You Drive Me NUTZ!


Many times I have tried to ask her out, and EVERY TIME it seems I FAIL. Utterly. Whether it's being cut off by her friends, or Junhong embarrassing me, or...falling flat on my face. Literally... But TODAY is the day I will make her mine.I will take matters in my OWN HANDS! Hopefully. Aish, i wish this wasn't so complicated. 


"Since you are my Dongseng, I will help you." Youngjae Sighs, tossing up my minuture ball. "There are rules you have to follow though. Promise, you will follow my EXACT orders."

"I promise, Hyung."

"Alright," He throws up the ball, and catches it for sound effects, "NUMBER ONE: You MUST get her alone. Where it's just YOU. And HER. Make sure she's away from her phone, so nooooo distractions. No Hana, no phone, and most importantly ABSOULUTLY NO! JUN! HUNG!"

I nod paying great attention.

"NUMBER TWO!" He catches the ball again. "Use you're manners, take her out, and as you're walking, make sure both of your arms are linked, and open the door for her and pull out the chair, like a TRUE gentlemen, and also push her chair up to the table."

"Ok, hyung." I actually don't understand the pushing the chair FAR up to the table am I supposed to push it? I would ask him, but he'll just call me babo.So, I'll just guess.

"NUMBER THRRE!" He repeats his annoying habit of catching the ball "Always make sure there's not ONE awkward moment. Never have a silence, if there is, use this time to complement her, anyway possible. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Good." Suddenly a smirk streches across his face as he leans forward. "Number FOUR:" Before he has the chance to catch the ball he stolen from me I smack it out the way.

"YAH! Do you want my advice or NOT!?" He points angrily.

"Of Course, Hyung, sorry." I return the ball, and he squints at me for a while, before catching it.

"Number Four, You have to SEDUCE HER!"

My eyes widen at the term. Seduce, Seduce? I've been familar with the definition... but the idea of me seducing already has my cheeks all warming up, I'd be way too embarressed....

"Hy-Hyung," I speak up, staring at the ground. "How would I do that?"

His smirk grows. "It's simple, Really. You do thinks to make her smile, and blush. Like, say, hold her hands and look into her eyes and give her a complement, or when she's not expecting it, whisper something in her ear,... tell her something good about herself, flatter her. Hug her tightly. Things of that matter."

"Oh," I nod getting it, it should'nt be that bad "Ok, what's the next one?"

"Number FIVE, the last number." he says seriously after catching the ball of course. "Once you've gotten her suduced, and her cheeks are red and she's smiling, you ask her."

"Just, ask?" I raise my eyebrow. Is it that easy?



"What do you mean "How" just ask the girl to go out with you!" He says rising off my bed.

"Ok, Hyung, thanks for the advice." I stand up as well, and give him a handshakes as he's about to exist my room.

"You're welcome," He says ruffling my hair. "Now whose your favorite hyung?"

"Erm,...Himchan Hyung."

"HA!" Himchan gloats from elsewhere in the dorm.

Author note: Please subscribe and antisipate this story, this is kinda a sequal to the shy guy and told in Jongups pov. I am dissapointed that my laptop was turned off once I re-entered my room and I had already written most of the story, but now it's completly gone.

since I hadn't had the chance to save it yet, so I will be re-writing the thing and uploading it hopefully sometime today.

so please, please wait for me! ^.^ Untill then...


See ya, in about three hours!





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Chapter 1: so cute!!!!! jongup is such a sweety pie >.<
-xttran #2
Chapter 1: You spelled Zelo's name like two different ways ._.
But besides that oneshot was awesome. Its rlly cute and adorable c;
LaDeDum #3
Chapter 1: It's so cute! ^///^
LaDeDum #4
Really looking forward to this!:D