A Quiet Escape


forgive me for the ty description guise



The teachers and students alike bustled through the halls of Cloud Dream High, their individual minds focused on the personal thoughts that swum around the waters of their heads. Some laughed, some smiled, some simply walked in the dull schedule of their everyday existance.

Cloud Dream High was a school a small town, Hyungak, not too far from Seoul, no different from the other schools scattered across South Korea - apart from the fact that it was specialised for giving young teachers experience, or for some, giving them the escape they needed from previous placements.

Kris Wu was one of those young teachers escaping.





Kris Wu (24) : A Canadian-Chinese teacher, now teaching English in South Korea. Recently broke up with his girlfriend, Jessica, but is still friends with both her and her family. Left Jessica and his past behind in Seoul to move to Hyungak in the hope that Cloud Dream High would supply him with an easy job, and hopefully the town would give him the inspiration he needs to pursue his dream as a writer and poet.

Kim Joonmyun (29) : The principal of Cloud Dream High through his hard work and compassion for all the teachers and students. Has a soft spot for his slightly clumsy secretary, and tends to keep out the antics of the other teachers - if he doesn't see the trouble, it doesn't exist.

Zhang Yixing (24) : The shy and polite secretary to Joonmyun who, although his flumbing ways, does his job very well to please his boss. Is slightly detactched from the other teachers due to his hardworking ways and admiration for a certain principal.

Kim Minseok(32) : A chef working in the canteen to support his evening catering studies. A constantly cheery and friendly staff member, who is loved by all the students. Is the uncle of one student, Jongdae, and makes sure to embarass him as much as possible for a baozi.

Cho Kyuhyun (28) : Teaches Computer Science and Maths and is one of the quietest teachers at Cloud Dream High - but by no way does that mean he is innocent.

Kim Heechul (34) : The resident creep at Cloud Dream High who teaches Biology to the students, and again to the teachers in the staffroom -  but at a slightly more personal level.

Choi Siwon (26) : For some reason, believes he is the most righteous out of everyone at the school, and is often ridiculed the most in the staffroom. Teaches RE, and preaches about anything anyone will listen to.

Krystal Jung (21): The youngest teacher and common victim of Heechul. She teaches Korean and is charge of first aid, but speaks English due to her upbringing. Knows Kris through his past relationship with her sister, and she is still on good terms.

Kim Jonghyun (26) : In charge of sports and general fitness at Cloud Dream High, and compensates his lack of height with metres of confidence - especially aimed at Hyoyeon.

Kim Hyoyeon (22) : A dance instructor that teaches many classes at the school and around the town. Has a quick wit and sharp tongue to fend off unwanted advances.



Huang Zitao (17) : A quiet student who focuses on his studies, especially on English, in order to get a scholarship for martial arts. Due to his quiet and sometimes awkward demure, he is not a popular member of the class and is often alone, but is liked and respected by most around him. Feels like he is somehow out of sync with the rest of the world, even from his best friend Baekhyun.

Do Kyungsoo (18) : A very polite and intelligent student, who is the older brother of Kai. Unlike his brother, the teachers get along with him very well. Is friendly towards Tao, but feels threatened by him because of a certain girl. Is a true romantic and would do anything for the one he loves.

Kim Jongin (17) : Prefers to be known as "Kai", only gets called Jongin by his brother. Is the most popular and lusted after student, and is currently in a relationship with Yoona. Dancing is very important to him, and is the only time he can be himself and forget how he changes himself for those around him.

Park Chanyeol (17) : Very happy go lucky and surprisingly intelligent student at Cloud Dream High. Although he is constanlty getting into trouble with his best friend Jongdae (or Chen), the teachers are quick to forgive him due to his obviously golden heart. Secretely wants his own romance, but is too dorky to even consider it.

Kim Jongdae (18) : Is only known as Chen by Chanyeol, and hates the nickname, but accepts it because Chanyeol is taller and thus has more authority in these kind of scenerios.Loves his uncle Minseok, but is constantly embarassed by his actions. Partner in crime with Chanyeol and a complete troll.

Lee Soonkyu (17) : Known as Sunny from her constant smile and giggles. Best friends with Kyungsoo but has a crush on Zitao.

Im Yoona (18) : Dating Kai and proud of their "top couple" status in the school. Her status and appearance are the only thing that matter to her.

Jung Yunho (19) : A douchebag that got held back a year because he revised with his , not with his brain.

Kwon Boa (17) : Quiet character who lives for music and dance, and that one guy she's been admiring secretly for years.


Lu Han (24) : Long term friend of Kris, as they met each other soon after making the leap to South Korea from a Chinese background. He is living in Seoul but is still in regular contact with Kris due to their tight brotherly relationship. Is bi, and doesn't stay in the same relationship for long, prefering to party and stay young.

Oh Sehun (19) : Kris' cousin by marriage, and lives in Seoul. Kris is protective about him, but Sehun insisted he leave for Hyungak to try and find himself. Not to mention to give Sehun a little space. Is quiet at first, but devishly loud once befriended.

Byun Baekhyun (19) : Tao's childhood friend, and is currently attending univeristy in Seoul studying Music. He comes back to Hyungak at least once a week to see and take care of Tao. Constantly encourages him to follow his dreams, but has doubts with pursuing his. Although he constantly looks after others, he needs someone to look after him at some point.

Jessica Jung (25) : Ex-girlfriend of Kris and sister of Krystal. She and Kris broke up mutaully and on good terms, but she secretly still holds feelings for them.

Various SM artists~












I thought I was going to wait until I finished writing Signposted (read it if you like) before I posted this but....




I have to get the description out at least.

Otherwise I might JUST POSSIBLY DIE

and dead authors can't write pointless like this


This is a little different to my other fic, for starters it's completely the SM family,revolving mainly around Exo and the should be illegal radiation of Taoris. There will be other pairings as well, both beautifully homoual and meh hetroual. will make an appearance...if you're nice to me <3

I totally know the ages are different to real life but YO ING LO

It just makes it easier for me:33



Comments are loved and make me happier than Chanyeol on crack (so that's all the time then - OOOH CONTROVERSY)

Kat <3


wtf did I just write



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adrina #1
Chapter 2: awww..welll i'm looking forward to the next update...especially wid all the lunatics in the staffroom n i'm curious since i cant figure out how dis might go...hwaiting..
Ahh I cant wait to read this! >.<