I'll never let go

Korea ?

Seungris p.o.v.:

Her heart stopped beating.

,,Doctor ! Doctor !" I yelled and pushed the emergency button.

The doctor came really fast. He did a cardiac massage for 5 minutes but her heart still wasn't beating.

Please God don't take her away.

G.O.s p.o.v.:

No, it can't be ! This is just  a bad dream. JiEun don't go ! Please, don't. Don't ... I'm sorry for hurting you but I promise I will never ever hurt you again, please stay with us.

Taeyangs p.o.v.:

Dongseng don't go. Don't leave me alone. Please God, you already took my dad and my mum away, can't you leave JiEun with me ?

Chonnys p.o.v.:

My monkey don't go ! If you go now then I'll hate monkeys and I'll hate you for leaving me. Don't go ... please.

IUs p.o.v.:

,,JiEuna ... kahjima ... you can't go " I whispered to myself.

What am I going to do without you ?

Don't go JiEun please ... don't !

,,Anduwae ... anduwae ... ANDUWAE !" I yelled and went to JiEuns bed where the doctor was still trying to get her back.

,,I'm sorry " the doctor said and wanted to leave.

,,Anduwae JiEuna ! Wake up ! You can't go !" I yelled crying.

Then I hit her chest.

,,Come back !" I cried and still hit her chest.

Suddenly her heart beated again.

Thank you God.

JiEuns p.o.v.:

I walked through the field then I saw my parents.

,,Omma ! Appa !" I said and walked faster.

They were walking into a bright light.

When I was running I realized that i was running on my place and wasn't moving.

,,Omma, Appa wait for me " I cried.

,,JiEuna, it's not the time yet " my mum said.

,,But I miss you and dad so much "

,,We miss you too honey, but what about your brother ? He needs you " my mum answered me.

All of a sudden she was standing in front of me.

,,Omma, are you and dad feeling well here ?" i asked sadly.

,,Don't worry about us. We're really fine and we're really happy " she said and kissed my cheek.

,,Omma~" I cried and they disappeared.

After 5 hours:

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw G.O. sitting next to me. He was looking out of the window. Then he turned around and his eyes went wide.

,,JiEun " he said shocked.

He stood up and was about to go but I grabbed his wrist.

,,Jebal kahjima " I said.

He looked at me ,, I won't go " he said and kissed my forehead.

,,I will never ever leave you again. Yaksu " he said and kissed my lips.


Annyeong everyone ! :D
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@vickycupcakey tahnks ! <33 :D i'm writing right now a new story and it will be about jonghyun and iu ^^ stay tuned :D
vickysmileey #2
amazing ! <3333<br />
loove it :)<br />
You should make a story about Jonghyun and IU next <3
@vickycupcakey hahaha well just wait and see ;) <br />
it's just that the main roles are g.o. and jieun ^^<br />
stay tuned~ :))
vickysmileey #4
awwws, i hope jonghyun ends up falling for her though..... !<br />
they make such a cute couple
@vickycupcakey first iu will fall in love with someone else but i'll try to make your wish come true ^^
vickysmileey #6
you should make jonghyun and iu like eachother :)
thank you~ :D<br />
I'll update the two next chapters today and then again two new chapters at the weekend :))<br />
Thanks for reading <3 ^^
stayuptonight #8
You're doing a great job! <br />
Good luck on your exams. :)<br />
<br />
I'm looking forward to the next chapter :D<br />
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