What have you done ?

Korea ?

Rain's p.o.v.:

G.O. walked downstairs really fast and left. Joon was standing at the door, he was about to ring.

,,What happened ?" he said but no one answered. We didn't know.

JiEun's p.o.v.:

What ? Is this a dream ?

I went downstairs. Shocked, sad, angry, desperate.

Lee Joon's p.o.v.:

Did G.O. fight with someone ? Just 2 minutes later JiEun came downstairs.

She looked like she saw a ghost. Like she woke up from death. Then she fell down.

,,JiEuna " I said and ran to her.

What happened between them ? I held her in my arms.

,,JiEuna, kenchana ?" I said but she didn't answer. She just looked at me.

,,Bring her into my room " Rain said as i did.

When I layed her on the bed I wanted to leave but she grabbed my wrist.

,,Ka-kajima, you too ... don't leave me " she said with a sad voice and with eyes full of tears.

,,Don't worry. I'm here " I said and sat next to her.

Slwoly she closed her eyes. She looked so tired, not her body ... her emotions.

When she sleeps, she looks like an angel.

Softly I touched her hair.

,,Everything will be alright, JiEun. Yaksu " I said and kissed her forehead.

After 10 minutes Cheondoong, Seungho and Mir came.

,,Joon we're leaving. Do you want to stay with JiEun ?" Seungho asked.

,,Yes, Hyung. I will stay here " I said trying to smile.

Then Mir came to JiEun.

,,JiEuna~ don't be like this huh ? Get well soon araso ? We still have to play hide and seek " he said laughing.

,,She must be suffering a lot. Hope she gets well soon " Cheondoong said.

Cheondoong and Mir left the room.

Seungho came to me ,,Take good care of her. She looks really hurt and tired. G.O. this brat ! How dare he does this to JiEun " Seungho said hitting his fist against the wall.

,,Kokjonma Hyung. I'll take care of JiEun " I said and seungho left.

G.O.'s p..o.v.:

I drove as fast as I could. Somewhere far far away. So that no one can hear me. I can't gorget ger facial expression. But what should I have said ? When I'm with her she gets even more hurt, doesn't she ?

,,Aish, I'm going crazy !" I yelled.

JiEuna, I'm sorry. I know right now you're really hurt but it will be fine. You will forget me soon. I hope so.


,,Yeboseyo ?"

,,Yah, Hyung odiya ? Let's meet up at the han river " Cheondoong yelled and hang up before I could say something.

Cheondoong's p.o.v.:

How dare he ! How can he do that to JiEun ! She loved him so much. He made her suffer even more. It's not the first time he breaks up with a girl but JiEun is not same as the other girls. She's the first one that every mblaq member likes. She is so nice and she truly loves G.O., not because of his popularity because of his heart.

I saw G.O.'s car coming. He got out of his car and I walked towards him

When he stood in front of me I punched him.

,,You bastard !" I yelled.

,,Doh, Cheondoong !"

,,Wae ? Didn't you deserve it ? How dare you do this to her ? Did you play with her ? Huh ? " I yelled even louder.

,,She really loves you Hyung ! I never knew you would be like this " I said and left.

I didn't want to see his  face because otherwise I would've beaten him up.


How was it ? :D

The next two chapters will be updated now too, stay tuned ! :))

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@vickycupcakey tahnks ! <33 :D i'm writing right now a new story and it will be about jonghyun and iu ^^ stay tuned :D
vickysmileey #2
amazing ! <3333<br />
loove it :)<br />
You should make a story about Jonghyun and IU next <3
@vickycupcakey hahaha well just wait and see ;) <br />
it's just that the main roles are g.o. and jieun ^^<br />
stay tuned~ :))
vickysmileey #4
awwws, i hope jonghyun ends up falling for her though..... !<br />
they make such a cute couple
@vickycupcakey first iu will fall in love with someone else but i'll try to make your wish come true ^^
vickysmileey #6
you should make jonghyun and iu like eachother :)
thank you~ :D<br />
I'll update the two next chapters today and then again two new chapters at the weekend :))<br />
Thanks for reading <3 ^^
stayuptonight #8
You're doing a great job! <br />
Good luck on your exams. :)<br />
<br />
I'm looking forward to the next chapter :D<br />
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