o18: Baby Steps

Sweet Little Kisses.

It's You - Super Junior


Sarang typed on her keyboard feriously as she scribbled on her notebook.

She was so behind on her homework since her new intern job was frustrating, but she shouldn't be complaining since she loved this job! I mean, she get to learn more about fashion and she get to meet her Dream Guy; the most awesomest and the hottest actor in his generation; Kimbum.

She has fallen for him since the day she saw him playing a role Korea's Top Drama; Boys Before Flower.

Sure he hasn't even noticed her yet, but that's because she has been working here for only a week; but boy would she love it if he even say "Hi" to her when they passes each other around the building.

"Sarang would you come here and help me carry this to the van sweetie?" her boss asked her as she carried an armful of clothing out the door.

"Yeh!" Sarang shouted as she sat aside her laptop and notebook to the side and picked up a armful of clothings on the rack and started to walk toward the door when she ran into the wall.

She cursed under her breath and moved to the side alittle to get through the door. She carefully walked down the stairs and ran toward the exit when she bump into someone and dropped the clothings before falling on her .

"Ah!" Sarang felled and winced as she rubbed her bottom. "Aish..."

"Kenchanah?" a male voice asked as he helped her up.

"Yeh," Sarang nodded before pushing her bang to the side and practically almost dropped her jaw.

"Jesonghamnida!" Sarang bowed over and over as she apologized and grabbed the clothes off the ground and practically ran away from the scene and out to the back where the van was.

 Sarang handed the clothes to her boss and leaned against the van and sighed as she made a face and dropped to the ground.

"Gahhh~!!" Sarang screamed.

"What's the matter with you?" her boss Mrs. Hwang-the mother of Tiffany Hwang from SNSD- asked.

"I did something horrible," Sarang answered.

"How horrible?" she asked.

"I ran into the second most amazing guy in the entire world." Sarang replied as she made a blank face than screamed as she shook her head saying it isn't so.

"Second?" Mrs. Hwang asked. "Who?"

"Kim..Kim..Kim Kimbum~!!" Sarang wailed as she kicked.

Mrs. Hwang laughed. "Whose first than?"

"Ryeowook," Sarang answered with a straight face than smiled.

"Really?" Mrs. Hwang made a face, "Because sweetie, my first most amazing guy would be dear Mister Jung Ji Hoon."

"Bi?" Sarang asked.

"Yesss," Mrs. Hwang sighed.

"Errr...arn't you married?" Sarang asked.

"Of course I am sweetie, but that doesn't mean I should give up my first husband." Mrs. Hwang giggled.

Sarang sighed as she shook her head and inched away, Mr. Bi, I am saying this for your own benefit, please!! If you see a strange woman in red hair...*sigh* stay away from her for your own sake.

"I think I'm gunna go now," Sarang told her as she sulked into the building once again but made sure she was alone and looked out for any security or police cops wanting to lock her up for bumping into a celebrity.

"Hey, I think you dropped this," someone tapped her arm and Sarang turned away, without lifting her head; she murmured "Thank you" before grabbing her purse and walking away.

"Are you okay?" the guy followed her.

"Yehh, I'm fineee." Sarang answered as she sighed.

"Sure doesn't sound like your fine," the guy spoke.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine!!" Sarang shouted as she turned to the guy and clapsed shut and covered it with her hands when she saw who he was and practically ran to the corner and curled up as if she was invisible.

"Ottoke??!" Sarang hissed feriously.

"Are you suuuure?" he asked as he got closer to her and chuckled.

"I'm not gunna hurt you or anything you know," Kimbum told her.

"Jesonghamnida!!!" Sarang quickly got up and bowed as she turned and walked awkwardly that made Kimbum laugh.


Ryeowook sighed as she lied on the couch with a magazin in front of him.

"Aish!!" Ryeowook scratched hi head and sat up.

"What's with you?" Leeteuk-the leader-asked.

"Nothing!!" Ryeowook shouted as she got up and left the studio.

Nothing was totally wrong, he was irritated because he haven't seen that girl at all today; the one whose always there to make sure his clothes were fitting him right and if it matched his skintone or so.

No, not Mrs. Hwang, that would be creepy; but her assisstant.

Now she was something he thought worth waiting for to see everyday since she seems to be clumsy around hi,.


Ryeowook thought it was cute of her when they first met, she walked in while he was changing his shirt. She stopped when she saw him and slowly but quickly backed out of the room and closed the door before he heard her scream and coming back in to apologize and left once again.

At first he though she was a little nuts but when he sat down with his book and coffee later that day, that scene replayed in hsi head over and over; it was adorable.

She seemed...so innocent.

Ryeowook sighed as he leaned against the railing of the second floor. Where was she?

Usually he would've seen her by now and do all kinds of things to make her blush and such.

"Bonamana~" Ryeowook sighed as he looked down onto the first floor of the building.

"Hey wait!" Ryeowook heard a voice.

Ryeowook leaned forward to see her walking pretty fast while a guy chased her-wait a minute, Ryeowook thought as he looked closer to find out that it was an actor; Kim Kimbum.

He knew Kimbum pretty well.

They used to be pretty close you could say before they both became famous; it all changed when he beame a singer and Kimbum became a actor.

He also knew that Kimbum liked this girl; Sarang.

He smiled just thinking of her name, he found out soon after she raned out of the building when they first met.

Kimbum grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.


"Wait!" the guy grabbed her arm.

Sarang turned and almost screamed; it was Kimbum.

He smiled at her with his dazzling smile.

"I was going to ask you something when I gave your purse back you know," he smiled.

"Y-yeh?" Sarang asked as she heard a loud footsteps running down the stairs.


She swore she almost felt her jaw drop to the ground.

"Ryeowook-nim!" Sarang bowed.

"Don't bow at me!" he shouted at her as he pulled her toward him.

"I was talking to her," Kimbum told Ryeowook.

"Well I need to talk to her now," Ryeowook told Kimbum.

"Maybe when I'm done asking her a question," Kimbum told Ryeowook as he turned to Sarang. "Sarang-shii, are you free tomorrow night?"

Sarang's eye widened.

"I-er..." she glanced at Ryeowook who had his eyes closed shut.

Why was he acting like this pained him? Sarang thought.

"I..I'm kinda busy," Sarang lied.

"Oh.." Kimbum's smile faltered a little. "Well alright...maybe next time." he smiled before glancing at Ryeowook and walking away.

"Whew," Ryeowook chuckled as Sarang turned to him shyly.

"Hey," he smiled at her.

"Hello," she smiled back alittle.

"Ummm...wonna go grab a dinner together?" he asked her as he scratched his head.

"Only if..." Sarang started and Ryeowook leaned closer to hear her better.

"Pay for it!" Sarang smiled as she ran out the building.

Blinking, Ryeowook smiled as he followed her out.

"Hey wait up~!" he shouted as he followed her out and hugged her from behind.

We should start our relationship like this right?



Sorry for the really late update >.< hope you liked it~!


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Sarapyon #1
I just applied in your other oneshot collection ^~^ And aw I hope you'll continue to write your oneshots here *O*<br />
<br />
I'm still here to support you ^^ FIGHTING~~~
im just applied<br />
rainibab0 #3
aw. it was getting cuter then it end T_T<br />
but i imagine key looking funny :/
NerdyJae #4
Hello, I was going through my request forms and noticed that you don't have the poster up due to a mishap that was going through in tinypic. If possible could you please relink. Thank you. And sorry for the inconvenience.<br />
Poster: <br />
cute Christmas magic :) (ch 23)
rawkabette #6
hyunseung! lol they are oddly cute <br />
at first i was thinkin poor hyunseung but then i remembered hes jus as 4d as she is
LOLOLOL.<br />
That oneshot is kind of ironic...<br />
I have a character with the exact same name in my story...<br />
and she's also paired up with Hyunseung.<br />
Applied too!! Hopefully you got it.<br />
Looking forward to the updates. :D ♥
Mochilla #9
:DD I love it ;DD Thank you for writing the oneshot! <3
ChemicalLuvs #10
I've applied ^^