◤The Second Season◥ School 2013

CHAPTER FIVE; mt scandals



"Ne, oppa! Wae?" KangJoo came out of her room, fully dressed in her school uniform.
"Is this kid from your school?" KangJoo's older brother pointed at a boy who was lying down on the couch.
"Kim JinHo?!" KangJoo exclaimed upon looking at the pale boy.
"He was crouched outside, frozen. Must've stayed there all night." Her mother commented as she placed a hot towel on his forehead.
"It's a good thing you're brother came out or else who knows how long will he stay in the cold?!" Her father added.
"Gomawo, oppa." KangJoo smiled towards her brother. 
"Ah, gwenchana. Is he in your class?" He asked her. 
"Ne, new kid." KangJoo said as she sat down for breakfast. 
"How can you be so calm about this?" Her father asked, looking at her suspiciously.
"Because I don't know him that well, and I'm gonna be late for school. I'm going first!" KangJoo took her bag and walked out.
"Ya, wait up! Eomma, appa, khanda (I'm leaving)" Her brother chased after her. 

"Lee KangJoo, jiguemie eodiga?!" HaKyung asked her through the phone.
"Behind you." KangJoo answered as she hung up.
"What took you so long?" HaKyung asked her.
"Kaja, I'll tell you when I meet Jung Seongsaengnim." KangJoo said as she took HaKyung by the arm. 

"JiHoon-ah, you stand a chance of going to the skills' school." Jung Seongsang explained.
"Chincha-yo?" JiHoon asked in surprised.

"Ne, but only if you don't cause any more trouble this year." Jung Seongsaeng told him.
"I'll try, Saem. But trouble seems to always find me." JiHoon sighed.
"SAEM!" KangJoo called out as she entered the staff room, followed by HaKyung.
"Oh, Lee JiHoon." KangJoo said under her breath.
"Ah, Saem. I shall go now. See you in class." JiHoon said as he passed the two girls.
"What's wrong KangJoo-ah?" Jung Seongsaeng asked her. 
"I have a problem." KangJoo stated. 

"Yuhyi-ah, will you help me with this?" Guy A asked.
"Yuhyi-ah, would you like to have lunch with me later?" Guy B asked.
"Yuhyi-ah." "Yuhyi-ah." "Yuhyi-ah." were the name that a group of guys repeated.
"Guys, one at a time, I only have two ears and one brain. All of you talking at once won't help." YuhYi chuckled over the boys' attitude. 
"Ya, Nam Yuhyi." Minkyung said with his hands in his pockets.
"How dare you call her like that!" Guy A exclaimed. 
"It's okay, he's my classmate. Looks like I'm busy now, maybe later." Yuhyi parted with the guy group and went over to MinKyung.
"Aww." The group sighed.
"What's wrong MinKyung?" Yuhyi asked him.
"NamSoon told me to look for you." Minkyung told her.
"Class is about to start?" Yuhyi asked as she checked her watch.
"Ani, we have to be at the field in 10 minutes and we only have 2 now because of your fanboys." Minkyung said as he walked first.
"Ya, kkajiga!" Yuhyi said as she trailed after him.

"Annyeonghaseo." ChanSuk said as he entered the counselling room.
"Oh, Chansuk-ie, wae?" Teacher Jung asked.
"Ani, NamSoon-ssi wants to see Classroom 2 at the field. He told me to get HaKyung-ssi and KangJoo-ssi." ChanSuk explained.
"Waeyo?" Hakyung asked.
"I'm not sure. He didn't say. But we need to go now as it is still recess." ChanSuk answered.
"Lose the formality, Chansuk-ah. We're classmates. Saem, I guess we'll talk on the phone, eh?" KangJoo said.
"Ah, ne. I'll go and get him after school." Teacher Jung answered.
"We shall be leaving, seongsaengnim." Chansuk excused them. 

"What's up, HyunYoung?" YiKyung asked as he looked at her from the side in the library.
"Oh, Yikyung." Hyunyoung said. 
"Hey, did you hear? I heard Kim Jinho stayed over at Lee KangJoo's house!" A girl whispered to her friend.
"What? Eww, what's that good-looking oppa doing at that 's house?!" Her friend whispered back.
"Mollayo, but I know I saw them in her house when I passed there this morning." The girl whispered.
"Kaja, Namsoon wants to see us." YiKyung pulled her up roughly and pulled her towards the field. 

NamSoon also heard the rumours, but why they had to gather was another story.

"Kwaejang! What are we doing here?" Jihoon asked.
"Do you guye remember your projects?" Namsoon asked.
"Ne." The other answered.
"Well, the science teacher is taking us on an MT for our research." Namsoon announced.
"Chinchah?! WHOO!" The others cheered.
"You and your partner will work on the research during the day so that we could play around at night, arasso?" Namsoon asked them.
"But what about KangJoo and Jinho?! Will their partners be changed? I heard that they are even living together now." Hyunyoung asked, sounding innocent.
"BWO?! What did you say about me?" KangJoo blared up.
"Aren't you and Jinho living together? People saw you too, you know." Hyunyoung stated.
"Ya, where the hell did you hear such a stupid rumour?" KangJoo asked, as if testing her.
"From ..." HyunYoung started.
"Ya, ya, kemanhaja. You're creating a scene." Heungsoo said.
"Ani! I wanna hear what she says." Then the bell rang.

"I believe your president has told you." The science teacher spoke.
"The MT would be for a week so make sure you pack enough clothes." He added.
"Saem, is there gonna be a mix up of partners?" HyunYoung asked.
"Aniyo. You will stick to the partners that I've assigned." The teacher said.
'That's a relief.' KangJoo sighed.

"Eomma, appa, naega wasseoyo!" KangJoo called out to her parents.
"Aish, this kid making a lot of noise. Mom and dad went to work." Her brother answered.
"Oh! Hmm, how is JinHo?" Kangjoo asked.
"Well, he's not frozen anymore but he has an extreme fever." Her brother stated.
"Eddoekhae? We have an MT coming up." Kangjoo said worriedly.

"Fany-ah." JinHo whispered as he tousled about on the couch under the blanket.





Author's Notes;  07042013

Hope it'll make up.
I'll come up with a longer next time, I hope.
Oh and the photos that I used just set the mood, so don't let it ... um ... discourage you or something /slapped.


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guys, i really need your scene requests or anything to get me out of this writer's block


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shineefangirl25 #1
Chapter 3: ohh i luved it......
Chapter 17: I loved the last chapter! It's sad that it's ended, but thank you for the effort you put into this story :-) i enjoyed it!!
Chapter 17: But I loved it :D
Chapter 17: Me and Heungsoo O_O I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting like a heart to heart chat o_o
Chapter 17: I thought it was interesting.
I thought that SeungYeob and Jinho would really fight not fight with a game of basketball, lol. I like that the last chapter was in Namsoon's point of view. It just feels like this isn't an ending chapter to a story, but maybe that's just me wanting more. Haha.
Of course if you make more stories then I'll check them out. I enjoy your writing and this story was fun to read. Just tell me if you make another story and I'll come read it, or even apply if it's an apply fic.
Chapter 16: :( it's almost ending...and do you need a scene request.

Seolhyun works everything with Heungsoo, and Seung Yeop :D
Chapter 16: It is sad that they are leaving. At least they left each other on a happy note.
Chapter 16: ouch sulli why are you leaving with minho gahhh

i really like your posters btw!!
Chapter 15: Awwwwww Jinho :(
Chapter 15: Poor Jinho. I feel bad for him. The girl that he likes is with someone esle which isn't fun.
Its ending but it was a good story though. I enjoyed reading it though.