Dancing with Daesung

In Da Club

"Wow, its not too crowded tonight is it?" Mena said sipping on her drink as her and Lina sat at a back table in their favorite club, "Club Crayon." It was the newly opened club of GDragon and Mena and Lina found themselves there every Friday night.  Tonight they needed it more because they were celebrating the end of their midterms and freedom from school for a couple weeks. Both were hard working students in college but both were also girls who liked to dance and flirt, so to them club crayon was the place to be. 

"Oh, give it time." Lina said bobbing her head to the music that blared overheard. "It's still kind of early, I'm sure that before we know it, this place will be busy as hell." Lina continued to sit there, sipping her drink and moving her shoulders and head to the music. There were a lot of people there already for 11pm, but it was sure to pick up after midnight, thats when the club became so busy one would often find themselves dancing with their date but up against someone else. That's how Lina and Mena liked it, crowded with plenty of men to flirt with and dance against. 


Lina and Mena were out on the floor dancing with two random guys as the crowd began to grow larger and larger, before too long, there was hardly any space to move but it was fun nonetheless. Before long people were dispersing and running towards the door. Lina and Mena noticed that reactions and looked towards the front door to see GDragon walk in with his band mates. It wasn't unusual for GDragon to be there, it was after all, his club, but it was unusual for the rest of the guys to be there, especially all at the same time. "Oh my god, Lina, it's, it's TOP. TOP and I are in the same building," Mena said squealing in excitement to see her bias just a few feet away from her. "And oh, oh Lina look at Dae, omo he looks amazing...look." Mena said pointing to Daesung, he was last in the door. The two friends watched from their spot on the dance floor. Unlike the rest of the crazy fangirls that were stalking the guys, they knew better and went about dancing, eventually sitting back at their table, which they soon realized was right next to the VIP booth that the boys were currently sitting in. The girls enjoyed their drinks and some talking as Mena made eyes at TOP. She just couldn't stop staring, he was there, in the flesh, at the table next to hers and all she could do was stare with half open while trying to also focus on her best friend that sat across from her. 

Daesung had noticed Lina from a distance, he was struck by her eyes. Her big beautiful eyes stuck out to him more than anything else about her. As he sat there at their VIP table, talking with his friends and laughing, he couldn't help but peek up every now and then to look at the back of her head, her brown hair falling beautifully down her back. God, she's beautiful. I wish I could go talk to her. Why can't you? Because I'm famous and she's just a girl. Stupid excuse, go talk to her. Fine. Daesung conversed with himself in his head for a moment before standing up and heading over to the two friend's table. Daesung smiled and bowed as he walked up to the table looking at Lina, "Hi, um, I was wondering if you, if you would, would you dance with me?" Daesung said reaching his hand out towards Lina. "S-sure." She said grabbing his hand, looking at Mena with a look that read, "OH. MY. GOD. I'm about to dance with him."

Daesung lead Lina to the floor and turned towards her pulling her in closely to him, his arm around her waist. "What's your name." He yelled out over the loud music blaring overhead. "I'm Lina" She yelled back as they began to dance together, moving their hips to the same rhythm. "Nice to meet you, I'm Daesung." He said. 

"Yah I know." Lina said. 

"Right, of course. Well, I've been staring at you since I got here, you're eyes are so beautiful ya know?" He said as the danced to the music with her their bodies moving in time to the music together. 

"Thanks, you're smile is even better in person." She said causing him to blush.

"Do you come here often? I have never been until tonight." He said back to her, pulling her closer to him so he wouldn't have to yell as much, their chests pressed together. 

"Every Friday with Mena, my friend over there." Lina pointed over to the table, where Mena was now sitting talking to TOP. 

"Maybe I should come every Friday, then huh?" He said, the music stopping. "Let me buy you a drink!" He grabbed her hand and pulled her with him to the bar, where he ordered them each a drink. 


They found a table and conversed for what seemed like forever. Daesung listened as Lina discussed her midterms and her passion to be a writer and what tattoos she wanted. Lina listened as Daesung discussed the tour they were finishing and the new MV he was shooting. Their eyes stayed locked on each other the entire time, both felt a strong connection to the other and the attraction was obvious.

"Wow, the time, I really need to get going," said Lina. She and Daesung had spent all night talking and dancing. He was such a fascinating individual, more so then she had expected. She stood up to head over to Mena, who herself had chatted with TOP all night. 

"Wait....." Daesung said, grabbing her arm standing up. "First of all, thank you for some of the best conversation I have had all night. Second, here, take this and remember me." He handed her a bracelet off his wrist. 

"I can't take that, that's yours." Lina said refusing.

"I have plenty, I want you to have it, ok?" He said lifting her wrist and putting it on, then leaning in and kissing her cheek. "I hope to see you next Friday!"

Daesung walked off towards the rest of the guys as they began to leave. Lina looked down at the bracelet on her wrist and smiled. Best reward for passing midterms ever!!!!

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Chapter 1: I totally said "Ayyy Guuurl, can i buy you a drink" when Dae asked her that.. Lol!