What are you doing here ?

My better-half

“Baby are you okay ?” Chanyeol asked on the other line.

“Yes baby. Don’t worry yourself too much. You should enjoy the party. And for your information I’m a big girl now you know.” I tried to make my voice cheerful. He hesitated at first but then give up knowing he can’t do anything being far from me.

“Alright. Just beep me back when you need something arasso?” He said. I know he’s smiling when he said that.  His creepy smile which never fails to make my heart leap everytime.

“Okay enjoy ! iloveyou.”  

“I love you more” He said making a kiss sound. I laughed. Really cute boyfriend that I have.


                After he hanged up I was back to reality. I still have tons of work to finish.  The day of our exams is just near and we are required to pass the projects by the end of the week. Without Chanyeol here by my side it’s really hard. He helped me a lot through everything. He’s even willing to do my homework when I can’t do it even if he has to finish a project of his own.  I really feel guilty sometimes because it’s always him who helps. What can you expect anyway? He’s studying in a premiere university here in South Korea while I’m just an average student in a regular university. Sometimes I really want to help him so that he will not be burdened. I don’t want him to think that I’m just using him for my benefit.

            I decided to do first my homework in architectural design. Shoot. I forgot to buy acrylic for the painting materials. Great, I’ll waste another thirty minutes which means I also have to sleep thirty minutes later than usual.

I dressed up and searched for my pocket. I brought my cellphone with me and see text messages from my Chanyeol.


From: Chan <3

  Hey baby, don’t exhaust yourself too much okay?


From: Chan<3

Why am I seeing a frown on that beautiful face? Still cute though . Smile Baby ;)


From: Chan<3

Hey..  are you alright?


Sorry babe, I have to hurry or else there will be no time for me to sleep. Just enjoy yourself there in the party for the mean time.

           I got out from the store and look at my phone to see what time is it already. 8:30 p.m. Gee, time really goes fast when you least need it. Half of me is already itching to grab the phone in my pocket and ask Chanyeol to come and help me , while the other tells me not to be selfish and give him some time with his friends. That’s the problem with me. I became so dependent on him. I get used to the feeling that whenever I need help no matter how senseless it is, he’ll help me without hesitation.  He always make me feel secure when he’s around. When he’s there, there’s nothing to worry about. He is surely a blessing from God.


            I ran on my way home. I still have to review for our quiz tomorrow and few minutes more here outside will just be added to wasted time. I opened the door, my heart beating fast. I was  shocked to see him looking at my to-do-list.

“What are you doing here?  I told you to have some fun.” I asked half-annoyed

“No. we’re doing your project.” He said in a firm voice but smiled at me.

Oh Chanyeol. Seeing you made me forget all my worries, enough for me to be motivated in doing my tasks.

I can’t help it anymore. I let my tears out but sob silently. How dare you skip a party again just to be with me. You don’t have to do this always.

“You. stupid guy. You .. you decline a party again.. You should be..  be there with your friends ..having fun.”  I said in-between sobs. He wiped my tears away.

“How many times do I have to tell you that here beside you is where I’m having fun. This is what I enjoy the most, being with you.” Heheld my face with both of his hand and kissed the top of my head.

 “really stupid boyfriend.” I slightly hit him in the arm before giving him a tight hug. “Thankyou baby.”

“Nuh, don’t mention it. Come on let’s get started now or else you want me to have an overnight here.” that grin.

                We finished my assignment really quick. As much as I hate to admit it I really think life will be hard without him. Not just because he’s a helping hand, but because he’s my better-half, my partner in life.

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