Girl Time !

He's the One?!

~ I'm Just Wild & Young, I'm Just Wild & Young, Doing it Just for Fun. HELLOOOOOOOOOO ~  My phone went off. 

"Hello ?" I answered in a sleepy tone

"SAVVYYYYY ! Get your tiny out of bed already! You're leaving in like a week and we've barely spent time together! Come on! We're going shopping, if you're going to a new school you need a new wardrobe!" It was Inna, My Gosh she sounds enthusiastic this morning.

"Alright alright, you don't have to scream in my ear. I'll get ready now" I replied

"Great! I'll pick you up at 10!" She said

"See you then" I hung up.

I looked at the time on my phone. 9.00 exactly, just enough time to get ready. I took a shower & decided to wear a flowery dress, straightened my hair & put on make - pink blush and pink eyeshadow and winged my eyeliner. I looked at myself in the mirror *waaah! I look really nice today!* I smiled to myself. I looked at the time, it was 9.45. I decided to head downstairs and grab something to eat before Inna came and took me without letting me eat anything. 

I grabbed my cereal box and poured some into a bowl, and then started searching the fridge for milk and berries. I added the berries and then the milk, brabbed a spoon and started eating as I made my way to the table. 

I was washing my cereal bowl  when Inna came inside the kitchen. 
"Savvy! Oh My GEE ! Look at you girl! You're looking dashing!" She squealed
"How did you get in?" I asked her as I was drying my hands.
"I let her in" I heard my mum's voice as she came into the kitchen "Oh wow! Savvy you're looking really nice today! What's the occasion?" she asked.
"What's with the compliments? Can't a girl look nice once in a while?!" I exclaimed, blushing a little from all the attention I was getting.
"Not when the girl is you!" My mum joked.
"Oh Jeez... Inna can we go now?" I dragged her to the front door. "Bye mum! I'll see you later!" I said as I walked out.

*** After the car ride***

"So where are you going to take me Inna?" I asked
"EVERYWHERE!" Uh oh ... I asked the wrong question. "You, my friend, are gonna be the best dressed in SM Academy!" She exclaimed.
"You're kidding right? Can't we just get some new dance clothes and that's it?" I asked
"NO! You're gonna be meeting cute guys there, you have too look awesome!" she replied
"But Inna~ how do you know that they're gonna be cute?"
"It's obvious! Male dancers are always cute! with their little dancer muscles.. hehee" She giggled "Plus SMA has only model material as their students"
"And you know that how?"
"I did a little research" she replied and smiled.

Inna did as she said, and dragged me into many different stores, made me try on a million different things, and then had me buy about $300 dollars on clothes only, adding another $250 on shoes, and around $350 on new gymwear, including 2 new pairs of sneakers, which were the most comfortable things ever. 

"Inna~ can we stop now? I'm so hungy!" I pleaded pouting and rubby my belly
"Of course you are! fine let's go" She replied
"Yaaay ! Your shout!" I clinged onto her arm and happily walked to the foodcourt. 

***Once arived home ***

*Well that was exahusting!* I thought to myself as I fell on my bed with all my shopping bags scattered around me. I closed my eyes for a little while, and then...

"TalkToMe!" my phone went off.  I grunted as I searched around my bed for it. 

I looked at it to see what it said 


3 New Messages From : Jungie ~



Why is he sending so many messages?





Hi Guys ~
Hope you haven't forgotten about me ! I'm sorry for how long it took me to update... I've been really busy with school  & last time I tried to update my work got deleted & I got really angry T_T

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