Chapter 2:



When he opened his eyes, he was on a hill. A hill covered in grass, green and luscious, trees swaying in the distance. But the sky, it was a dark grey, rain pounding down on the ground relentlessly. Wiping the now wet bangs out of his eyes, he was amazed at what seemed to be the most powerful storm he has ever seen taking place. The wind was strong, unkind, and harsh, nearly making him fall backgrounds from its strength. Thunder rumbled, making it feel as though the ground was shaking. Lightning crashed into the clouds, the only source of light in this dark field.

“Where am I?” He whispered both awestricken and terrified at the same time. He could fell adrenaline start to pump into his blood, the energy of the storm flowing through and into the depth of his body.

“You’re in your world, a world that reflects your every emotion, the depth of your heart.” A familiar voice whispered into his ear.

Turning to the voice, he looked directly into Seunghyun’s eyes. “My heart? It looks like this…?” He looked around, seeing the anger and darkness that surrounded him.

Seunghyun smiled a smile that hid so much and seem to haunt the boy.

“The dark clouds reflected that you hide your true feelings and problems. The loud roars of thunder represented that your heart is trying to show these feelings, to be heard and understood. The rain shows how many tears you have shed, and how they mix with both anger and sadness. The harsh wind represents your resentment towards your mother. Lastly, the lightning, the only bright thing here, displays the need to find someone who will take you away, to bring ‘light’ to you or to take you somewhere away from this darkness you are consumed into.”

The boy looked at Seunghyun speechless.


“How did I know? I know everything there is too know about you, Kwon Jiyoung.” Seunghyun whispered his name, stepping closer to him. Laying his hand onto his cheek, he wiped the tears that never stopped falling.

Jiyoung looked into his eyes, whispering, “I don’t resent her. I love her.”

Seunghyun cradled both of Jiyoungs cheeks in his hands, cupping them and rubbing his thumbs against the soft, wet skin. Shaking his head, Seunghyun whispered, “You don’t resent her herself, but the monster she turns into. The stranger with the same face, but different eyes.”

Jiyoung nodded slowly, acknowledging this to be true. Seunghyun took his hand and said, “Come, let’s get out of this rain.”

Jiyoung let himself be led away from the field, all he could feel was the heat of Seunghyuns arm, enjoying the way it warmed up his entire body.

Leading to a large black building, they went through the large dark door, Seunghyun closing it behind him. Inside everything was either black or grey. The walls, floors, and ceiling where black and the furniture were grayish red. Looking at it, Jiyoung spoke as he took of his shoes. “It looks so depressing in here...”

Seunghyun smiled, ruffling Jiyoungs hair, much to Jiyoungs surprise. “It will change in time. Now come.”

Taking Jiyoungs hand once again, he pulled him to sit on the long dark grey couch.

“You stay here, I’ll grab you a clean set of clothes and a towel to dry off.”

Jiyoung nodded slightly, water drops falling down his face as he did. His eyes felt dry, and stung for he had cried too much and he felt as if he had cried all the tears he could have. When Seunghyun returned into the room, Jiyoung sat in the same position as before, staring at the wall without moving.

Sighing, he walked towards Jiyoung sitting beside him. Without saying a word he grabbed at Jiyoungs shirt.

Surprised, Jiyoung squeaked when Seunghyun tugged at his shirt. “Lift your arms up.”

Jiyoung looked at him cautiously, but obeyed when Seunghyun repeated himself. Taking Jiyoungs shirt off, he placed it on the coffee table, and began to towel dry Jiyoungs upper body, shivering when Seunghyuns hand brushed the sensitive skin on his stomach. He flushed, his eyes closing slightly, feeling the towel come up to his collarbone, his neck then to his cheek. Jiyoung glanced to Seunghyun who to his surprise was looking at his face, studying him this whole time. The thing that irked Jiyoung was the smirk forming on his mouth.

“The rooms turning brighter.” He said, face close to Jiyoungs.

Jiyoung glanced around and saw the furniture turned into warmer, brighter colors. Feeling even more flustered, he looked into Seunghyuns eyes, and saw him giving him a knowing expression, smirk still in place.

“S-Shut up.” Jiyoung said, eyes not leaving Seunghyuns. Seunghyun laughed, pinching Jiyoungs cheek. Getting up from the couch, Seunghyun pulled Jiyoung up and started to unbuckle Jiyoungs pants. Squeaking again in surprise, Jiyoung took Seunghyuns hand away. “I-I can do it.” Seunghyun chuckled, handing Jiyoung a pair of briefs and pants. “Here.”

Jiyoung took the clothes, but stared at Seunghyun, not moving. Seunghyun rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He turned around, and the sound of wet clothes hitting the floor came from behind him. Rustling of clothes was heard as Jiyoung pulled the briefs on.

“Wait.” Seunghyun said, surprising Jiyoung who was about to put his pants on. Without turning around, Seunghyun handed Jiyoung a towel over his shoulder. “Dry your legs as well.”

Jiyoung nodded, sitting on the couch as he did so. After he was done he put on the pair of pants that seemed to fit perfectly onto him.

“Done.” Jiyoung said. Seunghyun turned to him, and smiled. “Not yet.”  He said, grabbing another towel he had brought  with him. Picking up Jiyoung, he sat down bringing Jiyoung onto his lap.

“Y-Yah.” Jiyoung said, blushing again. “What are yo-”

He became quite as Seunghyun started to dry his hair with the towel, both hands on his head. Jiyoung blushed, not used to this kind of physical contact. He noticed that they room was turning into different colours, different pinks, yellows and reds. He felt himself blushing knowing what those colours meant. Trying to calm his heart, he failed to notice as once again Seunghyun sent him a knowing look. Jiyoung jerked when he felt hot air on his ear, “I can practically feel your heart beating against your chest.” Seunghyuns said hotly, brushing his lips against Jiyoungs ear. “The room is showing your heart, and the feelings swarming inside it. As your feelings stable, your new home will stable too, showing your true self as a whole.” Seunghyun said, leaning back in to the couch, removing the towel from Jiyoungs hair, “There, all done.” He said, wrapping his arms around Jiyoungs waist pulling him close to him. Jiyoung was starting to pout as he tried to get used to such blunt affection, affection in general really.

But he let Seunghyun hold on to him, enjoying the feeling of someone beside him. Seunghyun smiled when he felt Jiyoung relaxed and lean into him more.

“You know,” Seunghyun whispered, lifting a hand to Jiyoungs hair, “you’re safe here.”

Jiyoung froze, “What?”

Seunghyun smiled, and continued. “Relax.” He put his hand on Jiyoungs arm, tightening the other hand on his waist. “Don’t be scared of this world. No one can hurt you; no one can take you away. Only you can leave when you want too.”

Jiyoung relaxed, asking, “What is this place?”

Seunghyun chuckled, resting his chin on Jiyoungs shoulder, linking his hands with Jiyoungs resting them on Jiyoungs lap, and replied, “You asked this already.” Jiyoung pouted, “No I didn’t. I asked ‘where am I?’ and that is a whole different sentence.” Seunghyun rolled his eyes again, and ignoring his witty reply, he replied in turn “This is your haven, sacred place, hiding spot, whatever you wish to call it. You are protected here, and forever will be.”

“Forever is a strong word.” Jiyoung whispered, looking at the hands that were being held by Seunghyuns. Seunghyun, the smile still on his face, replied, “And it is a promise I am making with you.”

“Everyone dies at some point.” Jiyoung said, closing his eyes, his heart cringing from pain as the word ‘promise’ came out of Seunghyuns mouth. Seunghyun tightened his hands around Jiyoungs. “Not here. You’ll be here as long as you want to be, and you’ll stay young as long as you wish to be.”

Jiyoung raised an eyebrow. “How is that possible?” He asked. Seunghyun nuzzled his nose into the boy’s neck. “Anything is possible here.”

Jiyoung laughed, “Sounds like paradise!”

Seunghyun grinned, “Doesn’t it?”

Jiyoung looked at Seunghyun, their faces close. “Will you be with me forever as well?”

Seunghyun smiled softly, whispering “As long as you wish me to be.” Jiyoung smiled, face dangerously close to Seunghyuns. “You say that a lot.” Seunghyun laughed, eyes trained on Jiyoungs lips. Jiyoung in air as Seunghyun inched closer to his face. He closed his eyes when he felt air hit his lips, Seunghyuns lips brushing his. Seunghyun watched Jiyoungs face as he pressed his lips against Jiyoungs. Closing his eyes, they both enjoyed the sensation that flowed through their bodies.

Jiyoung gasped as Seunghyun put more pressure into the kiss, and felt Seunghyuns fingers slip into his hair, holding him there. Feeling Jiyoungs mouth open a bit, he took the chance to slip his tongue into Jiyoungs mouth. Shivering, Jiyoung clutched onto Seunghyuns shirt as Seunghyun tasted his mouth. Not knowing what he was doing, the kiss seemed messy but full of passion. Parting, Jiyoung was panting staring deep into Seunghyuns eyes who was staring back. his lips, Seunghyun broke the line of spit that between their mouths. Nose brushing against each others, Jiyoung whispered a soft ‘wow.’

Seunghyun laughed slightly, pulling back from Jiyoung. “The walls are whiter now as well.” Jiyoung disappointed that Seunghyun pulled back and looked around the room, seeing that it was white with hints of pink, yellow, orange and light blue now. Seunghyun noticed the amazed look on Jiyoungs face, and said. “Though the couches and furniture are still a reddish grey, it seems that your emotions are settling. The storm outside has stopped as well.”

Curious, Jiyoung stood up from Seunghyuns lap and walked towards the door, opening it. To his surprise he was hit by the warm embrace of the sun, and looked up at the sky, seeing that the sun was bright, though there were still dark clouds in the sky. The grass was still damp, and mud littered the ground. The wind was softer, but still harsh on his skin. It was a little cold. Stepping back into the house, his back met Seunghyuns chest, and he said, “It’s pretty outside.” Seunghyun nodded. Jiyoung continued, “But it’s still cold, and harsh.” Seunghyun wrapped an arm around Jiyoung. “It takes time to heal.”

Jiyoung nodded, looking into the sun. Surprisingly his eyes didn’t hurt, all he felt was the warmth from the sun and the warmth from Seunghyun. It wrapped around him like a warm blanket, keeping him save and protected.

“I like it here.” He whispered. Seunghyun smiled. “Good.”

Seunghyun closed the door in front of them, and brought Jiyoung to the bedroom. There laid a large bed, white with grey pillows. A large window with glass doors opening to a balcony was in front of the bed, it’s see through curtains flowing in the wind, the sun shining into the small room. The walls where a very light grey and a beautiful light hanged from the ceiling in between the bed and the balcony.

“This is my room?”

Seunghyun closed the balcony doors, and then took Jiyoungs hand and led him to the bed, laying them both under its covers. Snuggling close to him, Seunghyun replied, “Our room.”

Jiyoung smiled at that, closing his eyes when he felt Seunghyun kiss his head. “Our room.” Jiyoung replied, drifting into the a deep slumber.

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Chapter 3: In chapter 2 I was really wondering whether Jiyong was in fact dead or if he had just lost his mind…
I not exactly sure how to describe it but the last part in chapter 3 with Seunghyun…it left me with a sense of comfort…It was a great way to end the story:-)
Up-voting it:-)
darlingunicorn #2
Chapter 3: Good plot and meaningful effected me really.especially that "putting pieces together" part.That was really emotional. I dont like sad endings generally but Jiyoung with Seughyun now. And that's all i need ^^ congrats
Chapter 3: This is brilliantly heartbreaking :"
The cops just missed him by a second I swear when I realised that at the end I was so sad
But well Jiyong's happy now in his safe haven with Seunghyun :)
920506_ #4
congrats :)
congrats :)
lovelyme23 #7
Awww , so suicide. I didn'tveven get it lol. But beautiful though

And congrats
congrats c:
Congrats ^_^!