Jealousy goes around

One locked Mansion
The boys went down to the kitchen and jinyoung and daehyun cooked the food. "um how old are daehyun?" jinyoung asked "huh me.. I'm 19 how about you??" daehyun answered. "haha..I'm 21, guess that you'll call me Hyung or Oppa!!" jinyoung happily said. "hAhaha your funny..Hyung" daehyun said shyly. Gongchan glared at daehyun and he stand up and put his hands on yongguk's shoulder "Hyung I look cute??" "yeah..your cute but daehyun is much cuter" yongguk said proudly. Jinyoung and daehyun look At them and daehyun run quickly to them "um..Gongchan don't let him mess with you ok? And Yo could you said I'm cuter there's a lot of cute boys here. Um like, dongwoon, Yo Seob, Jo twins, sandeul and Gongchan. Except me ok." daehyun annoyingly said. "ya--daehyun. You are cute. Your going to hang with me a lot" jinyoung said while pinching daehyun's cheeks. Gongchan went upstairs all jealous of what is happenning. Then yongguk said "heyheyhey, off your hands at my--i mean daehyun" then jinyoung and daehyun laughed. Then suddenly they heard a loud shout "I hate him. I hate him!" then all of them run to Gongchan and they saw Gongchan with a knife "stop Gongchan don't kill--" "you shut up daehyun.. Ya jinyoung Oppa do you love me??" he said while crying. "I-I love you but--" jinyoung afraidly said. "but what??' then Top grabbed the knife and he throw it downstairs. Then jinyoung hug him and whispered "I love you Gongchan you know that..but I can't tell these people.
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