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Due to Jiyong's incident, the expecting parents, other than celebrating their conception, were to spend the night in the hospital under nurse supervision. Thankfully they were placed in the same suite.

"How is it?" Jiyong had difficulty in chewing the hospital food provided to be their dinner. He couldn't handle the blandness of it. One of the main things why he always urged the doctors not to register him and keep him there to stay. As he poked at the steamed, unseasoned vegetables, he looked over at Bom who had been watching the television. Or rather staring into space.

"Bom?" He called her name after a few minutes. She was still unresponsive. He looked over at her vitals and she was perfectly fine. "Bom? Why aren't you eating?" He wouldn't eat the food either, but Bom was nor is someone that will turn away food especially since a fairly large bread roll along with jelly had been given to her. 

"Huh?" She finally snapped out of her daze. "I'm just tired." She smirked then crossed her arms, actually paying attention to the drama playing on the screen.

"Does the food not taste good? I can ask the nurses to bring you something better." He hated to admit it, but finding out that Bom was carrying their child, he was going to be even more protective of her. Her wellbeing isn't the only thing at stake here. They created a child together and it's something they both have wanted. Unfortunately, it's not the best timing, but they aren't going to take the easy way out and rid Bom of her pregnancy. The creation of a new life is a blessing and they aren't going to put an end to it.

"I just…" She trailed off. She didn't want to admit to Jiyong that although she wouldn't change this for the world, as the hours passed by, more and more doubts started to fill her mind. The most important one being her career and the person with that fate in his very own two hands, Yang Hyun Suk.

"You're having doubts, aren't you?" Jiyong asked. The words hurt coming through his throat and out of his mouth, but he knows Bom, especially when she starts over thinking. 


"Be honest with me. You're not too sure you want to go through with the pregnancy." Every word stabbed at his chest. He hoped that she would share the same amount of enthusiasm. Then again, her attitude towards this was what he expected. She has a whole world of opportunities awaiting her and with the news of a child on the way, those doors of opportunities will close in no time. 

"I'm worried about what Sajangnim will say." She finally got the biggest concern off of her chest preceded by a deep sigh.

"You're afraid he'll put an end to your career."

"No, it's not that." Bom said, much to Jiyong's surprise. "If things don't work out with YG, there are other companies that will gladly take me in, no doubt. If not, there's always going back to singing at cafes. I just," She paused. "Creating a child requires two people and that being you and I. I can't let a baby be the end of your career. I hate to say this, Jiyong, but YG Entertainment is your life. You've built a name for yourself with his help and by losing that, you'll be done."

"You know what?" Jiyong concluded. Bom was always a selfless person and her being afraid of telling YG was not something he was going to tolerate. After all, with the stories him mom and sister used to tell him, the key to a smooth pregnancy is to remain calm and stress levels at a very minimum. 

He continued, "I've reached a point in my life where I need to move on to the next chapter in my life. And that life being you and our baby on the way. I can always produce music and sell them to outside buyers. Heck, if that doesn't work out, I'll work at a service station just to give you and our baby the life you two deserve." If it weren't for the cords restricting him, he would be holding her in his arms for a strength in reassurance.

"I just want us to enjoy this gift together. Besides, YG may be a mean and intimidating boss, but he's also a father of two."

Listening to Jiyong's words definitely put Bom's mind to ease. He was right. YG may scold the two of them, but he's not a cruel person that would give up talent due to something as beautiful as pregnancy. He supported each and every one of his signed artists and treated them as his own family. This situation being no different.

Or so they hoped.


Under the impression that Dara still wanted the two to watch over her vacation home and oblivious to the fact that the beach home was no longer hers, but Jiyong's, YG accepted the false claim and didn't push the fact that Bom turned down his offer to live in a dorm.

After freshening up, Jiyong exited the bathroom to see Bom's fluttering eyes.

"Hey," He whispered as he sat at the edge of the bed. "You need to eat something before you go to sleep." He cooed as he swept her hair out of her face. She groaned.

"But I'm tired." She smacked her lips with her eyes still closed.

"The IV was only to restore you back to being hydrated. You need to maintain it." 

"Fine." She settled and held her hand out for him to pull her to her feet.

"You don't need to help me." Bom giggled. She didn't even take a step down the staircase and Jiyong was already holding her hand, helping her down carefully. "It's not like I'm showing and I have difficulty walking. I'm fine, Jiyong."

"No, I want to be extremely cautious." He told her. He had heard of women having miscarriages in their early stages of pregnancy and he was not going to allow Bom to add to that statistic. "We've been given a miracle and we need to take care of it. Whatever it takes."


With actual food in their systems, Bom no longer felt tired, but rather energized. Instead of heading back to their room, she decided to look over the balcony. Even if they've lived here for months now, seeing the moon and the ocean never got old. It's as if every time, they looked different. Much more appealing than the night before. As she stood there in silence with her hands on the railing, Jiyong joined her after a brief bathroom break.

Standing behind of her, he wrapped his arms gently around her waist and left a kiss on her neck. In that instance, it was as if something overwhelmed her and acted upon itself. Bom turned to face him and kissed him on the lips, definitely catching Jiyong off guard. Deciding not to pull away, Jiyong deepened their entanglement and guided her towards their room. He went with the flow. 

Only until Bom tugged at his shirt.

Another fear instilled in him.

"We can't." He pulled away, much to Bom's frustration. "I'll hurt the baby."

Like in a blink of an eye, Bom's hormones faded away. She didn't want to do it anymore. "I'm tired." She said. "I still need to go through with my debut performance." With a cute little yawn, she pulled the sheets out of their fixed position and wrapped herself in them.

As Bom sleeped peacefully and light snores escaped her lips, Jiyong watched her as the moon illuminated her face. He unconsciously found himself humming. He kissed her on the forehead when something caught his eye. The Chrome Hearts ring he wore on his left hand. 

He had always been known for wearing jewelry and rings never caused any speculation amongst anyone. Bu

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angielol #1
Chapter 23: awesome story authornim your story made me love GBOM even more great job please update soon
Chapter 23: just found out about this story in 2015. i cant even believe it myself. i know im sooo late but this one really is one great story, i love it <3 good job authornim! and i know its been so long since u last updated, but i really am expecting for the epilogue :) anyway gbom fighting!
joyskey #3
Chapter 23: GBom blossomed love, Baby Rose =) thanks authornim for a happy ending story =)
mauisj1kyu #4
Chapter 23: Baby Rose listening to her daddy. Daddy's girl. Love it!
Chapter 23: Rose Hwayoung Kwon.. i love it and the happy ending.. please update the epilogue soon.. <3 all your stories authornim!!!
Chapter 22: Weheeeee!!!
Kwon Rose? Rose Kwon? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Her name is pretty :)
Chapter 22: aahh this is just get better and better day by day. ,cant for rose be born! kkkkk thankyou soooo much for the update authornim.
mauisj1kyu #8
Chapter 22: Baby Rose is so adorable..so excited to have her here. Bom and Jiyong are so in love with each other. Can't wait for another update...anticipation running wild.
showmewatugot #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!!! Pure sweetness <3 I love their announcements like I'm actually imagining it happening in real life (being delusional again). Kekekeke!

Thank you authornim. Pls don't make us wait & update soon :) Now, am I sounding too demanding? Kekekeke! Kidding. Just update when u have time :D
Chapter 20: this chapter is so cuteeeee. gbom happiness ftw!