chapter 3

love, not enough

I forgot to ask what time Michelle is going to get here and what exit she is coming out from, Myolie realized as she sat up and opened the hello kitty lamp next to her bed. She reached for her phone and called Michelle.

"Michy! It's me again." Myolie greeted.

"What's up?" Michelle asked.

"I forgot to ask what time you are going to get here and what exit." Myolie replied.

"I was wondering why you didn't ask. I thought you were busy tomorrow." Michelle said. "I'm going to be back when it's about three in the afternoon in Hong Kong at exit 7."

That's the same time and exit Ron told me he and Raymond told me they are coming from... I hope I don't see Raymond... If I see him I'll probably want to go hug him. Then he'll probably think I'm a freak since I'm only a stranger to him now..., Myolie sadly thought.

"Myolie? you still there?" Michelle asked worriedly which broke Myolie's chain of thought.

"Yeah." Myolie replied.

"I have to go on the plane now." Michelle informed. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye." Myolie replied and hung up. She put her phone on the hello kitty phone holder and the lamp table and turned off the lamp. She twisted and her bed all night wondering what she'll do if she sees Raymond. She still missed him a lot even if he already forgotten her for four years. Maybe it's because she still haven't met another man she loves as much as Raymond...


Myolie walked out in the balcony and stretched. The weather was pretty nice outside so she decided to go out and jog around the neighborhood. After Myolie changed to her sweat pants and t-shirt she noticed a man standing at the balcony of the flat across from hers. Noticing that he was looking at her she pulled her curtains closed and muttered, "ert." She wondered if he watched her change. She walked out of her room and waited for her aunt to come out of the bathroom.

"Good morning." Myolie greeted when Christine exit the bathroom.

"Morning." Christine replied.

"Ah yee, when did they sell the flat across from ours?" Myolie asked as she walked in the bathroom.

"I think two days ago." Christine replied from the kitchen. "The guy who just bought it is pretty good looking."

"He is a ert!" Myolie warned. "Why didn't you tell me someone bought it?"

"You didn't ask." Christine replied. "Why?"

"I didn't close the curtains when I was changing." Myolie replied angrily. "I hope he didn't see anything..."

"Who told you to have that bad habit?" Christine stated.

"Well that flat had been empty since we moved in." Myolie said as she walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her neck. "I'm going out to jog."

"Okay." Christine replied.

As Myolie exit her flat the man who is the new owner of the flat across from hers walked out as well.

"Hello, I'm Bosco." he greeted and extended his hand for a shake, but Myolie ignored him and pressed the button for the elevator.

Bosco shrugged at his weird new neighbor. He wonder why she was giving him an attitude.

"What did you see?" Myolie asked suddenly out of no where.

Bosco stared at her confusedly.

"Did you watch me change?!" Myolie asked angrily.

Bosco shook his head.

"What kind of ert will admit that they are erted anyways..." Myolie muttered.

"I did not watch you change!" Bosco stated as a lady entered the elevator on the twelve floor.

"Hello, Ms. Wu." the lady greeted as she stared at Bosco awkwardly.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Chung." Myolie replied.

When Myolie exit the elevator on the lobby she glared at Bosco for the one last time. Bosco pressed the 'close' button.

"She wishes I would watch her change." Bosco murmured. "I'm probably blind to do that. She doesn't even have anything to look at."

He walked out of the elevator into the parking lot and pressed the signal on his keys for his car to unlock.

As he drove out the driveway he put on his D&G Sunglasses.


"Toby!" Bosco called out as he got out of his car.

"Ah Gor!" Toby greeted as she crossed the street.

"Hey Bosco." Leila greeted as he opened the door to the passenger's seat for them.

"After we are done shopping for furniture for your new home we can go to the airport to pick Raymond up." Toby suggested. "I'm sure Leila misses her bro a lot."

"You mean you miss Ron a lot." Bosco teased as he put on his seat belt.

Toby blushed.


[ A i r p o r t . . . ]

Myolie held up a sign with Michelle's full name on it. She had been waiting for fifteen minutes already. There was still no sign of Michelle.

Maybe she left because she doesn't recognize me, Myolie thought as she continue to look at the crowd of people that was coming out. Seeing Raymond and Ron she immediately covered her face with the sign that she was holding.

"Who's that girl Raymond is holding hands with?" Myolie muttered.

"What?" the guy in front of her, who had his arms around two girls, asked.

"I was talking to myself." Myolie replied and looked up at the guy. She realized it was the guy that watched her change in the morning.

"I remember you! The ert that watched me change this morning!" Myolie said loudly which caused a few passengers attention.

Bosco immediately covered Myolie's mouth. Toby and Leila stared at Bosco.

"It's not what she thinks. I didn't watch her change." Bosco explained. "Dai Sum (Elder Lady), How many times do I have to tell you I didn't watch you change?"

"Ron!" Toby called out happily.

Myolie immediately covered her face with the sign again then said, "I got to go! Hope I'll never see you again, ert!"

"I'm moving in right next door to you." Bosco reminded.

"Myolie?" a female voice said.

Myolie removed the sign to see who just called her name. The voice belonged to the girl who was holding hands with Raymond.

"Michelle?" Myolie guessed as Michelle nodded. Myolie looked at Ron shockingly and then looked at Raymond.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 3: Ahh! What will happen next after all this treachery?! Bosco's hilarious, though. xD I admire the story's structure and am not pleased with how you've left us lingering on a cliffhaner. Please update as soon as you can!
this is such a good plot
finally, you posted your story here. I am a Raylei fan but since they are sibling I guess i will root for Ron and Leila =)