Not too bad

Words too hard to say

It was AKWARD.

He was staring at me, I was staring at Sharley, Sharley was staring at him.

Sharley mad the first move. "Come on Jessie. Let's go" as she strutted past us and opened the door. Jessie just stared.

She walked back towards us. "what are you doing...?" i whispered aggressively

"GURLLLL you have not dated for 3 YEARRSS. And you said he was cute."
"when did i say he was cute!??!" i accidentally yelled out a little too loud. The guys all looked this way. sigh....

"Whatcha lookin at?!" Sharley yelled. "ComeON Jessie what are YOU staring at?"

"M-me? haha nothing. Comeon. Have fun!" they both winked and elbowed me. After they left me I just awkwardly stood there.

I didn't know what to do!!! Should I talk to him? Should I leave? UGH this is soooo weird his friends and him look like some school gang or sumthin....but eh Sharley was right...the last time I hooked up with someone was 2 months ago and the last time I dated was back in high school.....

But no. This isn't it lol this CANT be it. They're so weird looking and Mr.Right can't POSSIBLY be in a club. 'Let's go' i told myself.

While I was walking towards the door, I stopped.

And I'm pretty sure this was when alcohol hit HARD because I started walking towards him. Next thing I know, I'm in front of the guy and he's just staring at me. Wow, can this guy even blink???

Then it went away. I wasn't 100% sober but I got my common sense back. "Uhhh sorry umm.." I turned to face the door. Then I turned back "Sorry for my friend earlier she's just a bit....umm...out going. Yeah." I laughed awkwardly and turned to face his friends.

Did i mention this was awkward? I did right? Cuz it WASSS. Their stares were PAINFUL. PAINNN i tell you.

"Ummm sorry for disturbing you...I'll just get going now haha umm...yeah" and I started walking toward the door again


I turned around. The guy on the stool was standing now. "What's your name?"

Wow I must've looked RETARDED at this point cuz I gave him a look like what-is-a-name....??

"G-geu rin.....what's yours?"

He chuckled and walked up to me. "woo hyun" he smirked and tucked a piece of paper into my dress pocket. I looked down and back up to see him walk back to his seat. I left

Woohyun's POV

Woah. This chick is brave enough to stare into coldhearted L's eyes. Damn...she wasn't exactly bad looking either. It's just normal myungsoo and his uninterest in girls. Sigh.

We were in a pretty serious conversation about our next song when this curvy blonde stomped up to L. Maybe I should get her number? Actually I'll give her mine....I took out a piece of paper and started jotting down ma digits.

"Then how bout that pretty laday over there?" she said

I looked up and saw her pointing to the other side of the room. L was still looking at the floor beneath my 

As I looked across the room I saw two other girls. One of them a good 5 inches taller than the other, even though the short one was wearing higher heels. But the taller one was ugly....ugh

The short one wasn't bad. She didn't have an S line I'll say...but she had long wavy hair and a pretty face. Well, as much as I could see because she was burying it in her friend's shoulder

Then she was suddenly in front of L. Probably a bit tipsy judging by her walk. I could FEEL the awkwardness in the air. Then it must have hit her too because she started walking away.

I looked down to see the paper with my phone number on it. Eh, might as well, right?

Geurin's POV

A wall of cold air hit me as I walked out of the club. My legs were exposed and freezing, and my hair blew into my face as I looked up at the starry sky.

Suddenly, I feel a jacket over my shoulders. I turn back to see the same guy that gave me his phone number just moments ago.

"Hey, text me ok?"

I nervously chuckled "hhaaha yeah….sure" He called a cab for me and opened the door. I took off his jacket and gave it back to him "Thanks"

"My pleasure" he said with a smile. Ey, he wasn't THAT bad looking but I know better than to fall for sweet talking flirts like him

Getting home, I saw Sharley and Jessie in their PJs on the couch.
"SOOOOooOooOoo….???" Sharley asked as they both rushed up to me.

"Haha funny story…I didn't even get his name" they were about to punch me when i continued "BUT the other guy gave me his phone number…."

"Oh GOD not the guy on the stool with the the suit?"

"HAHAHAHA yeah him. But its waters, he's not really my type"

"GOOD. Well you lost a good one girly but maybe fate will let you meet again" she said while winking

"Sharley, this was literally a guy I thought was CUTE. Why do you think he's the one for me?"

"Chill girly I don't but I think that he might be able to make ya happy for a few months or years"

"……I'm happy…"

"Sure. You keep telling yourself that."

I grabbed my pajamas and stomped into the bathroom to shower.

Was I really unhappy? Well it's not like life was bad, but I guess I do feel a little empty or whatever. Eh, don't really care I guess.

Myungsoo POV

This weird blonde is trying to hit on me… I that attractive? We were in the middle of a pretty serious conversation but this …ugh so annoying

"Then what about that pretty lady over there?"

Everyone looked where she was pointing and none of them seemed really impressed. But woohyun was looking at her with a weird empty look so I decided to take a glance.

Nothing much. A tall weird looking girl and a short decent looking one. But the short one had a pretty face I had to admit. She wasn't curvy or anything, but I've never really cared. All she needs is a pretty face and hair. But I've seen better.

Next thing ya know, woohyun's hitting on her. Sigh….so GREASY

Sharley POV

"Jessie…what do we do with her….."

"Haha idk…..I thought they would look kinda good together. And someone that WASN'T INTERESTED IN YOU. WOAH. That guy must be different."

"Yeah….whata loss….."

"Yeah it kinda . But there will be other ones hahha. Aight i'm going to sleep sweetie. Gnite."


Geurin….what is this girl doing….I though I fed her enough alcohol to get her tipsy enough to TALK to that guy. Sheesh. OH WAIT. Woohyun gave her his number….omfg that greasy freak. I grabbed my phone and dialed in a  number

"Hello?" a masculine voice on the other side answered



"Umm isn't this woohyun's phone…"

"He's in the bathroom right now"

"What did he do…did you not tell him about the plan?"

"Yeah I kinda forgot but I didn't think he would ACTUALLY go for her….he likes curvy girls…."

"HAHAH hey that's ma girl you're talkin bout there. But omg what are we gonna do? Did she talk to L at ALL?"

"No…..she was just gonna leave when woohyun started hitting on her….myungsoo didn't really look interested"

"NoOOOOooo this HAS TO work. Sunggyu we've been planning this for 2 YEARS. She finally came back to korea and omg whyyyyy"

"Oh here's woohyun"


"…..woohyun….what did you….?"

"What do you mean?"

OH CRAP. He doesn't know….ugh maybe it's better that he doesn't know cuz then he'll make it obvious that we're friends…..

"Give the phone back to Gyu oppa please…"

"Whaddu want…?" hahah grandpa gyu….

"Okay just leave woohyun outta this. I don't want her to find out that we know each other. Just…idk don't let him get too serious about her"

"He WON'T. You know him, always hitting on all the girls and crap. He'll lose interest in Geurin in a second, I told you, he only likes curvy girls."

"Alright alright. Tell myungsoo hi for me and the rest of the boys."

"Sure. We gonna do anything soon?"

"Eh I'll think about it. If it's too soon it'll be too obvious."

"Aight. G'nite Shar."

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