


It was his good luck charm, how could he lose it!?
Theblonde-headed boy wandered around the room, pulling at his hair in frustration, flipping up pillows and pacing. He'd looked everywhere, looked high and low, but he didn't have an idea of where it could be. It was very important to him to find it! His long pajama pants brushed along the floor as his bare feet padded rapidly, back and forth. He rubbed his now cold arms through his white tank top. 
He couldn't go to his show without it. He couldn't focus without it. His eyes were red-rimmed from holding back tears. The brown orbs had a frantic look to them, darting anywhere they could. He'd never taken it off before so he hadn't a clue where to find it...
He'd backtracked from the car to the hotel, the lobby to the elevator, the hallway to the room, the door to his bed. He'd gotten a lot of strange looks, went through like a mad man, lying down on the ground to look under furniture. 
Still nothing. 
A fruitless search through the sheets once more had his eyes swimming again -- where was it?
He sat down hard on his now messy bed, holding his head in his hands, willing himself to think, not to cry. Even the light blue of the comforter was doing nothing to soothe him, as the color usually did. He stared at white walls of the hotel room, the windows streaming in the last light of the day. The rest of the members where tearing up their rooms while he sunk into depression. They all knew how important it was to him. They had comforted him, promising to look in their other rooms. Even if he hadn't set foot in them. 
He could hear them frantically searching, and he wasn't helping just sitting here. But he knew it wasn't in his room; it was a mess and he'd already looked twice. Even in YoungJae's things, with permission. That boy was currently shuffling through things even he was sure it wasn't there. His hair was tangling in his ponytail and Daehyun could already hear the stylist screaming at him. His black t-shirt was wrinkled and he wore heavy fabric shorts that swayed when he shut the last drawer of the desk. He began to look through the papers and the objects on the desk. Daehyun was grateful to him, indulging him just to make him feel better... 
The youngest of them all, Zelo, appeared at the door, biting the corner of his lips into his mouth. He was shaking his head, something Daehyun had already predicted. He leaned to the right of the door frame his head pushed forward, and his eyes on the floor. His new black hair covered half of his face and he peered from under his thick bangs at his Hyung. He pulled at the thin black tank top at his stomach, rubbing his bare feet together in the carpet.
Daehyun’s own shoulders slumped and he felt himself sinking even more when their leader appeared behind him, not with the expression he wanted to see. 
YongGuk eased himself into the room to sit beside the forlorn boy, and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, trying to comfort him. The light blue of his hair bounced off the light so much it hurt Daehyun's eyes. So he used it as an excuse to cover his eyes with his fingers. 
Himchan took his place at the door, his customary wide smile replaced with a worried look. Obviously he hadn't found it either. His white shirt was dirty now from looking along the floor and had switched his blue pants for shorts. Daehyun still thought he looked funny with his green hair, but even that didn't cheer him up. Even as Himchan began to play with the strands.
The sounds of shuffling paper were slowing down and Daehyun knew soon YoungJae would be looking at him with that expression too. Jongup stood at the door way behind the other two boys, putting his head as close to on their shoulders as he could. They had kept his hair blonde but had cut it until it was almost as short as a buzz cut. The strands still seemed to rub against Zelo's neck the wrong way and he inched slightly away. They had tried their best, he knew that, but he was still deep in thought. Where could it be?!
He'd had it after the show, he'd had it in the car, but he was so tired after that he didn't know what he had done with it! The rest of the night was a blur of the guys trying to drag each other into the hotel room, Japan having exhausted all of them. They had one more concert tonight and there was little time left before they had to be there! Daehyun tried to keep the choking noise behind his lips, but YongGuk must have felt it, for he gently rubbed along the lean boy's spine. "Look...we have to go. But I promise we'll all look for it again before we leave anywhere else." His voice was low as usual but had a soft quality to it that he knew he only used when he was trying to reassure someone. Daehyun could do nothing but nod. It wasn't fair for him to put the hundreds of people that prepared for this and the thousands of fans waiting. 
He just didn't want to leave. 
He knew it was going to be a mess tonight. For him, at least. He just hoped he didn't take the rest of them with him.
YongGuk helped him up, walking with him to the door as Himchan parted for them and Jongup patted his shoulder. "It'll be okay, Hyung. It doesn't feel like it now, but you'll be okay." Daehyun nodded sadly, not really believing him, but thankful to have a friend like him to support him. He was making his way out of the main corridor when a knock sounded loudly and frantically at the door. He looked at them all with concern, but either shook their heads or returned his confused look. So YongGuk took control, swiftly walking up to the door and peering through the peephole. A small smile crossed his face, saying a name Daehyun was very familiar with. 
Even in his sad state he felt a sweet smile form on his face. You always knew how to make him feel better. YongGuk's lean hand turned the handle and you bounded in, bowing and thanking him profusely, asking where Daehyun was. Your outfit was a cute one, like always, something simple that just fit you. YongGuk pointed a finger and you whipped your head around, blushing when you saw he was right behind you. 
"Daeyunnie!" You marched up to him, holding your fist out, straight to his chest. "Here!" He looked confused, tilted his head and held his hand out. 
That seemed to be what you wanted. 
You let your hand open and a shining object fell from your hand and hit his palm with a metallic tingle. It took him a few looks until it registered in his mind what it was and when it did he let out a happy yelp. Yanking you suddenly into his arms had you gasping for air, but after a while of excited bouncing you seemed like you didn't mind. You patted his shoulder lightly, laughing at his happiness when he pulled away, his eyes twinkling. He wouldn't let go of one of our shoulders while the rest of the group looked on in curiosity.
"My charm!" 
He clutched it, determined not to lose it again. In fact, why did you have it? He looked up questioningly at you and you reached up, patting his head. "You, for some reason, asked me to keep it for you last night. I think you where way too tired." He could feel the others’ light glares directed at him and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. 
"Sorry, guys..." He hid his face slightly with his bangs and they just huffed, rolling their eyes and continuing out the wooden door. Jongup passed you by with a rub to your head and smiled at your annoyance. Once he got to the door, he turned around and mouthed to his Hyung the words 'I told you so'. Daehyun just smiled, closing his hand tighter around the charm, his normal happiness returned into full force. 
"I was hoping I'd get you guys before you went on stage. You seem to like that bracelet I gave you. I'm glad." Your shy smile had his heart beating faster than
any crowd and he rubbed his reddening ear. 
"Of course I do. You made it for me." His voice was a soft whisper and he slowly drew his lower lip inside, across it. Now your face was a blush with his to match, just staring for a moment at each other. His palm could feel the metal warming to his skin temperature. Familiar edges he had run his finger over so many times comforting him as the nervous feeling crept up into his veins again. 
YongGuk's head appeared from the door frame, an exasperated look on his face, "Hey, come on, we've got thirty minutes to get there!" Daehyun jolted into action, the look on his face guilty. 
"Sorry, YongGuk-Hyung!" He bowed to you, placing his hand on your shoulder, "Thank you. Come with us to dinner tonight as thanks for keeping such good care of my charm." You blushed deeper, shaking your head vigorously and bowing to him.
"No, no, I couldn't bother you guys after the show. You'll be super tired-." 
YongGuk laughed, motioning with his hand for Daehyun to hurry up. "Nah, you can come. It might only be rice and fish, but we all wouldn't mind the company." Daehyun smiled gratefully at him, walking hurriedly over, nodding his head to his elder. He felt more than saw you following him, but heard the door closing as you pulled it behind you.
"See! Now you have to come." He turned to look at you over his shoulder as YongGuk dragged him along, his longer legs eating up the green carpet. You made a pretty, disappearing picture standing in the middle of the hallway, waving to him with a smile on your face. 
The elevator dinged in response to his elder jabbing his finger at the button, and he was pulled into it. The heavy metal doors closed on the sight of your shaking your head at his backwards stance, goofy smile on his face. YoungGuk let go of his arm and leaned against the back wall, still looking tired. Daehyun worried for a moment before he slowly opened an eye to reassure him. "I'll be fine. Once the show starts. I'll wake up." 
Daehyun nodded, satisfied and remembered he still had it in his hand. He had better put it on before it slipped away from him again.
The metal slipped easily over his fingers and settled on his wrists. Most wouldn't even have guessed its significance, but it was so special to him. He held the small bunny emblem in his hands, the black and grey of his own one flashed back at him. The zippered smile gave him the reassurance he needed to continue on to the concert, almost as well as the word coming from your mouth. 
The elevator dinged one more time, and YongGuk gently pushed Daehyun out of the box, through the lobby, smiling at the workers bowing to them. He ushered him out of the revolving door, wincing at the bright lights from the reporters. Daeyhun couldn't believe that they were there already, but it must have meant that they were something. He ran his hand across the rest of the bracelet as he was pulled into the car by Himchan, the lights blinding him.
The black squares with their gray writing of 'kekemato' on them reminded him of the building blocks to his future. 
Or that's how you said it. 
It was perfect. 
Just like you...
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Chapter 1: I'm here again!
Ugh I can't even express how I love this story.
it causes peace of mind <3
Lol... reading this again because my mind needed purifying
Unnie... you didn't have to... ;A;;

But thank you♡
And it was really original how you based it all on a charm.. I loveitloveitloveit
Thank you SO much! You made my day ;)
*Seriously fangirl mode*
Your writing skills+Daehyun as the main= BEST STORY EVER
I am going to cherish this always..♥