003- The Results

Socio Project

       The focus of the study/interview was basically the question. Do teachers prefer the good-looking batch of people over the average looking ones? The answers varied. Depending on the majority
of the search, the researchers' have put together the answers in one whole short paragraph

        `} the results




Students' point of view

The students we interviewed all refer to

beauty as one simple topic: cleanliness

and hygene.

Their thoughts are basically, teachers
do prefer students who are well dressed and
clean, rather that the shabby and messy ones,
disregarding whoever is the 'cool' one.


Students even tend to stereotype another
student according to their looks. If they see
a girl who's face is caked with layers and
layers of make-up, she is stereotyped as
being, what we call them, 's' and even insecure.
And when asked, if they'd befriend a person
who looks like well, hell, the girls' answers
were, 'Ew! No!' or even they'd be too scared
to actually go approach the guy and start a 








         `} the results



teachers' point of view

Teacher's point of view are about the students are
same. If they see a boy who comes to
school with shirt untucked, and hair
messy, they'd probably see him as a
boy who is uncared for by his parents
or even to the point that he might be
a troublemaker and doesn't do his work.
(Thank You Child Development!!)

   The same goes for a girl who's
covered by make-up and useless things
She would becalled insecured for
covering her face up, or even the opinion
might go up to that of the girl trying to look older
in order to impress boys.



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