'your still in my heart'…and I'm afraid that was all. He left before I could hear anything else."

Krystal placed her elbows on the table and rested her head on her hands. "Oh Gosh! I will only excuse his cheesiness because he's hot."

"I don't think he's cheesy at all, i think it's kind of romantic. To have those unwavering feelings for another person it's just wow," said Sohyun as she daydreamed and sighed. 

"Ok girls don't get side tracked. Who could this person be?" Jiyoung brought a hand up to her chin pensively.  

"My guess is an ex-girlfriend cause he spoke in past tense. I'm thinking he wants to get back together with her," Suzy concluded. 

"That's not good for us. What are we gonna do?" Sohyun had voiced a question that was present in all of their minds.

The girls sat in their chairs in a moment of silence trying to consider what would be the best course of action in this situation.


Early Saturday morning the girls had decided to meet at Jiyoung's house for an emergency meeting. Krystal, Sohyun, and Suzy sat in the comfortable sofa in the living room. Jiyoung on the other hand stood facing them pacing the room, holding her hands back, deep in concentration.

"So we know that Minho is going to meet a very important person today," Jiyoung continued walking like a drill sergeant in front of her new recruits. 

"Yeah the person that has never left his heart," said Sohyun as she straightened her back on her seat.

Jioyung nodded in her direction. "Correct, so what should we do about it? How can we prevent Minho from meeting this person?"

Krystal's hand shut up an idea had come into her mind. "Let's kidnap him, my dad owns these storage buildings in the secluded outskirts of the city. We can keep him there for the whole weekend that way the girl that Minho is gonna meet will think she's been stood up and won't want to see him again."

Jiyoung stood in place and did a double take at Krystal."Yeah, that won't work Krystal I don't want to go to jail. Anybody else have any ideas?"

"Hey don't dismiss my idea so easily it's a good idea. We just need to plan it out right," Krystal countered as she crossed her arms. 

Jiyoung waved her hand dismissively at her, "Moving on, anybody?"

"Well what if one of us shows up at the date and pretends to be the new girlfriend. The girl will think he's two timing her and would probably break up with him," Sohyun reasoned.

Jiyoung slowed her pace a bit. "Too risky he can just deny the whole thing and besides whoever volunteers to do that will probably lose her chance with Minho. I don't think he who would want to talk to that person again for lying."

"Any other ideas?" She looked sternly at the girls sitting on the sofa.

"I think we should let him meet this girl," said Suzy running a hand through her hair. 

The girls all turned to Suzy with shock present on their faces.

Suzy gently picked up her hands defensively. "Hear me out, we need to know what we are up against, we've heard of keeping your friends close and your enemies even closer. Right?"

Sohyun pondered at the idea, "That actually makes sense, let's do it!"

"Wait we haven't thought this through yet. Does anybody know where Minho's meeting this mysterious girl?" Jiyoung looked around at the girls.

Everyone was quiet till Suzy spoke. "Well luckily for you girls I did my homework."

"How did you find out?" Asked Krystal as she turned to her. 

"Well I don't know where they're meeting but I know of someone that can help us. I'll be back," Suzy stood up and exited the room. 

"Ok, it's done. I called my friend Jiyeon and she's gonna text us the location as soon as she finds out," said Suzy triumphantly as she came back into the room and sat down. 

"What? Why would Jiyeon know any of this?" Krystal looked suspiciously at her. 

Suzy nervously played with her necklace. "Well Jiyeon happens to be Minho's next door neighbor. They are on really good terms, so I asked her to subtlety ask his plans for the day."

"And how did you know Jiyeon was his neighbor in the first place, may I ask?" Krystal leaned closer to her.

Suzy's gaze moved around the room, "….well…we were just talking at school one day and, and the subject just came up and, and she told me she was his neighbor."

"Suzy I know you, you can't lie even if your life depended on it. How did you know?" Krystal narrowed her eyes at her. 

Suzy sighed in defeat. "Fine one day I followed him home, I was curious to know where he lived and what his house looked like. Is that a crime."

"Stalker alert" said Krystal between coughs.

Suzy gasped at Krystal's comment. "Don't judge me, the fact that I knew this little detail just saved us."

Sohyun slumped back on the sofa, "I don't think this is gonna work girls."

"Have a little faith, Jiyeon has never let me down," said Suzy as she brightly smiled at her. 

"Well we have nothing to lose anyways," Jiyoung agreed. 

After a few minutes Suzy's cellphone vibrated a message had been received the girls rushed to the coffee table were the phone lay.

"Their meeting at 12 o'clock at coffee shop. Jiyeon worked her magic," Suzy jumped in excitement.

"Yeah I wonder what sort of magic she had to do to get that information?" Krystal said sarcastically. Krystal wasn't very fond of Jiyeon simply because she was close friends with Sulli. 

Suzy stomped her foot forward. "Hey don't you dare talk about Jiyeon like that. She's dating my cousin Yongguk now and…"

"Oh yeah and what are you gonna do about it princess?" Krystal imitated Suzy as she took her stand and they both stared at each other.

Jiyoung stood between the girls trying to separate them. "Girls focus we don't have time for this right now."

Sohyun took a glance at her cellphone and quickly stood up, "Yeah, actually we are running out of time. Didn't you say they were gonna meet at 12? Well if I'm not mistaken we have 10 minutes to get there before they meet." 


Minho was sitting at a table outside the coffee shop patiently waiting, when the girls arrived. They had the cab driver drop them off a block away from where he was sitting. 

"Isn't he perfect," Sohyun's eyes sparkled at the sight of him and she sighed.

Krystal quickly scanned the area. "He seems to be alone. Perfect that means we got here right on time."

"Let's get a bit closer so we can get a better view," Jiyoung suggested. 

The girls decided to hide behind some bushes from the park next to the coffee shop, the location was ideal they could clearly see Minho and most importantly being able to hear their conversation.

Suzy took a look at her watch. "Ok seriously this girl is really making Minho wait for her, 30 past 12 already." 

"Minho must really like this girl then…" Sohyun's words trailed off as the girls started to voice their concerns about this 'girl'.

Jiyoung looked in Minho's direction and said, "What if she looks like Hara from Kara, she's just so beautiful I can't compete with that."

"What if she's y like Hyuna from 4mintue. I can never beat that," said Sohyun nervously biting her lower lip.

"What if she's cute like Min from Miss A I could never do aegyo like her." Suzy shivered at the thought.

"What if she's flexible like Victoria from fx," said Krystal thoughtfully.

The girls stared at her.

"What! He might be into stuff like that," Krystal argued. 

Suddenly an apple red convertible car stopped in front of the coffee shop and a tall guy, well built body with the face of an angel stepped out of the car. The girls gasped at the sudden appearance of this handsome guy. They were even more amazed when they saw the direction he was walking.

"Minho-ah sorry to keep you waiting," said the stranger as he approached Minho.

"Not at all hyung I don't mind it at all," said Minho as he quickly stood up and flashed a lovely smile.  

"Minho come here. I missed you," said the guy as he took Minho into his arms in a tight embrace.

"Me too Nickhun-hyung," said Minho returning the intimate embrace. 

The girls looked at each other and shared a knowing look, well all except one. 

"That explains it. Such a shame they're so good looking," said Suzy standing up and stretching her arms. 

"Explains what?" Sohyun looked at her confused. 

Jiyoung let out a long, low sigh, "Very lovely couple indeed…we'll better get going then, there's nothing else for us to do here." 

"Couple? Why? I don't get it?" Sohyun brought her hands to her hair in desperation. 

"Sohyun-ah, sometimes there's things better left unsaid." Jiyoung said calmly. 

Suzy patted Sohyun's shoulder and looked at the rest of the group, "Girls let's just go shopping shall we, that'll make us feel better."

Krystal jumped at Suzy's comment and grinned widely, "Sure. Who needs boys when we can go shopping."

The girls linked arms as they made their way to the shopping center that wasn't that far from where they were standing. It was a beautiful spring morning, the sky was blue and there was not a cloud in sight. The air was filled of the smell of blooming flowers, the birds were happily chirping around, and they were young and full of life, it was a perfect day. The girls looked at each other, they started joking and laughing and they completely forgot about Minho, about the bet and about what they had just witnessed. They were friends, best of friends and nothing would change that not a boy, not an argument, their friendship went beyond that. 

"OMG! Girls isn't that Myungsoo from class B?"

Well one could only hope their friendship went beyond that.

"Sohyun don't start!" chorused the rest of the group. 



So this is the end of the story. I'm sorry to the people that were under the impression that this was gonna be a continues story. I forgot to tag it as a one shot, actually two shot cause it was kind of long. I'm not sure if I accomplished what I intended to portray in the first place, i kind of feel I did, but let me know your opinion. In the end due to the unexpected turn of events the girls are left to appreciate their friendship more. By the way this is the closest I'm gonna get writing about . I don't think I would do a very good job at it, as you can tell from this story. LOL Nickhun x Minho, I was watching "Idol Army" and I just knew I had to include them in the story.   

Bonus: Cameo appearance by the B.A.P boys, why? Just because I'm starting to like them a lot and I want to get used to writing about them. I might write about one, some or all of them in the future. Who knows? The future is uncertain and ever changing ;)

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Update because ending was cut off when first uploaded. So please check it out again if read it yesterday. Thanx :)


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Chapter 2: Aigoo~
so cute and funny too..
I like it when Krystal said 'What if she's flexible like Victoria from fx'..
I guess Victoria will be unease at MinHo and Nikhun relationship..
Chapter 2: Love it so much..the story is so cute...^^
Chapter 2: LOL sohyun>< forever blanks xD I hope there's sequel :D
Batrizy #4
Chapter 2: Just read and I love it.Lol Sohyun had no idea what's going on with Minho and Khun.And it seems like Myungsoo would be Minho 2.0
Batrizy #5
Chapter 2: The story is cute,all of them working together so that one of them win.
Poor Zelo,he didn't have a clue what was going own.Krystal and Jongup being competitive over basketball and how she kinda got burned.Daehyun and Suzy weird relationship.Jiyoung,the number one of the class faking as a bimbo but still can't managed to get Minho number.
Seems like all of the girls has their own admirers.I hope you'll make a continuation so that we knew who end up with Minho.
I even haven't started reading, but seems like Suzy is bad here.
Well... I don't say much because its your story.
Goodbye :)
Minkyo #7
Chapter 2: Haha this story is fun! Love it ^~^ Good job (Y)
Chapter 2: So daehyun is sohyun's brother? :D I just lol-ed at sohyun's scenario.. I hope she end up with zelo :)
Why does Suzy have ti be the evil ? ._. Krustal should be