Coming Clean

Suddenly Perplexed (Tawaran Trilogy #2)


Taking a small break from school and giving you guys and update! Gahhh one more month of school left!!

Taecyeon finally reveals the reason why he keeps visiting Yoona.


            After Taecyeon’s breathing returned to normal, Yoona confronted him. Walking out of his grasp (which was surprisingly easy), she looked up at him. “You knew I was going to fall, didn’t you?”

            Taecyeon’s first reaction was to deny it, but he changed his mind. It was time to come clean. “I’ll explain it all to you, and I’ll even answer your question from before. But let’s go somewhere more private to talk about this.


            Yoona and Taecyeon went to the practice room. Before sitting down, Yoona removed the picks that she left on her stool. “By the way, Taecyeon, thank you for the picks.”

            “It was nothing,” Taecyeon said as he sat down on his own stool. “I should have given them to you sooner.”

            Silence weaved through the room as Taecyeon gathered up the courage to begin the conversation.

            Finally, he began with his confession. “You know the story behind the king and queen of this country, right?”

            “Of course. Everyone does,” Yoona nodded. “When the first king and queen died, the country slowly turned to corruption. However, a sage found the reincarnations of the king and queen, and the country went back to the way it was.”

            Taecyeon nodded. “Yes, and for this life cycle, Nichkhun and Victoria are this generation’s reincarnated king and queen.”

            “Yes,” Yoona agreed. “But what does this have to do with anything?”

            “If there is a reincarnated king and queen, then there must be a reincarnated sage, right?” Taecyeon suggested.

            “So… Are you saying that you are the reincarnated sage?” Yoona narrowed her eyes.

            “The very one.”

            Yoona’s eyes widened. She was surprised by his bluntness.

            “It’s funny how we don’t hold a competition to find the sage,” Yoona commented. “I mean, we hold competitions to find the king and queen. Why not hold a competition for the sage?”

            “Sages don’t really need to be found,” Taecyeon explained. “From the moment I was born, I knew about my past lives.”

            Yoona was quiet as she contemplated the new information that was given to her. Taecyeon remained still, not knowing how she’ll react. She looked at his eyes, and he felt his heartbeat quicken.

            Suddenly, she smiled. “Funny how the king and sage are brothers in this incarnation.”

            Taecyeon relaxed and smiled back. “A lot of people have that reaction.”

            “So the sage remembers all of his past lives,” Yoona began. “I also heard that the sage can see the future. Is that how…”

            He nodded. “That’s how I knew you would fall. That’s how I knew you were going to get sick. I… The reason why I visit you so often is partly because I don’t want you to get sick and partly because… I had seen a future with you as my wife. You might be someone that I will marry someday.”

            She was quiet once again. Taecyeon had hit her with another curveball. He silently berated himself. Damn, I should have given her time to process all the other information first.


            Although she knew she was giving Taecyeon a hard time by being quiet, Yoona couldn’t help herself. She was speechless. Yoona had always known Taecyeon was interested in her, but this was entirely unexpected. I can accept the fact that he’s a sage and can see the future, but that fact that I’m… going to be… his wife?!

            Taecyeon decided to break the silence. “It’s true that I had seen a future with you, but for some reason, I have very few visions of you, and the visions that I do have are very unclear. Usually, with other people, I would be able to know what they would say next. But with you, I have no idea what you’re going to say or do. It’s a complete mystery to me. That’s why I visit you so often. I want to get to know you better.”

            “Are you saying that I’ll be your wife?” Yoona asked the question that bothered her most.

            “It’s not set in stone,” Taecyeon replied. “But there is a possibility.”

            “And you’ll do anything in your power to achieve that future,” Yoona stated.

            “I’m not heartless,” Taecyeon disagreed. “If we’re not compatible, or if you’re unwilling, I won’t force you to marry me.”

           “Oh, okay,” Yoona relaxed. Thankfully, it wasn’t as if he was actually pursuing her. At least not yet. He was honestly just a guy who only wanted to find answers and was not used to his circumstances. “It must be weird for you to talk to me. With everybody else, you’ll know they’ll say next. But with me, you’re completely in the dark.”

            Taecyeon smiled. “It’s definitely a new experience.”

            Yoona smiled back. Thankfully, he’s harmless. Just a fish out of the water. But as long as I have control over my future, I’m definitely not going to marry him.

            After a few more seconds of contemplation, Yoona made her decision. “I accept your explanation for why you are always visiting me. But I’ll never marry you, so please give up. Your visions were incorrect.”


            Hearing her verdict, Taecyeon tensed up. It was as if an arrow shot him right through his heart. The impact of her words caused pain to spread throughout his body like a rampant infection.

            He stood up and managed a simple nod before walking out of the room. By the time he arrived at his own room, tears were running down his cheeks. Sitting down on the floor and using the door to support his back, Taecyeon endured the pain in his chest. Suddenly, a realization hit him.

            I really grew to care for Yoona. Not because she may have been my future wife, but because I had grown to like her, he thought. Why didn’t I realize this before? Her rejection unexpectedly hit him in a sensitive spot, and Taecyeon suddenly understood how important Yoona was to him. I really can’t let her go.

            Of course he couldn’t let her go. At least not yet. He couldn’t give up yet.

            Although it took her rejection to make him understand this, he had fallen in love with Yoona. He had fallen in love with her intelligence, her hints of a smile when she was amused, her sweet laughs, her honesty, her lack of patience for dishonesty, her fragility that hid her strength, and so much more.

             He wanted to protect her, to worship her. I can’t back down. No, not yet. Now, I’m genuinely pursuing for her hand in marriage.


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07/10/13: Long time no see! Thanks for all your patience! As a reward, I give you an extra long update~


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Chapter 1: There wasn't enough khuntoria.
Chapter 13: Giggling at how cute Taec is here, *siiiighs*
Chapter 12: MY COMMENT IS GONNA BE SO LATE, but that last part is sooooooo cute and sweet!
Chapter 14: YAYYY!!!! Love TaecYoon!
chunna #5
Chapter 14: Pls include khuntoria couple
aocy89 #6
Chapter 14: Thank you! Appreciate the hard work. Fighting all the way!
happylovestories #7
aarasa #8
Chapter 13: Love it! awwww such a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it with us! And Yes! sequel plsssss ^^
Chapter 13: I LOVE IT! Nicely wrapped ending. Great story, author ^^
Fatedmel #10
Chapter 13: Sequel please!!! I totally love the storyline!