⋆ — 愛の願い ∞ new matchmaking affroleplay. ( join now! - only accepting guys. )



               < wishes of love >

it's a legend, when you light
up a sky latern and let it go
during the night that if you
make a wish, it'll come true.



               < we'll grant your wish >

this roleplay's intention is to help you
find your true love, not just by randomly
pairing you up since that would be boring.
if you'd like to find out how, all you got to
do is join. 


               < want to make a wish? >

* be active every other day, tis all. i do kickouts.
* one account per person, we have spies everywhere.
* subscribe with roleplay account; main is optional,
i recommend it though. 
* sorry, no same dating. 
* allowed in pm.
* no pregnancies but marriage is fine. 
* the password is any romantic line from shakespeare.
 - why? because shakespeare writes lots of lovey-dovey stuff.

* you'll get paired only if you're active, all i gotta say.
* don't ignore anyone, it doesn't feel good.

< activeness doesn't mean logging in everyday but it
means logging in and replying to people. okay? cool.
follow this or i'll kick you out for it too. >


               < wish granted >

after you've been approved by an admin and
made your account. you must add the admins
account or else you won't be on the masterlist.
then add everyone else and start roleplaying!

< be patient, remember patience is virture. >

about the roleplay!
in this roleplay, i'll give you a say in who you'll
be paired with, well not really a say to be exact
like, "i want to be paired with (name)." but more
like i'll ask for your opinion to be honest.

as soon as i can, you'll be pmed with a questionare,
you'll answer that questionare and it'll have 3-5
questions that you can answer quickly. from there,
i'll decide who gets paired up with who. from there
on, good luck.



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sorry, but nana is deactivating.
leaving. sorry. add me, guise q u q
yoona will be taking semi-hiatus till mid-march. ; u ;
Chapter 1: sorry for not being active,
i wish to rejoin as exo's sehun

+ is it possible if i postpone my pairing with that person until sometime around next week? i have a few tests going on at school rn, & i'll call for a semi-hiatus if it alright with you though
can I reserve as bap's Daehyun?
yeah. uhm. I don't know who Shakespeare is, lol.
" oh Romeo Romeo, where for art thou Romeo? "
Is that one?
Chapter 1: checked & updated.

⋆ — 愛の願い ∞ head admin.