I Love You

Lie To Me

I was standing on top of the building across from Eunkwang's apartment building. I had a great view to look through his window to see what he's doing. I squinted my eyes to get a better look inside. He was eating and watching TV. Even from this great of a distance, I could see the loneliness in his eyes. I pulled out my phone and called him. I watch him grab his phone.

"Hello?" He said.

"Look out the window." I watch him get up from his chair and walk towards the window.

"I'm at the window." He said.

"Now look on top of the building across from you... What do you see?" I asked. I watch him look up. We were now staring into each others eyes.

"...I see you." He answered.

"Lie to me... One last time." I said slowly.

"What do you mean one last time? What are you going to do?!" He yelled at me.

"Lie to me one last time..." I repeated.

"I...I love you." Tears began to form in my eyes.

"I love you to... Goodbye." I ended the conversation before he could say anything. I watch him bang on the window with his fists, trying to communicate with me.

I closed my eyes and let my body fall off the building.

I felt the coldness of the winter air pushing to my face. As if it was a sign, I opened my eyes and I was right in front of his window as if time has slowed down. I saw his lips move as tears run down his face... But then time went back to it's normal speed and just led me closer to the ground faster and faster...

In a matter of seconds, I felt a huge impact on my back, causing me to feel massive pain for a second... Then everything went black.


It is now 2013 and my death happened years ago. Many people moved on... Even Eunkwang. But when I look deep down his heart, he misses me so much. I see him doing everything we used to do together before I confessed to him. Eating a million bowls of ramen noodles, going on long walks in the middle of the night, and hanging out on the swing-set at the park.

I even watch him say the exact same words I saw him say the day I died, every night before he goes to bed and I would always whisper back, "I love you too." I know his words were true because I never asked him to lie to me...

I guess there's no need for him to lie anymore.




The end. 

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Windin #1
Chapter 1: OMG, so sad... Please make a sequal or sth!
This story was so cute .. Yet sad .. ♥
Chapter 1: Omg I wish you made a full story abt this ;-; <3