Sweet Coffee

Loose Ends

"I didn't know what you wanted so I just bought you a black coffee and then got a bunch of sugar packets and cream containers. Is that alright?" 

Seohyun looked at Kyuhyun as he set the tray down on their table. "Yeah, that's alright," she replied, picking up the cup. Taking a sip, she grimmaced. 

"What's wrong?" Kyuhyun asked, picking up his iced americano and drinking it. 

"Nothing," Seohyun quickly replied. Silently, she picked up the sugar packets and began tearing them open. Dumping them in one by one, finally she drank her coffee. Kyuhyun stared in amazement. 

"You really like your coffee sweet huh," he remarked. 

"Something wrong with that?" Seohyun glared. 

"No, no. I just thought . . . .I thought you'd like your coffee black." 

Silently the two drank their drinks. Finally Kyuhyun spoke up. 

"So . . . . I'm sorry about calling you an Ice Princess," he murmured, stirring his americano with his straw. Seohyun looked up from her coffee to look at him. "I just . . . .I don't know, I was trying to become friends with you." 

Kyuhyun looked up hopefully at Seohyun, as if he was afraid of her getting mad at him again. Sighing, Seohyun set her coffee down. "I'm also sorry for getting mad at you," she stated, rather emotionlessly. She didn't say anything else, and an awkward silence continued. Kyuhyun smiled anyway and blew bubbles into his drink. 

"So . . . . I didn't know you were Jessica noona's roommate," Kyuhyun started. 

"I didn't know you were oppa's cousin," Seohyun retorted. 

"It's just that . . . You and Jessica are really different," Kyuhyun laughed a little to himself, "I mean she's so . . . . . I don't know; her relationship with Hyung is really up and down. One moment she's slamming the door and crying and another she's doing . . . .you know."

Seohyun blushed, however, she quickly regained her composure. "We were friends since a long time ago. We used to be more similar in the past." 

"What changed?" Kyuhyun asked, curious. He finally got the silent Seohyun to talk - he was going to use this moment to its best. 

" . . . . Nothing. I just . . . .We just started growing apart, that's it," Seohyun sighed. 

"Well . . . .why?" Kyuhyun leaned in more.

"No reason." 


Kyuhyun relaxed back in his seat again. Clearly Seohyun wasn't going to tell him what had happened. Instead, he switched the topic.

"So . . . remember when you were showing me a tour of the music department?" 

Seohyun nodded, her facial expression slightly worsening.

" . . . . Who were those guys?" he asked, ignoring the change.

"Old friends," Seohyun simply replied before taking another sip from her coffee. 

Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun's face and realized that he hadn't changed the topic that much. " . . .I guess you don't want to talk about this either?"

Seohyun looked up to examine Kyuhyun's face, to see if he was being genuine. She stayed silent, analyzing him. Kyuhyun waited for her to reply. 

"Not really." 

"Then why don't we talk about something you want to talk about, then?" Kyuhyun suggested, "I feel like I'm just imposing myself on you with all my questions." He extended his hand, giving her the stand. 

" . . . . Let's talk about the math homework then," Seohyun announced. She turned around to dig around in her purse and finally found what she was looking for. It was a packet of papers. Her math homework.

"You keep your math homework in your purse?" Kyuhyun stared. 

"Well I was working on it when Jessica asked me if I wanted to come to oppa's birthday party, so I just brought it along." 

Kyuhyun just stared. His glance at her slowly turned into one of confusion, and then one of humor. "Ok. How far along are you?"

"Well I only have two problems left." 

"Are you serious? It took me an hour to do one page!" Kyuhyun exclaimed. 

Seohyun looked at Kyuhyun. "What did you get for the problem with the squiggle on the chart?"

"Uh . . . . . I got no solution." 

Seohyun stared at him. When Kyuhyun didn't say anything else, she stared at him anymore. Kyuhyun's face was totally serious, and Seohyun decided that that was the problem. Finally Kyuhyun spoke up.

"What . . . . ?"

"You . . . " Seohyun started, "Need serious tutoring." 


"Becuase that problem was the easiest on the page. And you got the obviously wrong answer." 

"What really? I spent so long on that problem too!"

Seohyun just stared at the poor boy. Kyuhyun was dead serious. Suddenly Seohyun stood up. 

"I'll tutor you." 


"I said, I'll tutor you." 

"No I mean, why?"

"Because I can't just ignore your stupidity. You're my seat partner after all."

When Kyuhyun didn't get up, Seohyun grabbed her jacket and purse. 

"Hurry and drive me back. I'll tell you where we'll meet." 

With no choice, Kyuhyun followed Seohyun to the car where they drove back to Donghae's party. 


A/N: argh i forgot to put this bold part again. ok i decided ill just put it at the top from now on XD anyway, like the seokyu going on? COMMENTS PLEASE :DDDDD

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ela2807 #1
Chapter 30: Yonghwa really loves her. That is the real true love. Thanks..
Chapter 30: Good job with the fanfic! It was a nice idea of ending it happy for both YongSeo and SeoKyu shippers. But personally, although i liked your fic, i still find the ending a little sad, but then again i think any one side shipper would feel that way. For a SeoKyu shipper like me, i am sad that she thinks so much about Yonghwa yet is married with Kyuhyun and has a child with Kyuhyun and the Child is even named Yonghwa. All she thinks about is Yonghwa even though she is married and is happy with Kyuhyun. I dont know, i like how you ended it but at the same time it doesnt fully please me. But then again any hardcore shipper would feel that way ^_^ Anyways, good job on your first fanfic!
babypillow #3
Chapter 29: oh man..... that was so sad...... it's so heartbreaking for hynnie. after all those years.
suehyun #4
Chapter 28: i want SEOKYU!...update soon
luxubu #5
Finally YH woke up. Its time for him to take some actions and I hope for a happy YS ending
Chapter 28: Oh No!!!! D: I mean i am happy Yong is alive but...but...but Kyu T_T I want SeoKyu. But i do hope Yong ends up with someone...just not Seo please!
Chapter 27: Ooo...I seee, you're giving a big twist to seo and now she'll be in a big dilemma... update soon...