The Seoul Mall

Teen Top Sim Dating Game

You decide to go to the mall and shop for summer clothes like you said you would. you start walking around the mall when you bump into sombody who smears his ice cream on both of your shirts

"Sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." he quickly says "Is there any way I can make it up to you?, My name's Ricky by the way"


Will you say

You Can Buy Me Ice Cream


You Can By Me A New Shirt


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Chapter 2: I'm updating today~ sorry for the long wait~ Jang-mi
Chapter 2: kya~ i met chunji, my ultimate bias. it must be fate. xD anyway, i love this kind of game, i hope you'll update soon.
Chapter 4: I'm making a flash game of this too and once i finish that i'll post a link
Chapter 1: Cool~ i've been waiting for this kinda game. weeee~