
Suddenly Perplexed (Tawaran Trilogy #2)


Last update of the month and last update from my Spring Break mass update batch! Hope you guys enjoyed it :P I'll come back as soon as I can~~

            It was Hyuna and Hyunseung’s wedding, and like last time, Yoona wished for the wedding ceremony to never end. She wanted to capture this moment, when the bride and groom were openly showing their happiness and love to the whole world.

            She was so mesmerized that she almost missed her cue to go up to the stage. Thankfully, Yoona made it through the performance without any mistakes. The last note Yoona struck signaled the end of the wedding ceremony, and Hyuna and Hyunseung walked down the aisle and exited the wedding hall. Soon, the audience also began to exit.

            As instructed, Yoona waited until all the audience members left the room before standing up and exiting the room herself. She exhaled a breath of relief. I did it.

            That was the last thought before everything went black.


            After Yoona’s beautiful performance, everyone had exited the wedding hall. Making his way over to the bride and groom, Taecyeon congratulated Hyuna and Hyunseung on making it to their wedding day.

            Hyuna grinned at Taecyeon. “You’d better be next, Taecyeon.”

          “No wonder you two are married,” Taecyeon laughed, shaking his head. “You two are so similar.”

            Suddenly, he had a vision of Yoona fainting and falling off the stage.

            Without a second thought, he rushed back into the wedding hall. Yoona’s frail figure was around forty yards away. He sprinted toward her. It seemed to take forever to reach her, but Taecyeon caught Yoona by the waist just before she collapsed on the floor. Such a tiny waist.

            Yoona regained consciousness moments later, and when she realized someone was touching her, she shrieked.

            “It’s okay. It’s just me,” Taecyeon tried to calm her down.

            When she didn’t fight back, Taecyeon relaxed. It was only now that he realized he was breathing hard. Well, he had sprinted over to her. Thankfully I made it in time.

            She felt so fragile in his arms. As if one hug would crush her bones. Unknowingly, he pulled her closer to him, with one hand still on the safety rail. He rested his head on her shoulder, still breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.


            Yoona was bewildered.

            First off, why was she not resisting? She actually felt… comfortable in his arms. It took all of her energy just to stay put and resist the urge to lean on him. Where he touched her waist felt like it was burning, and his deep voice (she couldn’t believe that she relaxed when she heard his voice) seemed to have resonated within her body.

            Second off, why was he panting? Why was he relieved? He heaved a big sigh after he caught her from falling off the stage. Now, he’s catching his breath, as if he had sprinted over to where she was. It was as if he knew she was about to faint and fall. Actually, come to think of it, it was like the last time he caught her from falling. Last time, she could have sworn that his hand had moved to catch her before she was knocked back.

            After Taecyeon’s breathing returned to normal, Yoona confronted him. Walking out of his grasp (which was surprisingly easy), she looked up at him. “You knew I was going to fall, didn’t you?”

            Taecyeon’s first reaction was to deny it, but he changed his mind. It was time to come clean. “I’ll explain it all to you, and I’ll even answer your question from before. But let’s go somewhere more private to talk about this.

            Yoona was kind of reluctant, but she nodded her head. Through some bizarre sequence of events, she had learned to trust him. Besides, his eyes (as always) showed his sincerity.


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07/10/13: Long time no see! Thanks for all your patience! As a reward, I give you an extra long update~


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Chapter 1: There wasn't enough khuntoria.
Chapter 13: Giggling at how cute Taec is here, *siiiighs*
Chapter 12: MY COMMENT IS GONNA BE SO LATE, but that last part is sooooooo cute and sweet!
Chapter 14: YAYYY!!!! Love TaecYoon!
chunna #5
Chapter 14: Pls include khuntoria couple
aocy89 #6
Chapter 14: Thank you! Appreciate the hard work. Fighting all the way!
happylovestories #7
aarasa #8
Chapter 13: Love it! awwww such a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it with us! And Yes! sequel plsssss ^^
Chapter 13: I LOVE IT! Nicely wrapped ending. Great story, author ^^
Fatedmel #10
Chapter 13: Sequel please!!! I totally love the storyline!