
A high school drama starring Amber from F(x) and Jessica from SNSD.



Amber is a foreign exchange student from America, but knows good Korean. She is sweet, social/friendly, funny, caring and charismatic. She used to be made fun of by 5 girls in her middle school in America. She moved to a Korean high school because of her desire for Korean culture and her parents were real estate agents that had a good business in Korea; namely Seoul. Amber didn't recieve the same reaction from her middle school over here in Korea and in fact people appreciated a tomboyish student with good athletic skills. She is rather good in academics but not a topper, since there aren't much (or any) girls like her. She always knew she was 95% heteroual and probably 5% bi, but she had only encountered the 5% part once and never thought about it again (until)...


Jessica Jung was basically worshipped like a Goddess of her high school. Even a few male teachers kinda liked her. She was popular, rich, gorgeous, had fans (boys and girls) and was out-going. Maybe a little too out-going. She had dated and broken-up with almost all the popular guys in the college and wouldn't dare to date anyone not popular because of her already popular image. Despite this she was still worshipped by fellow college mates. She also wasn't good when it came to studies, except for English and Korean, but being rich her parents (that couldn't care less about anything but their work) bribe her school/college to pass her. She has 3 whole closets of clothes, accessories and shoes, half of it from America. She has an elder brother whom she loves (but has issues expressing her sisterly love because of his annoying I'm-elder-so-listen and I-told-you-so's) but would hate if anyone tried to hurt him. his name is...




Jessica's elder brother. Unlike her, he has a cleaner reputation and is very different from her, but nonetheless cares a lot for his sister and tries correcting her actions and only succeeds if she listens. He's a smart, athletic, charming gentleman, and not to mention, has stricking features. He is also popular, two of his close friends since middle school being Chanyeol and Suho, who is also popular. Kris also has a few female teacher fans and many female fans and is very friendly towards a lot of his fellow classmates. He was a little suspicious of one classmate who has this huge crush on his sister...


Taemin was a smart kid. A 90% achiever but still a social-bug. He is a dork, and enjoys being silly with his 3 best friends, Kai, Sehun and Minho. Sehun is popular for his attractive dancing, but doesn't mind being silly along with a scholar. Taemin is a curious cat, reading a lot, just to know how the book ends, why the character did something and also because he just can't get enough out of reading. Kai had warned him about knowing more than he should but Taemin's curiousity mostly gets the better of him. He's funny but is serious when he has to be.

Jessica always thought she could get any guy, and she did, but what happens when she takes a certain interest in someone.. different? And Taemin, who has this huge crush on Jessica, whose curiosity gets the better of him, finds out something he shouldn't have. Kris has many secrets to keep, for spilling one is too risky, but if he tells the wrong person..?? And of course there will be drama and teasing here and there..


EXO, F(x), SHINee, SNSD members will randomly appear too. happy reading!


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pea2006ce #1
Can u please please update :)
Chapter 25: Update soon~
Chapter 25: New readers here!!
Wow, i really love your story..
and i hope this story will end with Jessber..

Please *puppy eyes* .. Update soon!!
jessicalm145 #4
Chapter 25: Haha... yes!!! Jessica take him out!! Do things with him.
axel0048 #5
Chapter 25: jessber's date commmiiing!!
Chapter 24: YAy! a update!!<3
ooh, cute jessber time in the class.. awh taemin :'(
asdffhgkl, super excited to the next update hihihihi!~
axel0048 #7
Chapter 24: wow !! its been so long since you updated ...
please update more often cause this story is so awesome!!
Chapter 23: Awh, i really like this chapter >~<
Yay amber gettin new friends to hangout with ~[°^°]~chill
Looking forward to your next update :DD
jessicalm145 #9
Chapter 22: I was sorta waiting on bet telling Kris that she indeed is a. Girl.
Chapter 21: Omg >.< hihihii berber & jess being cute *fangirl*
yay, finally krisber moment to talk :0
I think kris is going to talk about amber bein a girl or not maybe..maybe idk >.<*
(i always wait for ur update hehe) nice chapt! ㅇㅈㅇ/